Pop Century or....

We have stayed in the Pop and All Star Movies. While I prefer ASM, hubby prefers Pop.
I like the theming of ASM. It's been a long time since we've stayed there but I seem to remember that sometimes the buses would stop at all the AS resorts. For some reason I remember this happening and thinking it stunk! Maybe this was around the time ASM opened and there weren't enough buses? I don't know, maybe it's all a figment of my imagination.

However, the Pop is still nice. Just pay attention to the time of year you decide to book because there a lot of times that either cheerleading competitions are going on or Pop Warner football, which means more noise than usual. I know that WDW is geared for kids, but sometimes the kids outnumber the adults and it gets a little crazy. Just do a thread search and you will find some horror stories.

Anyway you slice it, all the value resorts are basically the same just with different theming. If you are traveling with kids the ASM is great, imo. My DD, then almost 2 loved the Buzz and Woody and the Dalmations.
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New Member
My family much prefers POP over the All Stras. We have stayed at both on previous trips and looking to go back to POP on our next trip which regretfully is not until next year.

As Far as pro and cons go you are pretty much getting the same type of service just with a different theme at each location. The pools are nice, the food courts and gift shops have a varity of items, and the atmosphere is what you would expect from Disney. However, the nicest thing about POP is that it has it's own bus line where the three All Sars share a bus line.

In short they are all great and we have not had a bad stay at any of them, but we will go back to POP.
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New Member
I definitely prefer Pop Century.

Pop Century is bigger so if you're going to be using the pool a lot; that could be an issue, I've never used the pool when I went so that wasn't an issue for me (plus there are three pools).

However, Pop does have only one bus stop; which is nice, again because of its size the bus stops can be busy in the mornings going out and at night coming in, but never been an issue for me. I'd rather that than have to make the two other stops to the two other AS; and if you're the last stop, in the morning you'll NEVER get a seat.

Also, this last time I went with my gf, we had just stayed at Pop the last two times and decided to switch it up and went to sports; it was very nice, but felt the tv was a little smaller and the room wasn't quite as nice. I'm not picky so I had zero complaints; but I felt Pop was slightly nicer.

There really isn't anything wrong with either; I've stayed at Pop twice, ASM and AS-Sports (didn't wanna spell that one out in abbreviations) and I liked all of them, I just always personally enjoyed Pop a little more. If I go back to a value resort; Pop is without question my choice; but everyone has different tastes.

You can't go wrong; goodluck!
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Active Member
Overall, I prefer Pop. Though I only slightly prefer the themeing at the AS resorts over Pop (Pop's themeing of its buildings are too over-the-top and garish for me), everything else about Pop I prefer. Pop is newer. It's main building is better. It's the most centrally located of the Value resorts. It has a nice walking path along its lake. It is cheaper (due to the lower tax rate of the county it resides in).

As an aside, after staying at the Values for most of our trips (we've done CR and CBR once each), we've decided to save a little more (even if it means going less ofte) in order to stay in a Moderate or above resort.
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Mister Marbles

New Member
POP vs All Star (with tips)

Staying at POP you might save a little time on the bus ride to Disney Studios or Epcot but as far as facilities go All Star vs POP is a coin toss. We make a WDW trip at least once a year (over 60 visits total, including weekend and day trips when we lived in Florida) and have stayed at Disney's Value Resorts NUMEROUS times to be sure. Our next trip in Oct we'll be staying at A-S Music, originally booked POP 6 months out but a "special" came up on Disney's web-site and we saved nearly $300 for a 5 night stay, so keep checking back for deals, there was no charge for the switch and what a bargain, we ultimately booked 5 nights, 6 days with Park Hoppers plus Dining for $1,100!!! So when people say Disney's too expensive they frankly don't do their homework. We always stay value, the service is friendly and top notch, the grounds and pool areas are "Disney clean" (every other morning it seems they're actually steam cleaning the sidewalks!), the rooms are small (not recommended for 4 adult sized humans) but for 2 big and 2 small or 1 of each it's perfect! Besides, if you're hanging out in the room what are you doing at Disney in the first place?! One other tip, ask for a room above ground level as the foot traffic and luggage carts can make things a bit noisy during check in/check out or when people are getting back from the parks. And the McDonald's near the All Star entrance is the best ever, amazing service and the best McD's food ever, perfect for a cheap late night snack! Most importantly HAVE A BALL!
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Well-Known Member
My favorite themed value is Movies. But Pop wins hands down for transportation. Room sizes and set up are the same and the food courts are basically the same too.
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Well-Known Member
We've stayed at POP 4 times and really enjoyed it. For our January/February trips I have never paid more than $59/night. I love love love pop culture so the theming is soooo up my alley. If I'm not mistaken of the value resorts, POP is the newest. Then again, with recent refurbs that could be a non-factor. I've never stayed in any of the other values. My aunt has and prefers AS Movies most.

Another poster said to avoid ground level because of carts and foot traffic. That's true. You can hear 'em quite well in the morning. However, we're usually up and moving around the same time everyone else is and I hate having to wait for the elevators. We've been on the ground floor only once but I do prefer it. It's just easier hauling our junk in and walking to/from.

Also, if you choose POP find a layout of the property online and get yourself a preference for sections by the location. We've been in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. My fav for location and convenience is 80s hands down. The 60s involved a whole lotta walking when we were already wiped out. In the 80s we were close to the parking lot (we drove) and it was a short walk across the lot to the bus stops each day. Also, it's close to the Great Hall & laundry facilities. Plus, I'm an 80s kid. I love the nostalgia of it. :)

Have fun!
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I stayed at All-star Movies last year. Never once did we stop at any of the other All-Star resorts on the bus. During the busier times of year they use separate buses for each of the All-Star resorts.
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New Member
I stayed at AS-Mu in 2002 and got annoyed by the busses (they were sharing, and I remember waiting for a bus quite a long while, after one had to pull away full), so when the time came to go back I chose Epcot resorts for the ease of getting to parks. This January, though, I went alone & couldn't justify $200+ a night for just me...so I went Pop. I loved it! None of the problems with the busses, perfectly nice, clean rooms, great food court/main area... Personally, I'd go with Pop! My one piece of advice is to get away from the pools if you can--I was up all hours my last night there!

Have fun! :sohappy:
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New Member
We've stayed at Movies and Pop. I liked Movies lots better. I thought the theming there was cute and fun, while at Pop it was just tacky. What's up with all the gigantic cutouts of people dancing? Yuck.

And I hated the fact that the Pop bus stop always seemed to be the last one at all of the parks - I mean, what's the point of those two or three empty stops at MK before the Pop one??? Why can't they move the Pop stop to be a bit closer????

Otherwise, the buses were a toss up for me. We always go at the end of August - we stood on as many Pop buses as we did Movies buses, even when Movies was sharing with the other All-stars. And the average wait seems to be the same for each hotel - the longest wait I ever had was to get on a Pop bus (40 minutes at MK closing), although my longest wait for a Movies bus was close (35 minutes, again at MK closing).

I also liked the landscaping better at Movies. I found it prettier for some reason, not sure why. But because of it I enjoyed the looooong walk from our non-preferred room at Movies much better than I liked the loooong walk from our non-preferred room at Pop.

And I also liked the store at Movies better - I didn't like the way the Pop store was in with the restaurant.

But to each their own.
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sorry if this has been covered already

have stayed at all of them and hands-down POP over the others. BTW, the CBR is my absolute favorite. Reason for the POP.... well yes it is bigger than the others so more people but i found the food court so much better as far as organization and selections of different & varied foods. even during the busiest of times of the year the pools YES BUSY are still seeming not TOO chaotic.

as with all of the resorts the rooms are comfy and you get a decent room for not too bad a price but the major advantage of POP over the other all-stars is the transportation.

at POP you have dedicated buses to just that 1 resort while frequently if not almost always buses are share bu the other 3 all-stars. the entire transportation system at POP is far advanced in crown handling than the other values. i stayed there last in june for 9 nights and will be there again in december for 12 nights
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