Well-Known Member
Again, it isn't about what you think or how you feel. It's about those people. There are many good reasons they might not want to go through it all.Did you read something different that what I wrote? I don't want to see reasonable accommodation lessened, and I also feel that there are many areas where it cannot be done. If a person could do everything they would no longer be disabled would they? What I want to see changed is the stupid, bigoted idea that having a disability is some sort of shame not to be discussed. It's like having a disability is an evil thing brought on by satan and is not to be discussed because we are assuming that for a brief period of time they forgot they had a disability and now we have reopened a wound. It is foolish to think that a person with a handicap, of any sort, would be embarrassed to show evidence of a problem in order to gain access to something that otherwise would be impossible.
Because we obviously have this stigma remaining in our collective minds, we don't want to embarrass anyone by asking for evidence where it is needed. People with obvious problems are not in question here, by anyone. It's those that can't be seen that incite the judgment given by unqualified, paranoid and, I'll say it again, stupid people. A one time verification, in private, does not mean that you hang a sign off a person saying, "look at me, I'm getting an advantage that you aren't and you don't even know whether I need it or not". It would silently say...I have given the information I needed to be allowed this benefit so...have a magical day...nothing to see here. I would think that in the range of human dignity that would go a long way to stop all the unnecessary judgment of others and allow them to be and blend with the rest of humanity without them having to feel that others are watching them, looking for that disability.
Plus, the Disney staff won't be able to understand it all and would have to take them at their word, there is no real point to it, anyway.
If you start your paragraph with, "It will hurt people, but they should have to do it anyway, because..." and leave out all the stuff about what you think and what you feel, that might help.
End it with, "and that is why it is a good idea to cause people who have a ton of problems even more grief."