Just like our last trip in early January, it happened quickly. Last trip was scheduled within 24 hours. Same with this one. Wife and I were working from home in PA during an ice storm and my daughter texted from work down in Jacksonville, FL. "Check out Frontier prices....super low." Didn't take me long before I was calling my mom and convincing her to join us and telling my daughter to make dining and park reservations. My sons who are 22 and 19, have not joined us for a FL trip in three years. I convinced them to join us too so I'm really looking forward to that. We were upgraded to Saratoga Springs five years ago and my youngest son saw the treehouse villas and said he'd love to stay there someday. We were in a two bedroom. We're booked for the villa for this trip ! Super excited for this one because we have the entire family and my mom who is 72 is coming along. Just got a new IPhone so I'll be able to take some really good pictures this trip. Really hoping that we can get into a RotR group because it will be my sons' first time to the Star Wars part of the park.