All teams will observe a 10:00 P.M. Curfew. As such, all players must be in their assigned sleeping rooms by 10:00 P.M. or players, coaches,the team and/or association shall be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to forfeiture of past or future game decisions, suspension, removal from Disney property, financial penalties and/or permanent removal from Pop Warner.
However, participants accompanied by their designated chaperones that are at least 21 years or older who are returning from organized team activities (including without limitation themepark excursions, group dinners, or the Pop Warner Wednesday night Party) outside of their hotels shall be excused from such curfew but MUST be immediately escorted by such chaperones to their rooms upon returning to their hotels. To clarify, when on All-Star or Port Orleans Property, ALL participants MUST be in their rooms by 10 P.M. regardless of whether their competition has begun, is ongoing or is completed Any players found outside their assigned rooms past 10:00 P.M. while they are still registered as a Pop Warner group shall be subject to disciplinary action along with their coaches, teams, and/or associations as stated above. Pop Warner National, Regional and Event Staff shall be conducting daily checks to ensure compliance.