Pleasure Island no more.


Well-Known Member
Question: A friend and I (ages 19 and 20) would love to dance somewhere on property when we are there in december. She found a lounge at Coronado Springs that says it plays music and stuff but then I remembered boardwalk, would the Atlantic dance hall or Jellyrolls be a better place for us? We are not 21 so are we allowed into the "adult lounges"?


Active Member
Some friends who were with us this weekend at Epcot had other friends at PI last night. They said it was PACKED! I've only been once, not much of a party-goer, but I liked the Adventurers Club and Comedy Club. I would have liked to have gone back.


New Member will get you started as to the downward spiral of dance clubs across the US and the UK

Hmmmm...It's interesting that you provided the above website as a source of information to back up your claim, but you didn't expand at all by providing any link to specific information. I went to the website and found that I had to go through a number of steps to register for it. Once I completed that, I did searches on "dancing", "dance clubs", and "nightclubs". And I found no information to back up your claim that going out dancing is dropping as a trend. In fact, the only information I could find on the topic were several articles, from a few years ago, that all stated it is a growing trend. I can't help but be made to wonder if you just made it up, and when pressed to back up your statement, you went and found a website that perhaps you hoped no one would go to the trouble of actually looking into further. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. But it's just a pet peeve of mine when people just make up false "statistics" in order to sound knowledgeable or to win a debate. Again, if I'm wrong, I apologize. Not accusing you of doing this, but I just find it rather curious.


Well-Known Member
I would argue people spend more money on entertainment clubs than they ever have. Here in LA, or down in San Diego or San Fran, it is not uncommon to spend $12-15 a drink and clubs are PACKED. Not to mention groups of friends/tourists that drop $1000 on "bottle service." There is surely money to be made with nightclubs.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Hmmmm...It's interesting that you provided the above website as a source of information to back up your claim, but you didn't expand at all by providing any link to specific information. I went to the website and found that I had to go through a number of steps to register for it. Once I completed that, I did searches on "dancing", "dance clubs", and "nightclubs". And I found no information to back up your claim that going out dancing is dropping as a trend. In fact, the only information I could find on the topic were several articles, from a few years ago, that all stated it is a growing trend. I can't help but be made to wonder if you just made it up, and when pressed to back up your statement, you went and found a website that perhaps you hoped no one would go to the trouble of actually looking into further. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. But it's just a pet peeve of mine when people just make up false "statistics" in order to sound knowledgeable or to win a debate. Again, if I'm wrong, I apologize. Not accusing you of doing this, but I just find it rather curious.

I agree, I also searched the internet for any statistics that backed up his claim and also came up empty handed.

Sorry, Ron...I call your bluff on this one! :wave:

jeffrey orl fla

New Member
I'll miss Mannequins

I was a Thursday night regular at Mannequins, and I will miss it. It was a place that I could go anytime without planning ahead, and always run into friends there. Of all the dance clubs I've been to, I've never seen anything quite like it. The rotating dance floor just made it really unique. It was probably my favorite spot at Disney World - but now it shares the company of the Kitchen Kabaret and Mister Toad's Wild Ride - fitting companions for a dance club with a moving floor.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I know the planned Hanes design-your-own-shirt store will probably be immensely popular, as will T-Rex when it opens. The large balloon that will eventually fly over DD (similar to the one at Disneyland Paris, which is quite cool) will also be nice to see (and much cooler than one might expect).
The design your own t-shirt store is going in with the Art of Disney waaaaaaaaaay over on the other side of the Marketplace.

My wife and I saw three shows the other night, including the final show at the CW, and it was pretty bittersweet. A lot of the alumni from years past were on hand, and I met a few and got pictures and an autograph or two. The midnight fireworks were unreal. They spent a ton of money there.

I know I'm glad I didn't miss the closing. I'd been going to the Comedy Warehouse for over a decade, and the Adventurers Club for about 5 years or so. Both will be sorely missed.


New Member
I was lucky enough to visit WDW every year from birth on. For many years, one night each vacation I had to spend at the Neverland Club at the Poly while my parents and big sister got to explore that grown-up Disney World of Pleasure Island... and it was loooong before anything like the chic West Side existed. I waited 21 years, and you bet I was dancing in the middle of the street, drink in hand, between Mannequins and Ragland Road the minute I turned 21... (I was lucky enough to turn 21 during my College Program!) Sure, it wasn't LA or NY or Vegas, but it represented EVERYTHING about being "a grown-up" that I had waited for my whole life. I'll miss PI forever!!! :(

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics from the final night. I have about 150 total, but these will have to do.....









I was also there closing night and have to say it was amazing and bittersweet. Started the night out at 8traxx and then closed the night out at Mannequins. The last song played at Mannequins was "Everybodys Free" after about 15 minutes of the crowd chanting one more song. Fitting for a place that pretty much was open to everybody gay, straight, black, white, man, woman and in between.....

I will miss Mannequins. :cry:
Long live the rotating floor!


I'm not sure how huge of a loss the clubs are. I've been dragged to them for years, and frankly, there isn't a club there that isn't outdone by some club or another in people's metropolitan hometowns.

PI has to adapt to the times -- Pleasure Island was designed at a time when adults went dancing. That doesn't happen anymore for the most part. Disney is keeping up with the times -- people have been demanding more dining and drinking establishments down at Downtown Disney for years, and major retail store sponsors aren't going to flock to a danceclub-laced area. I think the loss of a comedy club is probably something that will probably be rethought down the road, but the idea of a special place where people go party and dance is long gone, pretty much everywhere these days.

Personally, over the last 6 or 7 years or so, I've had no pleasurable memories of PI, except for having to pass through it to get from one side of DD to the other, and having dinner at Raglan Road and wondering why it was stuck on will be nice to have an entirely new DD area with restaurants and shops -- and fewer intoxicated 21 year olds.

I know the planned Hanes design-your-own-shirt store will probably be immensely popular, as will T-Rex when it opens. The large balloon that will eventually fly over DD (similar to the one at Disneyland Paris, which is quite cool) will also be nice to see (and much cooler than one might expect). And getting rid of that stale beer smell all over PI and redesigning and repainting will bring in more interest from restaurants and retailers.

One thing to recall -- DD is not only a draw for Disney folks anymore, but also a very popular place for Orlando locals to go shopping and dining and still feel the "disney magic." You can't underestimate that.

The entire DD idea came out when Disney needed a way to keep their resort guests busy after the park closed. As Extended Magical Hours kept the resort fans in the parks longer, they welcomed the Orlando community more than they ever had with specials, restaurant coupons distrubuted only to residents, and other marketing techniques. Over time, it has transformed itself in the mold of a lifestyle outdoor mall, and its what Disney needs to keep the money flowing there, just like all other retail establishments. It's not just for Disney guests anymore -- it's an Orlando-based retail/dining mall.

You couldn't be more wrong, the reason Disney is closing these clubs has almost nothing to do with the decline of people dancing and has almost everything to do with Disney being able to maximize the profit from every square inch of developed real estate.

What they have decided is that it is far more profitable to have generic retail or dining outlets come on property, pay Disney rent and a portion of their profits rather than run their own entertainment, pay for staff, inventory and receive no rent for the space.

This mentality has taken hold of Disney management with a vengeance. All you have to do is take a look at the number of entertainment options at Disneyworld that have been cut back or have disappeared altogether with no replacement in sight over the last several years to confirm this.

The days of substantial free entertainment being offered at any Disney owned property be it parades, shows, rides, fireworks etc are coming to an end and quickly. Hence the introduction of more and more hard ticket extra cost events.


New Member
With the clubs on Pleasure Island closed, what's left for places to go late night? Are there any restaurants/bars/nightlife still open?


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
The Boardwalk has Atlantic Dance and Jellyrolls Piano Bar. There are also miscellaneous bars and lounges at many of the resorts. Other than that...CityWalk at Universal.


Well-Known Member
First thing that came to mind when I heard that they played that song was Dr. Venture with a pacifier, lol... Adult Swim has tainted my perception of reality... And I think I like it!!

To the monarchmobile!!

And if you excuse me, I'll be in my room...crying! LOL

God, I love the Venture Brothers.

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