Possible Changes coming to the Guest Assistance Cards (GAC)

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New Member
Sorry to run with the issue a bit but....Since there is someone from GR here I have always wanted to ask this about the GAC. Is there anything that can be used for people who have issues with the sun? Not a heat issue, but literally an allergy to over sun exposure...or sunscreen, we've never figured it out (not the ped, not the dermatologist, they don't know). My poor dd comes home every trip swollen and red, and we usually spend a week or two battling the ensuing eczema that follows her burns because she is allergic to all types of sunscreen, but without it she also reacts almost as badly to sun exposure. It prevents us from doing things like waiting for the daytime parade in sunny spots, waiting in character lines that aren't shaded....we also avoid summer trips (she roasts in 20 minutes) and we carry an umbrella most days to help...we'll never visit a waterpark I'm sure.
I just always wondered if there was anything offered to at least allow for shady waiting areas, or faster line access for situations where there is no shaded option. We were so bummed when characters were removed from the EMH nights because we've always had to tour the parks late for her benefit.

Part of me has always feared if we asked for anything we'd be treated rudely but it is something that is an actual problem we deal with every day.

this is typical of what she looks like after sun exposure or attempted sunscreen use.
There is a stamp called "Shaded Wait Area," but, like all of the stamps, carries that caveat of "Where available" and unfortunately, some of the locations you listed (parade, certain characters) simply do not have one available. :(

What are the most common bogus reasons given for asking? The heat? Their kids?

Those are usually the two biggest ones, actually. Most of the time, its "My child has a disease where he can't wait in line." It's tough to say what is bogus though, because like the previous poster, some people truly DO have issues with the heat. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about those. Alternate Entrance wouldn't help because most queues are covered anyways.

I also hesitate to call this reason "bogus" (and for the record, I am not necessarily saying that) because I know how sensitive it is, but I would say probably 70% of people that GR deals with get a GAC due to kids having ADD or ADHD.


Active Member
There is a stamp called "Shaded Wait Area," but, like all of the stamps, carries that caveat of "Where available" and unfortunately, some of the locations you listed (parade, certain characters) simply do not have one available. :(

Thanks for the info - doesn't sound like it would help much. Why couldn't Disney have been built in the pacific northwest.....


Well-Known Member
I would not be able to work in Guest Relations it would seem...I work in a field where I see disabled children every day as well as healthy children. My heart truly goes out to the children (and adults) who need a GAC. I see their difficulties every day and I would so not be able to tolerate the abuse of the card. A peanut allergy, having small children (seriously??) hemmeroids...all requests that would get my blood boiling. :( it's clear the system needs some sort of change.

Edit: ADD/ADHD is a hard one. I've seen kids who do really have a hard time focusing, being not so hyper to the point of disturbing others, ect. If its that uncontrolled, I could understand getting a GAC for the sake of your child and other guests. At the same time, I've seen kids where it is really well controlled and not so much of an issue...those Id have a harder time with getting a GAC. But obviously you'd hope people wouldn't just claim add/adhd to get their "front of the line" pass but I am sure it happens, sadly


New Member
I would not be able to work in Guest Relations it would seem...I work in a field where I see disabled children every day as well as healthy children. My heart truly goes out to the children (and adults) who need a GAC. I see their difficulties every day and I would so not be able to tolerate the abuse of the card. A peanut allergy, having small children (seriously??) hemmeroids...all requests that would get my blood boiling. :( it's clear the system needs some sort of change.
That is the feeling that most GR cast have. We get the Guests that CLEARLY need assistance, the kids that are wheelchair bound, can't speak, and on breathing equipment, that don't even KNOW about the GAC until we tell them. Two minutes later, we get the guest who comes up and says "My kid doesn't like crowds, so we need that front of the line pass." It's in a word, frustrating.

Now that is not to say that every guest needs to have a CLEARLY visible disability to be truly disabled, but I hope my point is being made. This system has GOT to change.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to chime in here - I have type 1 diabetes, and am on an insulin pump. I also live locally and visit the parks often (not to mention being outside in general on any given day). I know everyone's needs are vastly different, but I personally have never had a problem with the heat spoiling my insulin, or anything of that nature. I've even laid out in the sun for extended periods - I just make sure my pump is well protected. I would never dream of using a GAC, etc.

They make great products for people who are concerned with the heat affecting their insulin - I highly recommend looking into Frio packs. Honestly, I'd be more concerned with all the walking that is done from attraction to attraction than waiting in a line that usually moves pretty steadily. Off the top of my head, I can't even think of many lines that are in direct sunlight for a majority of the time.


Premium Member
The ADD/ADHD excuse needs to go...
Disney needs to enforce the actual accomodation (like steps, shade, etc) and not just giveaway alt entrance blindly..
Change the alt entrance policy to a set return time to make it not a 'cut to the front' to cut down on the attractiveness to abuse..


Premium Member
Just wanted to chime in here - I have type 1 diabetes, and am on an insulin pump. I also live locally and visit the parks often (not to mention being outside in general on any given day). I know everyone's needs are vastly different, but I personally have never had a problem with the heat spoiling my insulin, or anything of that nature. I've even laid out in the sun for extended periods - I just make sure my pump is well protected. I would never dream of using a GAC, etc.

Yeah, I didn't quite get that one. My brother in law is type I with full time pump.. and he is a FARMER and worked construction. Doesn't get much more outside and strenuous then that :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't think it's anywhere near as low as 5%. The article made a good case for rampant abuse by DL AP-holders. I don't think it's anywhere near as bad at WDW.

Just compare the number of people coming through the gates at MK at any one time to the number who are at Guest Relations getting a GAC. It's one out of hundreds. And I don't think the majority of people who request one are faking or lying.

I fully agree abuse should be minimized. DisneySaint asks about a group of teenagers coming in and asking for a GAC. That's an easy one to me: "Go get your parents and come back." In most cases they won't be back. Or a parent requesting one who doesn't have his autistic kid with him. "Well, go get your kid and come back." (Why would a CM issue a card for someone who may not even exist? How does a privacy law supposedly force you to do that? That's just an excuse for taking the easy way out.) Most people who are lying about an autistic kid won't come back.

I've watched in the FastPass lines, and most people show CMs an actual FastPass, not a GAC. If GACs were abolished there'd be almost no difference in the time you'd wait in stand-by lines at WDW. If it ever gets as bad as it seems to be at DL, then it's time to make changes.
Judging by the number of people in this thread alone who simply could not survive without their GAC...I would say the problem is even worse.


Well-Known Member
To chime in once more here, I think that ultimately the idea of Fastpass+ is going to be able to be used to take some of the stress off of the GAC system. I also think however, that GAC as we know it today will be ending sooner rather than later. My guess here is that within the Fastpass+ system there will be a possibility to build in a percentage of guests who will be using the Fastpass lanes at the attractions so as not to overburden the system. That, and with the ability to get the Fastpass's before you even get to the parks will be very advantageous to those who usually use the GAC now. I can see them planning out the trip so they know the itinerary well in advance to take the guesswork out of the trip while you are already there so that will be one less thing to have to consider and they can just worry about enjoying themselves with their families. I'm assuming they have a lot of extra things to worry about in their everyday lives that most of the rest of us don't so I'm guessing they'd love a vacation that they can escape from those everyday concerns (at least as much as is realistically possible) just like the rest of us try to do.

One last thing here... no matter what Disney, or anyone else for that matter, try to do to make the resort as accessible as possible there is just no realistic way to account for every different kind of medical, physical, or other situation that people unfortunately have to deal with out there. As long as they keep trying their best, that is all that can be reasonably asked of them. I know as a CM we do our best each and every day to bring the Magic to EVERYONE who comes our way. Providing the Magic to every guest is a big part of the reason I moved across the country and away from everything I've known just so I had a chance to do that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a solution: The guest with the disability, and their party receives fewer or no restrictions on Fastpass acquisitions. This will be greatly eased once the Fastpass+ system is put in place. Whether they can schedule out their entire day and acquire Fastpasses for more attractions, it will still be under the guidelines of the Fastpass+ system. If the current Fastpass rules apply, perhaps the "Next Available Fastpass" option is eliminated. If this can be done on a phone it will complicate things a bit, but no more than the average guest and the end game will still be an advantage for guests with disabilities.

Additionally, under the new system the cards themselves can also be electronic and therefor hidden to the public. Part of the growth of this problem is other people seeing the passes and wondering how to get one.


Well-Known Member
DISCLAIMER! I fully understand that some folks have legitimate needs for GACs and I am not trying to minimize their issues or make fun of them in any way.

I was lucky enough to be able to work at Guest Relations for a good period of time recently, and can tell you without a shadow of doubt or hesitation that the GAC problem is out of control. For reference, MK gives out around 400-450 of these cards, stamped Alternate Entrance, per DAY. Probably 90% of these cards are written for the maximum of six people each. That is nearly 2,700 people in the MK each day getting a BRAND NEW GAC. That 2,700 does NOT include Guests who have gotten a GAC on a previous day at MK, or a previous day or the same day at the other 3 parks or DTD. Epcot does around 300, DHS around 250 and AK does around 150. DTD maybe 50 per day. That means on an average busy day, there are around 7,000 Guests getting NEW GACs for alternate entrance. Remember that does not include GACs from previous days!

This has FLOODED the FP queues with alternate entrance GACs, to the point that if you really stop and take notice, I would say almost half of the people entering the FP queue are doing so with GACs.

GACs are the bane of the GR cast. We know that some people have a legitimate need, but so many more just have heard about them or "can't" wait in line. (Their word.) The reasons we have heard are as numerous as the people that ask for them. Peanut allergy. Pregnancy. Hemorrhoids. "My doctor said to ask for the front of the line card." "It's too hot." One of my favorites: "I have small children with me."

We as GR cast have been asked to simply write the card, by park management. Now, they are seeing the abuse and want to try to rein it in, so for the past few months we have been actively tracking the amount of GACs with Alternate Entrance we give out, and they, and the FP+ team, are shocked. It's as if they had no idea. But GR cast have known for months.

Did you know that, right along side the stolen and reused tickets sold on 192, you can BUY an "All-Day FastPass" for Disney parks?! Isn't that great! But I'm sure you can already guess what they are selling. Yes, the ticket sellers also SELL (which means another Guest SOLD) their used GAC. Disgusting.

Also, how do you think some of those "VIP tour services" that charge 1/2 what Disney's legitimate VIP tour service charge are able to provide "VIP access" to Disney attractions? Yep, the VIP tour operators have their guides get the Guests a GAC.

MK had a tour guide that had diabetes. He walked around, in the sun, all day giving the Keys to the Kingdom tour with an insulin pack strapped to him. He could not bring himself to ever write a GAC to a Guest with diabetes.

You may say I am making all this up, but I saw it, every day, for a year. It's truly disgusting what people will do and say to you to get one of these cards. I think the reason GR cast are so bitter about them is how often we know, in the bottom of our hearts, that a total stranger is lying to us about a disability, and it cheapens it for the people that really need the help. If I had a dollar for the amount of times I have heard "Yeah, hi, I need the front of the line pass for my kid who can't wait in lines" I could have retired months ago. I even had one person come up to me, say "My kid is retarded, I need a front of the line pass." WHO SAYS "MY CHILD IS RETARDED?! He couldn't keep a straight face when he said "retarded" either, which is a word I hate. Tell me this guy has a legitimate need for a GAC, go ahead and try. But, we've been taught "They ask, they get."

Disney truly does work miracles though, because I can't tell you how many times a Guest has come into GR, limping, hardly able to move, to get a GAC. And then, miraculously, as they exit the building, their debilitating condition has healed itself, as we watch them jump out and down, GAC in hand, and go meet the rest of their family.

That, folks, is magic.....
Yes, the liars and fakers are disgusting. But to say 90% of GACs are written for the maximum of 6 people is an exaggeration, and to say nearly half of people entering FP lines use a GAC is a gross exaggeration. I actually do "stop and take notice" every time I'm in the parks (because someone who's since been banned from this site used to raise this issue on here a lot) and it's more like 10-15%, not half.


New Member
Yes, the liars and fakers are disgusting. But to say 90% of GACs are written for the maximum of 6 people is an exaggeration, and to say nearly half of people entering FP lines use a GAC is a gross exaggeration. I actually do "stop and take notice" every time I'm in the parks (because someone who's since been banned from this site used to raise this issue on here a lot) and it's more like 10-15%, not half.

You are probably right that I was off on the 50%, I apologize. I think it is higher than 10-15%, but without real numbers I shouldn't have thrown out the 50% number without data to back it up. Data which I am sure is out there, but above my pay-grade. I edited my original post to reflect this.

I do, however, think I am pretty close on the 90% number for cards for 6 people. Normally we ask "How many are in your party" and quite frequently are told a number OVER 6. Other times people ask "Well how many can it be for?" to which we respond ".....how many are in your party?" and they always seem to know that 6 is the maximum. Or sometimes Guests will say "Well we have 4 but our friends might meet us" so they ask for 6.

steamboat wil

Active Member
I would rather stand in a long line any day if meant my son could walk and talk like everyone else, but unfortunately he can't. If the GAC is modified we could certainly adapt to the new rules. I wish the fakers would realize how hard a day at WDW is for us regardless of the GAC. He loves it though, and every task we go through is worth the price of admission to see him smile. I hope some sort of GAC is kept. Thanks Disney, my family appreciates this service.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the liars and fakers are disgusting. But to say 90% of GACs are written for the maximum of 6 people is an exaggeration, and to say nearly half of people entering FP lines use a GAC is a gross exaggeration. I actually do "stop and take notice" every time I'm in the parks (because someone who's since been banned from this site used to raise this issue on here a lot) and it's more like 10-15%, not half.

As someone who works in the parks and sees these every day I can say that 90% and 50% may be exaggerations but the actual number is much closer to those than 10-15% which is why this is becoming an issue with FP+ just around the corner.


Well-Known Member
I would rather stand in a long line any day if meant my son could walk and talk like everyone else, but unfortunately he can't. If the GAC is modified we could certainly adapt to the new rules. I wish the fakers would realize how hard a day at WDW is for us regardless of the GAC. He loves it though, and every task we go through is worth the price of admission to see him smile. I hope some sort of GAC is kept. Thanks Disney, my family appreciates this service.

GACs of some sort will be around to stay because guests with disabilities are special to Disney. I just think the system will be altered to make it easier for the people who really do need it and be more fair for everyone. Right now I say it can be hard for people who really do need it because in some rides (TSMM being the biggest) the wait for GAC can be more than the fastpass or standbye wait as all GACs are sent to the wheel chair side which only has a few cars running at a time. This is also the issue with rides such as BTMRR or Everest where the GAC has you load in the back so only one GAC family can be loaded at a time. When the busy season arrives those waits can get very long thus negating what the GAC was for.

The worst I have to deal with is when guests with a GAC card want the special viewing of Illuminations. Most people don't realize reserved fireworks seating is for wheel chairs, evc, and strollers as wheel chairs all other GAC technically do not apply. The issue comes when 1 CM allows a GAC card for alternate entrance or shade or sitting come into their parade viewing area the guest then expects that every time. This then puts all of us in an awkward situation when the next CM to work that position is someone who follows the rule to a t.
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