Yes, but it is especially important. Lots of times folks don't care about flushing when using public toilets, it is always annoying. Don't they flush at home? Most of the time, if I came across an unflushed toilet I could go to another stall. This time, I had no choice but to flush someone else's mess.Doesn't this apply to all stalls, regardless of size?
Respectfully, we ALL stink up the joint from time to time regardless of what kind of stall we're sitting in. It's a human function. Expecting someone to be able to control the smell of ...well.... you know, whether it be an adult or kid, that's a bit much of an ask. As long as the diapers go into the trash, what else can one do? Seems like this is kind of getting out of hand.
Why not? It isn't complicated.
I can't believe all adults don't know this, but diaper disposal bags. They look just like the ones dog owners use.