Disney has just banned the practice of holding spots for fireworks and parade shows at Disneyland.
It is expected that WDW will soon follow suit, but still unclear at this point.
Disney no longer allows saving spaces for parades http://www.local10.com/theme-parks/disney-no-longer-allows-saving-spaces-for-parades
By Jeff Tavss - Executive Producer Posted: 1:43 PM, March 03, 2017 Updated: 4:18 PM, March 03, 2017
ANAHEIM, Calif. - Good news for those who hate showing up at a Disney parade, only to find all the seats taken by people who reserve spots hours in advance.
Disneyland is putting an immediate end to the practice of saving spaces, no longer allowing visitors to lay down blankets or other items to stake out spots.
The move comes as the park is bringing the Main Street Electrical Parade back to Southern California.
Guests have been known to show up at park opening to reserve a wide swath of space over 10 hours before the actual parade begins.
According to
ThemeParkInsider.com, guests seeking to claim claim a spot will only be able to do so once the parade route is put up. But if you try to squeeze out others beforehand, you'll be asked to move by cast members.
The parade routes are set up any time between and 30 and 60 minutes before the parade begins.
While Disneyland is currently the only Disney theme park to institute a Squatting Ban,
it could be possible that Walt Disney World does the same to manage the heavy crowds at the Orlando resort.