I drive under this sign often and yes there are sometimes cars parked along the side of the road. It's hard to put a number on it, but I would average maybe 20% of the time. And that tends to fluctuate with the season, time of day, weather, etc.
So, although this appears to happen
often enough, I have
never seen a police car, WDW security car, or any other vehicle accompanying the stopped vehicles. If they (Florida officers or Disney)
really had a big
safety concern with that area, they would simply have an officer present in the area. Officer presence would not only serve as a strong deterrent, but if they really do issue massive citations as suggested above, this would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Heck, even if they didn't want the extra income, they could still leave an empty patrol car a few hundred yards from the sign. Us Floridians know that the unmanned patrol car is not an uncommon strategy here.
But, I have never seen any officer or security anywhere within viewing proximity of this sign ...although there are often speed traps farther in. That's not to say that it
never happens; only that I haven't observed it while I
have observed many stopped cars. So that means either that officers/security are (i) hidden extremely well
and (ii) not coming out to issue citations (which would completely defeat their purpose as both a deterrent and enforcement mechanism), or that this "stopping" is simply not as big of an issue as some opinions expressed above have made it out to be.
Florida officers strongly prefer the
fish in a barrel approach over the
finding nemo approach. So it looks like they have other barrels that they would rather fish in, even though speeding citations don't bring in as much as the alleged "stopping" citations discussed above. Weird.
Edit: Images