Hi, Dr. Noble! Wow! I'm totally shocked that you've never attended one of Disney's parties before. It took a long time for us to finally go, too. I think you should try the Christmas party, just once. You might have fun.WDW doesn't have anything like the problem Disneyland had*. There people lay down blankets and rotate who has to occupy it while everyone else goes off for the day. There are a few people saving seats here or there at WDW, but generally only after the parade route is set up in the first place.
*: Excepting possibly during the Parties. I've not been to one, so I don't know.
Thanks so much for your review. This is really great news! It sounds like you had a wonderful time at Disney!Just came back from a week trip and spent 3 days at the MK. One welcomed sight I saw just before/during parade and fireworks was Cast members used masking tape to designate "watching space" from "walking space" all along main street and near the hub. Basically the first curb and about 2-3 feet back was taped off for parade watching,leaving the rest of the sidewalk space was for moving traffic.
This was a huge help as we needed to leave right during the 3pm parade. Cast members were telling people who stopped in the seperated walking paths to move along, so it was nice to see it being enforced as well.
Compared to previous trips this made getting out the park soooo much easier during these times.
As long as WDW keeps this up to maintain the flow of traffic around the hub and Main Street, it doesn't bother me that people want to sit around the hub at 7pm for an 8pm fireworks show. Just meant less people in line for us.
I think it is a great rule! My 1st visit to DLR I was shocked by all the blankets and people holding spots for hours. I ended up skipping paint the night since I didn't want to camp out for hours to see it. It also created a ton of congestion on main street hours before the parade - we were trying to go into a couple shops at like 7 PM and the parade was at 9:30 PM that night and it was very hard to navigate. They hold spots at WDW but nothing like this. On my last trip, I was there Jan 8 which was the last day PTN would run for awhile, I decided if you can't beat them, join them. I timed it to grab a bench with a good view just as the 1st christmas parade ended at about 2. So we got to see the 2nd Christmas at 4:00 then PTN at 6:30 then we vacated our bench. We just used 1 bench for our group of 4 and only 2 people ever left at a time to use the bathroom or grab a drink/snack. For WOC I said screw it after the 1st time I showed up an hour early for my fastpass to a massive line and paid for the dining package for the next night and again my last trip - I did it at lunch so it wasn't too bad cost wise and in my opinion as a vacationer worth every penny.
At WDW an hour is about my max for any show, and only because I am a photographer.
View from my bench: https://www.flickr.com/photos/clj7181/33095562406/in/datetaken-public/
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OMG!!! You are a great photographer. This parade looks so awesome. And, you had the most perfect spot, too!
I apologize in advance for this rant. But, it is totally unfair that WDW does not have an electrical nighttime parade! Disneyland could have sent Paint the Night here, it is far better than Move It & Shake in the dark with no lights or whatever. I want a night show at MK now.