Port Orleans Riverside vs. Wilderness Lodge..why is one better than the other?

I am trying to decide whether or not to stay at POR or Wilderness Lodge.:shrug: Other than the obvious.. Moderate vs. Deluxe and price, hwy would you suggest one over the other. I have stayed at POR adn really liked it, but might want to try something new like Wilderness. I just love the way it looks. Would I be better off staying at POR, are their any special amenities that are better at one than the other, better rooms? Thanks for any help you can offer. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I stayed at the Wilderness Lodge for the first time last month and LOVED IT!!! The theming was outstanding, the cast members were awesome and I really liked the boat ride to the MK.
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Well-Known Member
You will always find somebody who loves one more than the other. Never stayed at POR, but have stayed at the WL over 10 times! The theming is wonderful and the minute you turn onto the drive you are taken away from the hustle and bustle. The staff is very accommodating and will bend over backward to please. The atmosphere is very relaxing :snore:

At the WL everything is located under one roof, 2 sit down restaurants a snack bar and a mercantile for shopping. There is a boat to the MK and also one to the Contemporary to hit the monorail. There is one bus stop located between the Villas and the Lodge.

Compare hotels ...


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Mouse Man

New Member
I have stayed at both. So besides the price, it all comes down to your taste and theme. I love WL becuase I love to camp and fish. I truly do live in a Log Cabin community at home so the WL makes me and the DWF very happy and comfortable. Now the WL has the Whispering Canyon Cafe that does get rowdie at times and is just a down good ol time. They also have a wonderful gift shop where we have bought numerous Black Bear items for our home. Love seeing the light Parade in the evening on the seven seas lagoon. Good Doc for boat rentals and love evey other year to get a fishing trip out on the lagoon. Lastly love the boat to MK. I also forgot to mention love seeing the geiser go off every now and then. Had numerous drinks at Trout Pass Bar by the pool.

Now we can't always afford to stay at the WL so our next favorite is POR.

We love the Southern Plantation theme and truly love the looks of the grounds. We also enjoy taking advantage of the quiet pools at night which WL does not have. The gift shop is wonderful and huge and the staff has always treated us well. Down side is Boa rights closed for Breakfast. They were absolutely the best for breakfast, Strawberries & Cream, Bakery Bucket, stuffed french toast. The rooms are nice and roomy. Now I prefer to fish this section of the water more than the seven seas lagoon. Better Bass and under fished. We love the DOC and the boat rentals. We always rent a boat and take it to Down town Disney and DOC at captain Jacks to go get Milk Shakes at Ghiardellies and then hop back on the boat and head back to POR. POR has a nice arcade and we love the piano bar man at night in the lobby.

So keeping price out of mind, If you love the outdoors and love the feeling of being rustic yet modern then WL is for you. If you love the charm of the south with a really layed back atomsphere then POR is for you. Again, this is a personal preferance.

Now If we could afford WL every year this is where we would stay. This year it is not so we are staying at our next favorite POR. If money is not the issue and you like what I have said then the WL is truly worthe it. Hope this helps you a bit.
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Well-Known Member
We've stayed at both and really did not care for PORS. We prefer the theming, pools, rooms, amenities, and bring right on the lake with its boat access to MK. For us it I'd no contest. Also we love Yellowstone and the American West, so that might have something to do with it as well. The rooms are bigger and things are easier to get to at WL, but nothing is crowded. Go for the WL, you won't be disappointed.
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New Member
Love both. Would choose WL for theming, plus it's easier to get around with the rooms being right there. Would choose POR if you're a Bob Jackson fan.
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Well-Known Member
Our 4th stay at the WL begins in 8 days!!! We stayed at POFQ last year and regerted it everyday we were there!! We think of the WL as our home away from home. Love the fact that everything is under roof..has great TS and bar. DD like the pool and IMHO best resort gift shop on property!! I join the OP in saying you cant go wrong..if you like the theming then you will have a awesome vaction staying at the WL!!!!!
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Our favorite is WL and second is POR. Even considering the price difference, my husband would still rather stay at WL. I've never been on a full bus at WL, the boat ride to MK is very nice, good restaurants and wonderful theming too. The one downside to WL over POR and it may not affect you is the food court. WL has a very small, often busy quick serve area and POR is huge with many options. There are several pools at POR and only 2 at WL, if you include the Villa's pool. If money is not a major consideration for you, I would tell you to stay at WL.
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Well-Known Member
i dont think POR compares even slightly to the magic and ambiance of WL. No way no how... I think that WL has the most immersive and unique feel of all of the WDW resorts.
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Well-Known Member
If I stay on grounds, I wanna stay at a deluxe. The theming, interior rooms, balconies, pool areas, etc... all make my feel more at a vaction hotel. The moderates and value resorts, despite the outdoor themes, make me feel like I'm just staying at an overpriced motel almost.

I've stayed at POFQ. It was ok, but don't think I'd go back. Never been to the WL yet, but it's on our "to-do" list for future trips.

Personally, I would go with the Wilderness Lodge. No comparison to a moderate, IMHO.

But it really depends on you and your budget.
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Well-Known Member
Port Orleans gets high marks for a moderate from most people on this site.

Wilderness Lodge is a completely different level. As has been explained by virtually all of the posters above, it is much superior in everyway. Rooms bigger, more restaurants, more amenities, fantastic pool/water/boating possibilities. Staff is excellent. It really does feel like we've come home when we stay here. And we've done that a half[-dozen imes, more than any other property on-site.

The unofficial guide has generally rated theming at WL the best on site, better even than the monorail hotels. (Haven't look at the last couple of issues so I don't know that that is still the case, but I certainly agree that it is).

If it is even close to workable for your budget, you should go to the lodge.
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Active Member
If it is even close to workable for your budget, you should go to the lodge.

That's a dangerous philosophy. "...even close to workable for your budget" is about as irresponsibly as you could possibly plan a vacation. That said, I would definitely recommend WL, but I'll modify the PP's axiom by saying, "If it fits COMFORTABLY WITHIN your budget, you should go to the lodge."
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We've stayed a couple of times at both and enjoyed both. You've already tried POR, why not try something new? We sometimes split our trip between a moderate and a deluxe to keep the cost down and get to try more resorts that way. WL is magnificent. We did find the rooms to be a bit noisier than other resorts. We had trouble sleeping a couple of times with loud neighbors and from people outside just having fun. My kids loved the bunk beds. And WL being a deluxe does have the child care center if you need it. Have a great trip!
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Well-Known Member
I've stayed at both, and the WL is my favorite resort on property. Just a gorgeous, immersive resort that makes you feel a million miles away from the theme parks, yet close enough to reach them easily. And, as someone pointed out, the boat to the Magic Kingdom is pretty special.

POR is a great resort as well, but I much prefer the WL.
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Well-Known Member
I am noramlly a deluxe only all the way, but my last trip was a solo trip, so I stayed at POR. And while the room was nice and the grounds are beautiful, I doubt I would stay there again. I found it too spread out, and as it is the only moderate that will sleep 5, the line for buses at the end of the night were the biggest of ANY resort. Just my 2 cents.
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Active Member
We have stayed at PO and very much loved it. I do agree it is spread out, but not as much as some of the other mods. We were very comfortable at PO and the staff was very nice and attentive. I would go back at anytime there! Now, we are looking very forward to our next stay at WL! I have gathered so much info and it just tips us over with giddiness! I look forward to having so much under one roof...esp. the laundry rooms...bunk bed for my DD, boat ride to Contemporay, sitting on the beach at night to see the water parade. I will also see to try to do the family flag raising, I hope the best for that! Good luck on your choice!
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