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New Member
yeah i hear that, it seems like everyone else is from Florida, Georgia and all the other surrounding states.

there is one other Long Islander that I know of, MickeyMan, but he is out in the Hamptons. Really far away.


oh my goodness, I just noticed as we were posting about our geographical region I was promoted to "member" lol I'm not a newbie anymore :sohappy:


New Member
LOL.....its funny how everyone loves when there title changes. I am looking foward to mine changing. I am not sure whats next or when it will happen, but I am ready. :lol:


lol yup im a big dork hehe... its my first title change, im allowed to be happy... even though i really have no idea what it means :cool:


New Member
Originally posted by JenLUVSmickey
yeah i hear that, it seems like everyone else is from Florida, Georgia and all the other surrounding states.

there is one other Long Islander that I know of, MickeyMan, but he is out in the Hamptons. Really far away.

Hmph I'm in cali *sniffles*. That's all the way on the other coast LOL.


New Member
Yes I love Cali. Very partial to Orange County at the moment (even though I live in LA and not only cause that's where Anaheim is ;) )


So don't fret LA and NYC are two of the coolest cities (second only to lake buena vista and anaheim)



hey Alee,
i'm not sure of the exact miles but its about a 15 hour drive to anahiem. I attend the University of Oregon (by the way our mascot is no other than Donald Duck himself, GO DUCKS!!!) Its not to hard to make a quik weekend trip out of it. my college friends and i have already done it a couple times this school year. Leave at about 5pm friday night, get there at about 9am saturday moring, spend the entire day at the park and then leave sunday afternoon. it a long trip but it sure is fun when your tired of staying on campus. its definetly worth it.:D


Not too horrible... Actually I'm told that Oregon is a beautiful state. And then again I actually like the rain.. its raining cats and dogs now and i was just out on my front lawn dancing with my friends lol But i dont know if i could stand it 9 months of the year!


this is definetly a beautiful state. we have everything from the low desert planes to the high volcanic snow capped mountian ranges (where you can ski 365 a year), to the beautiful lighthouse coasts. if you have ever seen Goonies or the original Free Willy they were both filmed on the Oregon coast. and honestly the rain is not that bad. you get used to it, or at least i have. its actually very nice today. its a very warm and sunny 60 degrees outside right now.
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