Price Hikes Galore! (Genie+ variable pricing, ILL, refillable mugs, SWGE lightsaber and droids)


Well-Known Member
disneyland's ticket went up, wdw is bound to be next.

Unfortunately this is bound to happen, people aren't going to show with their wallets that Disney is becoming too expensive. As a result, they'll just charge more.


True Bayou Magic
Premium Member
Some price increases are easier to stomach than others. Refillable mugs, for example, had been $19.99 for years.

Would have been great to have "price increase week" in style of Hunger Games "the fallen" and everyday at the same time Disney Parks blog brings the latest price increase.


Well-Known Member
I mean, you can't be surprised by food/beverage increase. Any purchasable good really.

Have you been shopping lately? It's out of control. Everywhere, everything. I literally hear people almost yelling out loud in the grocery store at the prices, every time we shop.

Did anyone really think Disney would be immune?
Let's not act like current market conditions are the primary reason for price increases at the parks.


Well-Known Member
Price increases at Disney Parks - as regular as the changing of the seasons.
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then they make you spend

Just a little change
One more dollar at least
Guests very scared
Noone prepared
Price increases at Disney

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bitter, money grubby and strange
Finding there's more to spend
Learning you will be robbed

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Price increases at Disney

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Price increases at Disney


Well-Known Member
Really? Because Disney is immune to what is causing price increases in every other sector?
You know why? Because Disney's annual gross profit at the end of June 2022 was $28 billion. BILLION. Their annual gross profit in 2021 was $22 billion. CM's still don't make a living wage, things are being cut left and right, maintenance is non-existent, prices of everything (resorts, food, merch, tickets) are continually increasing.



Premium Member
I don’t even think most of these are unreasonable. Genie+ is the real outlier but demand is indeed too high.

I wonder if the G+ increases will actually decrease sales as hoped. I kinda doubt it…
I doubt it too.

Genie+ is never going to work well due to lack of capacity/attractions and because this is the predecessor to FP+. I believe if we weren’t so trained on FP+, G+ would have a better shot but now everyone feels like they must use it to experience the parks the way they did before and then become even more frustrated when they can’t and are paying WAY more than before

It’s a poor design and an even worse implementation but they don’t care as long as people are buying it and coming back. Guest experience and expansion isn’t a main concern when they are rolling in $ and here we are…frustrated


Well-Known Member
Genie + is absolutely ridiculous. I’m local and was going to go to Epcot yesterday with my family of four. That would have been an initial cost of $60 for all of us just to use the fastpass system. My next thought was “Well we can just wait in line for some of the rides and not buy it. Let me check the wait times!”. When I pulled up the app, Living with the Land and Seas with Nemo had 35 minute waits and were some of the shortest in the park. Guardians had no ILL available, Ratatouille was 90 minutes so we just said screw it and didn’t go. My kids are still little enough that an hour wait isn’t feasible for them and I’ve been around long enough riding LwtL and Seas with Nemo with NO WAIT at all that I’m definitely not waiting 35 minutes for either of those. And those wait times for rides that previously had no waits is consistent, yesterday wasn’t an anomaly. So instead we took the kids to a local playground and got Chikfila, when previously our food money would have went to Disney.

The only way I can see genie + pricing not being awful is if you have 4 individual adults who are all paying for their own. But as a parent with kids and it’s all coming out of the same bank account, with record inflation going on, not gonna happen.
I think they always show a wait based on an AI engine now, rather than the old red card system. None of the listed waits over the last two weeks I rode had any bearing on the actual time, which was usually less, but obviously that doesn’t sell much Genie+.


Well-Known Member
I think they always show a wait based on an AI engine now, rather than the old red card system. None of the listed waits over the last two weeks I rode had any bearing on the actual time, which was usually less, but obviously that doesn’t sell much Genie+.
Yeah when I went a couple weeks ago, a lot of the time the wait times were about half of what was posted.

But it was more than made up for by the several rides that broke down for a little while while we were waiting in line, where we ended up waiting twice as long as the posted wait because the lightning lane got backed up so they let in 100 lightning lane guests for every 1 standby


Premium Member
I think they always show a wait based on an AI engine now, rather than the old red card system. None of the listed waits over the last two weeks I rode had any bearing on the actual time, which was usually less, but obviously that doesn’t sell much Genie+.
Which is baffling to me because the rfid technology in the bands could literally post real time waits with real accuracy


Well-Known Member
I don’t even think most of these are unreasonable. Genie+ is the real outlier but demand is indeed too high.

I wonder if the G+ increases will actually decrease sales as hoped. I kinda doubt it…

everything individually isn't too bad (though $250 for a lightsaber is a lot of cheddar) ... but feels like dumping it all at once, rip the band-aid, and let people move past it while announcing the variable pricing for Genie+, etc.

Deal with one day of loud "outrage" vs a month of small outrage


Premium Member
It won't because the message is clear; you either pay for Genie+, or you're vacation will be awful.

And because everyone is paying for this with credit cards, marginal increases like $5-$7/person/day won't make a difference.

You either pay for Genie+ and your experience will be frustrating/awful or you don’t and your trip will be even more frustrating/awful

But hey there will probably be a new $4 coke and $40 popcorn bucket to cheer us up

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