Possible return of the "Backstage Pass" attraction at the Disney-MGM studios


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In my opinion, they just need to put some off-the-shelf childrens program in the other soundstage nextdoor to millionaire. Whether it be the "movie surfers" or something new that resembles what they did on nickelodeon between television shows where they had games and callers and voting, etc. Just something fun and interactive for kids.

Doing something like this would please everyone:
1.) It would return "actual production" to a studios-based theme park that prides itself on some of its actual productions.

2.) It would return interest to a backstage pass type of tour in which you could pass by actual WORKING soundstages, hence returning the appeal to this type of tour.

3.) By creating a new (possibly live) interactive show for the disney channel, not only would it act as an attraction for the park and as an in-park advertisement for the channel... the reverse would be true as well; by doing a show directly from the studios, it works as an advertisement for the park(s) when seen on TV and acts as an incentive to visit. Will the entire family come to disneyworld just so little Jimmy can be a part of his favorite tv show? Probably not no... but its just a little extra incentive because when you think about it the entire family isn't JUST coming so little Suzy can see Cinderellabration either, yet that has gotten its fair share of advertisements.

To me, this is just a no-brainer... but maybe I'm just missing something here.


Well-Known Member
MGM needs something, aside from more cowbell. The animation tour is so sad compared to what it was, and the backstage tour is not much better.


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You're right about the animation tour. It is such a damn shame... Though It has several great elements such as the "Drawn to Animation" intro, the voice recording booths, and the "Animation academy"---It is all very thrown together and not presented very well. The interior of the tour is probably one of the blandest, most unimaginative looking places in WDW and thats just not how it should be. If they HAD to take away the animators and throw together the "tour" that we have today, the LEAST they could have done was present it nicely with a similar set-up to that of DCA. I just find it depressing to be in there nowadays to be standing in the same spot where I know animators were working just a few years ago.


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Coasterbp said:
The comment about the tour attraction having to close because of the alleged "Florida Game Commision", (which btw, isn't real... try looking it up....) is false. That had nothing to do with the tour being closed.
I was actually going to post something along these same lines. The last time I went on the tour (2001) Millionaire was up and running and we could see it from the bridge.


netenyahoo said:
Actually the series is the Chronicles of Narnia with the first book called The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

Actually the first book in the series of seven is called 'The Magician's Nephew'. Although not the first published, I believe, it is the first in the series chronological order. The Chronicles of Narnia were written by C.S. Lewis.


Active Member
now i personally do not remeber the part of the backstage pass tour where u walked through the SSs but i do remeber the 101 dalmations part a few years back.......now apparently years ago in the early 90's the ss where millionare actually had special editions of wheel of fortune filmed, (kinda like how millionare is actually filmed for tv there). so ya, this is what my parents tell me


New Member
The tour was definitly not shut down due to the Game Commission thing or whatever it was called.

But anyway, if those sound stages are still being used, Disney might as well reopen the tour.

But of course I wish that Disney would build a new backstage area and all that area that is now backstage be leveled and used to add on to the park.

The park is too badly designed due to its planning.


Well-Known Member
IF the backstage tour is being reworked, Narnia might be a good choice as it is a series, the Chronicles of Narnia. Addition elements could be added with the release of each of the movies based on the books, thus creating both longevity and regular refreshment of the attraction. That is, IF the first movie is a success, which I hope it is as I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis in general and the Chronicles of Narnia in particular.


New Member
DLP Fan said:
Actually the first book in the series of seven is called 'The Magician's Nephew'. Although not the first published, I believe, it is the first in the series chronological order. The Chronicles of Narnia were written by C.S. Lewis.

You're right. And for those wondering:

The Chronicles of Narnia:
The Magician's Nephew
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Horse and his Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle

It would be really cool if they had the tour through the LWW stuff. It's a great series and it's going to be a great movie.


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imamouse said:
IF the backstage tour is being reworked, Narnia might be a good choice as it is a series, the Chronicles of Narnia. Addition elements could be added with the release of each of the movies based on the books, thus creating both longevity and regular refreshment of the attraction. That is, IF the first movie is a success, which I hope it is as I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis in general and the Chronicles of Narnia in particular.
With that same mindset, you'd think we would have seen more come out of the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, whether it be a "behind the scenes of the POTC films," Or a re-working of "Harbor Attack" and give it a POTC theme... that would have been ideal.

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