Pleasure Island no more.


New Member
Drove past PI tonight on the way to my softball game. It was about 7:30ish and saw the new messages on the roadside marquee. The Pleasure Island sign over Mannequins was still lit up as was the Pleasure Island sign over the bridge by the ticket trolley. Also saw the marguee for Mannequins lit up as well. Didn't park and walk around, will do that at some point. I will also try to take pics as they dismantle the place.


Well-Known Member
You know that there will be a Gap at the very least. It would be nice if there were more upscale dining like Wolfgang Puck's and Bongo's and NOT stuff like T-Rex and Rainforest.

i hope thats's a joke about the gap! how very disney...... i also agree about the dinning. if they're saying there's such a high demand for it, then i hope that they put the same creative standards into the new restaurants (and more so for the shops for that matter) as they did around the rest of the property.

just my oppinion.....


Well-Known Member
To the OP,

We're from CA. When we travel to WDW and the parks close at 9 or midnight, its still 6 PM or 9 PM to us. PI and the fact that its open till 2 AM is a great attraction to us as we are not tired on any level. And we are huge AC fans. So, I guess at this point, after the parks close, we're suppose to go back to our room and watch TV?:shrug:

As somebody else mentioned, you couldn't be more wrong.

liquid toez

New Member
It was nice to see Frankie and the West End Boys reunite and perform at the waterfront stage on the last day. I had never seen them before but had heard from long time regulars that they were good.


New Member
Original Poster
To the OP,

We're from CA. When we travel to WDW and the parks close at 9 or midnight, its still 6 PM or 9 PM to us. PI and the fact that its open till 2 AM is a great attraction to us as we are not tired on any level. And we are huge AC fans. So, I guess at this point, after the parks close, we're suppose to go back to our room and watch TV?:shrug:

As somebody else mentioned, you couldn't be more wrong.

I hear you. My husband and I are night owls even though we are from the Northeast. I guess we'll be at Jellyrolls then! The only problem is that there is an additional $10.00 admission fee per person. That can get pretty expensive even before drinks! At least at PI we already had our admission paid!!:brick:


Well-Known Member
You couldn't be more wrong, the reason Disney is closing these clubs has almost nothing to do with the decline of people dancing and has almost everything to do with Disney being able to maximize the profit from every square inch of developed real estate.

What they have decided is that it is far more profitable to have generic retail or dining outlets come on property, pay Disney rent and a portion of their profits rather than run their own entertainment, pay for staff, inventory and receive no rent for the space.

This mentality has taken hold of Disney management with a vengeance. All you have to do is take a look at the number of entertainment options at Disneyworld that have been cut back or have disappeared altogether with no replacement in sight over the last several years to confirm this.

The days of substantial free entertainment being offered at any Disney owned property be it parades, shows, rides, fireworks etc are coming to an end and quickly. Hence the introduction of more and more hard ticket extra cost events.
This is the Auto industry mentality from the 70's and 80's at its best. Its the attitude that they believe they think they are that good that they do not have to build as much entertainment into the rides. Essentially, they are building a lesser quality product (ie: 80's Buick Century, Olds Cutlass, Chevy Celeberty) for no change or increases in admission price. The examples of this are everywhere: Imagination is 3/4 of its former self, SSE has no real ending, Mission Space has barely anything complex technology (the centrifuge is it), Soarin has no real pre-show. 2000 leagues is gone, no replacement. I could go on.. Their reputation can only carry them so far. Ask GM/Ford/Chrysler about that. They lived on their reputation alone for about 20 years before it really came back to bite them. Now they have a huge wall called Toyota to climb. Disney will have a huge wall called Universal/Six Flaggs to climb if they keep this mentality up!


According to Disney; "It's all so we can provide you with new and exciting offerings to take the entrie downtown Disney experience up a notch!


Well-Known Member
According to Disney; "It's all so we can provide you with new and exciting offerings to take the entrie downtown Disney experience up a notch!

This will be an interesting concept when its complete in the next couple of years. I guess more shopping and dining options. But what are they putting there that is fun? Shopping and Dining is only fun for so long. I have heard about the Hot Air Balloon that sounds fun but what else?


Active Member
This will be an interesting concept when its complete in the next couple of years. I guess more shopping and dining options. But what are they putting there that is fun? Shopping and Dining is only fun for so long. I have heard about the Hot Air Balloon that sounds fun but what else?

It's true all those clubs closing Disney has alot of space to add new things, when are we going to hear more about what they are doing. Will most of the space sit empty until this Economic crunch passes???


Well-Known Member
good i am glad its closed--now maybe disney can put the money from running that into something worthwhile and fun!!!!


New Member
I loved Pleasure Island and think going downtown and dancing once or twice a trip is definitely worthwhile. My last trip in June08 i did notice the clubs having hardly anybody in them, besides the Adventures Club and the 70s dance club. The problem was there were just too many clubs so people were so spread out and thus it seemed like 'wow, this is boring, noone is here". I can understand Disney getting rid of the whole PI concept and getting rid of most of the clubs, but I think they could still leave up maybe the Adventures club, one 21+ dance club, and another without alchohal where even younger kids can go out dancing with their parents. That way it can still be fun for the whole family even if everyone is not 21. There will still be plenty of room to rent out to third-partys but still keep the late-night option of dancing open. Instead of using one of your hopper passes that get you into all of the clubs, they could just simply create a cover charge. This would keep everyone happy and they could still make money by renting to third-parties.

Wow- i just put alot of thought into that.. Disney should jsut hire me as an imagineer:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I would argue people spend more money on entertainment clubs than they ever have. Here in LA, or down in San Diego or San Fran, it is not uncommon to spend $12-15 a drink and clubs are PACKED. Not to mention groups of friends/tourists that drop $1000 on "bottle service." There is surely money to be made with nightclubs.

At that price... it made the specialty drings that the different clubs served look like a cheap beer.

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