Please Remember to Pack Your Brains


Well-Known Member
Bathing suit - check. Sandals - check. Tickets - check.

Brain? Nope - left it at home in the jar.

At Epcot this evening having a bite to eat outside at the America pavillion.

Young mother, 30 something, shows up with two kids. Puts her purse on one chair, the boy in another chair, the girl in a third chair. She then proceeds to head inside to get some food. When I noticed this, I checked my watch. She was gone almost 20 minutes.

Wife and I estimated the girl to be about 4 and the boy, maybe 6 but that could be stretching it.

Seriously, I get it. Disney is probably safer than most places but good God woman, 30 seconds and one or both of those kids are long gone with a stranger.

We purposely stayed there until she came out in case some intervention was needed. I kept looking for Security or a Manager to tell them of the situation but none to be found.

Thank you for being a stand up citizen.


Well-Known Member
I also want to add, about any trip to a theme park, a total stranger will ask me or my wife to ride with their extra kid. I guess we look trustworthy? Lol.

Though at Disneyland on the symphony swings the cm's were asking for a volunteer. I volunteered and the cm's made a big fuss over it and told me to see the other cm at the front of the line and they gave us fp's. It was very nice! Even though I was a little worried when the father told the kid about 3 times to be good before getting to our seats! He only kept trying to unlatch his seat belt during the ride, but hey! That's what I was there for! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Child rearing is much like religion and politics, everyone has their beliefs and your beliefs are correct and if someone doesn’t agree with you they are an idiot and should be “locked up” and/or have their children taken away. So many experts; some in my family have criticized me for letting my teenage son go off on his own while in one of the parks. Of course these are the same experts who have an “expert” opinion on war having never served a day or left the continental United States, but I digress.

Basically you try to do your best and hope they are grow up safe and happy and disown them if they marry a Scot.
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Well-Known Member
The thing that bothers me more about the situation is not the ostensibly careless behavior of the woman but the fact that we even have to worry about it at all, given the current state of society.


New Member
I have to admit we were traveling with a large group several years ago and my oldest was about 2 maybe 3 at the time and he fell asleep in the stroller. I sat with him at MK under the People Mover waiting for the rest of my party to get off Space Mountain. Needless to say I had my foot wrapped around the stroller and accidentally closed my eyes for a few minutes. It was the heat of the day and it was a 15 minute wait for the others to get off the ride.


Well-Known Member
My brother and I were in charge of saving our table on several occasions (from the time I was 13 and he was 8). We had clear instructions to scream bloody murder if someone tried to take us. I agree that it is different today, but we lived to tell the tale back then! But everyone is different and every situation is different. As far as the OP, I've seen that happen in recent trips several times. In one case, a little girl got separated from her group and stood in the middle of the pathway in front of Haunted Mansion screaming her head off until I spotted her, tried to calm her down, and found security. It blew my mind that everyone else was just walking around her! When security finally located her mother, the woman looked like she was being put out for having to go get her daughter.... but maybe the kid had a habit of wandering off, who knows.


Well-Known Member
My brother and I were in charge of saving our table on several occasions (from the time I was 13 and he was 8). We had clear instructions to scream bloody murder if someone tried to take us. I agree that it is different today, but we lived to tell the tale back then! But everyone is different and every situation is different. As far as the OP, I've seen that happen in recent trips several times. In one case, a little girl got separated from her group and stood in the middle of the pathway in front of Haunted Mansion screaming her head off until I spotted her, tried to calm her down, and found security. It blew my mind that everyone else was just walking around her! When security finally located her mother, the woman looked like she was being put out for having to go get her daughter.... but maybe the kid had a habit of wandering off, who knows.
13 isn't a crazy age to have a kiddo watch a table!


Well-Known Member
13 isn't a crazy age to have a kiddo watch a table!
Yes, 13 is about 7th or 8th grade.
My sons are 14 (as of late January) and are getting close to my nearly six foot height.
Perhaps they're 5'8" or so.
When I took them to WDW for their first time at the age of 6 (twins), they held my hand nearly the entire time.
The only time my wife and I would allow some space between us and them would be in areas where there were very few people, and we could see our boys the entire time - never taking eyes off of them.
It only takes a second in a crowded place to lose a child.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit we were traveling with a large group several years ago and my oldest was about 2 maybe 3 at the time and he fell asleep in the stroller. I sat with him at MK under the People Mover waiting for the rest of my party to get off Space Mountain. Needless to say I had my foot wrapped around the stroller and accidentally closed my eyes for a few minutes. It was the heat of the day and it was a 15 minute wait for the others to get off the ride.

Yeah, but you weren't drunk.


Well-Known Member
It is a theory that got the world to where it is now.Unfortunately we are messing with it ,we reward stupid behavior and actually help stupid people be really stupid,natural consequences have gone out the window.
It's true.
I often look at peoples behavior and think, if there were still natural predators around - this person and their offspring would be picked off.

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