I've hated this dance party thing since they started it. They tore down a theater that they could have updated and made easier and more open to get into to make a temporary one annoyingly in the middle of Tomorrowland. Perfectly fine stage demolished to make room for manager parking? Lame. Let them park in the normal parking lot for all I care.
Then the original show failed miserably, and the stage was left there. They added advertisements for Tomorrowland attractions to the billboard, which is creative, but they could have just put that billboard on top of a building somewhere. The tech booth is ugly and obviously looks out of place, the metal supports for lights are covered with cheap plastic covers and you can tell. Sometimes you can tell when the characters are switching out by the people carrying big black bags out of the back of the stage.
The stupid dance parties ruined the themed music they installed only a couple of years before the stage was built. I don't care if the public likes it, I don't like it, and a lot of people don't like it either. It ruins the theme even more that I and a lot of other people actually care about. I hate hearing that music, especially from the Peoplemover, it sucks and is boring.
I don't know if it was true, but after all that I heard they made a temporary stage backstage where the old one used to be for the holidays. I wouldn't be surprised.