Premium Passholder 20% -- GONE


Well-Known Member
The fact that they would pull this on DVCers just totally dumbfounds me. I just have absolutely no idea what their focus/mission statement is anymore. Although I think they are gradually moving their interests to being more timeshare based (I am not a fan) I have to question how they could be making so many bad decisions/cutbacks without actually trying to purposely sabotage their profits long term. If TDO is looking for a corporate write off as a loss in WDW in say 2020 then they are doing a wonderful job.

THE DVC owners will be the group that - if vocal enough - could get this policy reversed. What happened to "ONE DISNEY" and doing the same thing on both coasts? it would seem that aligning both AP and DVC discount programs for CA and Florida would make the most sense and be an easier policy to manage.

Guess One Disney only works when it favors management and not the guests.

Like I have said before, I **really** excited for my next trip to DL. 2013 will be the third year in a row I have skipped WDW and gone to DL instead.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious?!? I literally upgraded to Premium just last month FOR THE DISCOUNT. //SHRILL//

Call and complain. Demand they grandfather you. Tell them they have to honor the program that they marketed / sold to you. It might not work but if enough angry consumers call at least TDO might wake up. They still might not care, but at least they will sense a growing anger.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Call and complain. Demand they grandfather you. Tell them they have to honor the program that they marketed / sold to you. It might not work but if enough angry consumers call at least TDO might wake up. They still might not care, but at least they will sense a growing anger.
I would imagine that there is small print that addresses that.


Well-Known Member
It would be even worse if they weren't doing it right on the left coast. Thank goodness THEY get it at least.
Actually, the DL discount had to remain for the Premiere AP because of the membership changes instituted at Club 33 this year. Had it not been for those changes, I'm confident DL would have lost their 20% discount as well.

The old C33 membership tiers were recently eliminated except for existing grandfathered members who choose to continue renewing each year without any lapses. Anyone who wants to join C33 now as a new member or lapsed member must do so in the newer system, which features the Premiere AP as major part of the benefits package.

Getting folks to pony up $40K for their initial dues then $10K each year afterwards, which includes 4 Premiere APs for you and your family/relatives/friends, would definitely invite lawsuits for bait-and-switch false advertising if that 20% discount dropped to 10% shortly after the new membership program became available.

For heavy spenders who visit DL on a regular basis, that 10% difference does help to justify the huge expense of the C33 annual dues, if only psychologically. And given the preponderance of well-heeled professionals in SoCal who purchase these C33 memberships, I'm certain Disney ran the numbers and realized it was far cheaper to keep the 20% discount alive in DL, than to face several lawsuits over claims of DL falsely advertising the new and improved (more expensive) membership program.


The value of the AP program is being reduced significantly in my opinion. In addition to the reduced merchandise discount, don't forget the recent price increase of the TIW card from $75 to $100. I'm re-evaluating our 2013 plans. Shorter trip = No need for AP.


Well-Known Member
The value of the AP program is being reduced significantly in my opinion. In addition to the reduced merchandise discount, don't forget the recent price increase of the TIW card from $75 to $100. I'm re-evaluating our 2013 plans. Shorter trip = No need for AP.
  • Premium Annual Passes went up 7.7%.
  • Annual Passes went up 10.6%.
  • Children under the age of 10 now are charged the full adult AP price.
  • AP merchandise discount was cut in half.
  • TIW price went up 33%.
There's a pattern here. It seems WDW doesn't like AP holders any more.


Well-Known Member
  • Premium Annual Passes went up 7.7%.
  • Annual Passes went up 10.6%.
  • Children under the age of 10 now are charged the full adult AP price.
  • AP merchandise discount was cut in half.
  • TIW price went up 33%.
There's a pattern here. It seems WDW doesn't like AP holders any more.

Perhaps we DVC members might lose some DVC discounts as well.


Well-Known Member
  • Premium Annual Passes went up 7.7%.
  • Annual Passes went up 10.6%.
  • Children under the age of 10 now are charged the full adult AP price.
  • AP merchandise discount was cut in half.
  • TIW price went up 33%.
There's a pattern here. It seems WDW doesn't like AP holders any more.
I'm a DVC member and if this trend continues I may not be as I'm beginning to question the value here lately with pricing going up and discounts and upkeep very much going down over the past 5-10 years


I just emailed customer service and posted on their FB page. Only two things I can think of. I saw a few other posts on their "Recommendations" part of the WDW FB page, maybe if enough people complain... doubt it, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We dumped our APs when the kids ones went up with an annual increase and to the 1 tier pricing both at the same time. The went up nearly $150 each.

Would love to get them again, but we are totally priced out at this point.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
We dumped our APs when the kids ones went up with an annual increase and to the 1 tier pricing both at the same time. The went up nearly $150 each.

Would love to get them again, but we are totally priced out at this point.

One of the biggest changes over the years is the evening up of kids and adult ticket prices. My family went over Thanksgiving week and we had 3 old tickets, but we didn't have one for my 7 y/o since the old tickets were bought before she was born. I went to the GR window at EPCOT and said that I'd like a 3 day child's park hopper. When they said, $301, I quizzically replied, "For a child's 3 day PH?" That's nuts. I know I could've gotten a slightly discounted ticket in advance, but since I only had to get one and it was for a kid, I decided not to worry about it. Perhaps they're trying not to people off that they define an adult as a 10 yo or whatever the hell it is now. If you're going to do prices like that, at least add some gambling and titty bars.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
  • Premium Annual Passes went up 7.7%.
  • Annual Passes went up 10.6%.
  • Children under the age of 10 now are charged the full adult AP price.
  • AP merchandise discount was cut in half.
  • TIW price went up 33%.
There's a pattern here. It seems WDW doesn't like AP holders any more.

No, no, they still like you and want your business. Just a a higher profitability rate for them, that's all.


Active Member
This all reminds me of the bs excuse I keep hearing over and over at WDW. DL gets to have more fun because they value their pass holders more, and WDW is reserved for once in a lifetime trip vacationers. They keep this up and I will honor their commitment to me as a new Floridian and only renew my APs at Universal, where they care about their pass holders. A very sad series of events are unfolding, that if continued, could change the balance of power here.


Well-Known Member
Again, Disney is offering less and less to their customers while charging more and more. It's ridiculous. Unfortunately,if people keep paying, they will keep raising the prices and taking away any discounts, promotions, etc.. People can complain all they want but if those same people complaining keep feeding Disney their money, Disney will be laughing all the way to the bank. I'm questioning my AP now. May not renew in the spring. disney has already started to price out middle class families who have to save for an entire year just to be able to take a family of 4.. Now it looks like they are moving towards APs.


Well-Known Member
Attendance is not skyrocketing. Guest spending is down around the resort and the hotels are not reaching any sorts of capacity. Ladies and gentlemen pay attention. You are all witnessing breaking points from consumers when a large company that was used to have the majority of the market gets greedy.


Well-Known Member
There are many, MANY individuals out there who will purchase the Premium just for the merch discount.
Many of those will actually buy the pass and never intend to spend one day at the parks.
There are a few who will actually go into WoD and drop several thousands of dollars WEEKLY, with shopping assistants, and then apply their discount.
They then go back and sell everything they purchased, if it wasn't already sold, online for the same up-charge as their discount.
20% discount is a 20% profit / business to them.

This happens daily. This happens throughout the property. This is a big issue.

To add to this... want to know one of the reasons why all the Party Merchandise, Limited merchandise, etc disappears way before you make it to the party or special event? You can thank these same individuals. They know their limits, they know how to work around the loopholes, and will literally buy passes for every member of their 'families' and max-out the limited amounts per individual. There was ZERO Halloween merch after about Oct 15 this year... and boy did that suck. Even used a local supplier for shirts for MVMCP to avoid this happening again, but pins were long gone before the last 5+ parties.

It is not difficult to track these people down (they have actually HANDED CM's their business cards in the merch locations, while others will actually brag out loud in front of other guests about their intentions and then plug their websites).
The problem is linking them to the online transaction. Even if Disney is able to find the person and link the fraud to the premium pass, the most they would do is cancel the pass. In extreme cases, there are several sources out there trying to eliminate the fraud, but it is a big issue.

The common guest is catching on as well. These same scenarios are expanding at an increasing rate.

Innkeeper's Club

Well-Known Member
Wow this past August before I went to renew my Annual Pass I was considering upgrading to the Premium Pass just for the 20% discount because I spend a fair amount on merchandise each time I'm at WDW. So I guess it's a good thing I didn't.

However this news has me wondering for those with regular Annual Passes is our discount going to remain at 10% and not drop down to 5%?

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