Please delete.


Well-Known Member
I suppose it could also mean someone would prefer not being forced to have a conversation they have no interest in and then be insulted because they feel that way or because they "don't want to have a better understanding".

Ignorance? No. Lack of interest or opinion one way or another? Most likely.
We all need to stop assuming that the word ignorance or it's other slightly different variation is an insult. Ignorance means lack of knowledge on a specific topic. If you say that someone is an ignorant butt head, that is an insult. If one says that one is ignorant of how cars work it is just probably just saying that they don't have a knowledge of automotive workings. That's not an insult nor should it ever be thought of as that. However, with all that said it probably would have been less likely to be misinterpreted if they had said that someone is not knowledgeable about the subject being discussed and don't want to be.
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Well-Known Member
We all need to stop assuming that the word ignorance or it's other slightly different variation is an insult. Ignorance means lack of knowledge on a specific topic. If you says that someone is an ignorant butt head, that is an insult. If one says that one is ignorant of how cars work it is just probably just saying that they don't have a knowledge of automotive workings. That's not an insult nor should it ever be thought of as that. However, with all that said it probably would have been less likely to be misinterpreted if they had said that someone is not knowledgeable about the subject being discussed.

Connotation is a powerful force, as is common convention. Best to avoid the use of certain inflammatory words as you suggested.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I am not sure America has a clearly defined or shared culture anymore. Honest question, what is Americana in 2022?
I don't really know either. I mean, I know what I was thinking when I posted, but the common values are no longer what they once were.

It is also a little hard to discuss because our politics have become so heavily intertwined with Americana.

Mickey/Disney and other major American brands used to be symbols of America.

I think also of the American Adventure and Hall of Presidents. HoP and AA were not controversial when they were built, but they would be if built in 2022. Disney would be reviled if they made anything like HoP or AA today.

So I think part of the negativity of these forums = frustration over that loss. People get mad at WDW, but that isn't really the full picture. Disney frustration is just a tiny portion of the broader frustration, but we don't know where to place that frustration.


Well-Known Member
We tried it. Started at Uni then moved to WDW to finish our trip.

I had never been happier to set foot on WDW property than that. Just relaxing at the resort simply felt sublime. I wouldn’t have needed to attend a park to enjoy myself more than I did at Universal (though Hagrids and Velocicoaster were great and Toothsome was yummy, the experience is more than just the sum of its parts).

I do really still appreciate this forum (which is why I’m a sponsor) though I do miss some of the old insiders
That's a good way to do it. In reverse, the loss of customer service and high-quality upkeep is noticeable. I really like Universal and admire how far it's come over the past 10 years. It'd still need 20 years of consistent improvement even to approach Disney, though.


Well-Known Member
For someone who's only interested in "data and facts", you sure do like to editorialize. It's clear you're reading my posts selectively, so unless you choose to reply in better faith this will be my last time responding to you.
Well, I legitimately forgot this thread existed until I logged back in to look at the Kona Cafe thing. So, that speaks volumes. To be fair, I am having life stuff at the moment. Anyway, Mr. Penguin has started a remarkable thread about data that lacks my editorializing. So, that might work better for you than a conversation with me.

But yeah, in reviewing the thread, you would have genuinely lost me at "buzz inside the company" as a reply to a request for objective data. That's not something that passes the laugh test. We're probably not going to have any great conversations if that's your basis for conclusions.

We don't know each other, but I'll say with complete sincerity that I'm a facts guy, not someone who gives gossip credence. There was a recent example of the reportedly updated Lightyear attraction on a site that doesn't vet well that shows how easily gossip turns into "buzz inside the company." So, that's not a game I like to play. I'm more about what's actually happening based on what can be demonstrably proven.

I genuinely wish you well and regret that we couldn't have better conversations. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Well, I legitimately forgot this thread existed until I logged back in to look at the Kona Cafe thing. So, that speaks volumes. To be fair, I am having life stuff at the moment. Anyway, Mr. Penguin has started a remarkable thread about data that lacks my editorializing. So, that might work better for you than a conversation with me.

But yeah, in reviewing the thread, you would have genuinely lost me at "buzz inside the company" as a reply to a request for objective data. That's not something that passes the laugh test. We're probably not going to have any great conversations if that's your basis for conclusions.

We don't know each other, but I'll say with complete sincerity that I'm a facts guy, not someone who gives gossip credence. There was a recent example of the reportedly updated Lightyear attraction on a site that doesn't vet well that shows how easily gossip turns into "buzz inside the company." So, that's not a game I like to play. I'm more about what's actually happening based on what can be demonstrably proven.

I genuinely wish you well and regret that we couldn't have better conversations. Cheers.
Okay, I'll give you one more:

You completely skipped that Disney is taking actionable steps to change the program you're hailing as a "blockbuster". In 5 days it will be operating in a very different fashion in an effort to improve abysmal guest satisfaction. I happen to know that it's directly because they're not willing to make as much money as they are at the expense of so many guests' goodwill. For anyone who doesn't know that, the conclusion may still be very logically drawn from Disney's alterations to Genie+. But feel free to ignore that one more time, because you'd instead rather get hung up on language you choose to find laughable despite the greater context obviously demonstrating its truth.

You admit you're not familiar with my history - it's there for you to look up if you like. I've been posting here for almost 20 years and I've proven that I don't assert rumors baselessly.

It might also be worth remembering that you didn't direct a post at me asking for "objective data" until after my point was made, so you'll have to forgive if I didn't present you exactly what you never asked me for until after the fact. But as I said previously, the closest you'll get to data in a case like this is Disney's own actions, since they'll never publically admit to these sorts of problems. They will, however, make public moves that are designed to quietly correct them, which is exactly what they're doing. That they're changing a supposedly successful program to limit how many guests can buy it (and, in effect, how much money it can make them) speaks volumes and is all the fact that is needed.

No need to justify to me why you haven't been active, or why your memory is spotty. It's no skin off my nose.

See you on June 8th when your "blockbuster" initiative starts pumping the breaks in an effort to forestall a cultural cliffdive for the resort.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll give you one more:

You completely skipped that Disney is taking actionable steps to change the program you're hailing as a "blockbuster".
I didn't miss it. I drew a diametrically different opinion from you. Disney isn't fixing anything. It's reducing its legal responsibility because the program has sold so well. It wants consumers to lessen expectations about what they'll get. Businesses only do that when they know customers will buy the product anyway.

And again, that's not a data point. That's a subjective evaluation you're using after I asked for a data point.

Also, I should confess that I barely even skimmed your last two posts. So, you're expending a lot of effort here on a subject where I already invited you to engage with someone whose debate style may fit better with your own. I say that politely.


Well-Known Member
Requesting Thread deletion. It appears that my question has caused problems with the admins. I do not want problems.
Question answered, based on general member behavior :(. I do not wish to make a problem WORSE :(.

Requesting thread stay open. Discussion has been interesting and mostly civil. Plus the mods deserve props for being open to some of the criticism they have faced throughout this thread and not deleting it.

Doing the best I can to put myself in a mods shoes, some of the criticism would be difficult to read. In most places, most mods probably wouldn’t allow this discussion to occur. This says a lot about how well this forum is moderated. They have subjected themselves to criticism without lashing out or censoring.

So, as I said, props to the mods for allowing this discussion and keeping an open mind.


Well-Known Member
I didn't miss it. I drew a diametrically different opinion from you. Disney isn't fixing anything. It's reducing its legal responsibility because the program has sold so well. It wants consumers to lessen expectations about what they'll get. Businesses only do that when they know customers will buy the product anyway.

And again, that's not a data point. That's a subjective evaluation you're using after I asked for a data point.

Also, I should confess that I barely even skimmed your last two posts. So, you're expending a lot of effort here on a subject where I already invited you to engage with someone whose debate style may fit better with your own. I say that politely.
Yeah, you’ve hardly been polite.

See ya.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Whoa, whoa, hold on… these boards are based in the UK? I’ve been reading them for much more then 15 years and was completely oblivious to that fact! It actually explains quite a few things.

Oh, and relevant to nothing, I find the customer service and upkeep at Uni vastly superior to WDW. In fact, if Uni didn’t exist, I probably wouldn’t have visited Disney in a decade!


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Whoa, whoa, hold on… these boards are based in the UK? I’ve been reading them for much more then 15 years and was completely oblivious to that fact! It actually explains quite a few things.

Look at the bottom of the page...


Premium Member
Whoa, whoa, hold on… these boards are based in the UK? I’ve been reading them for much more then 15 years and was completely oblivious to that fact! It actually explains quite a few things.

I’m not bragging about my astuteness here but… why the heck would I have ever read that?

Anyway, it sheds new light on a few things, but ultimately these remain the best Disney message boards on the net, regardless of where they are based.

I’m intrigued. What does it explain or shed light on?


Well-Known Member
I’m intrigued. What does it explain or shed light on?
Must say I am also very intrigued! I'm also not American (nor British) and I've always known where the site was based, but I've never noticed anything identifiably British about how it was run!

Maybe shouldn't wade into this discussion, but I do sympathise with the moderators having to edit discussions dealing with LGBTQIA+ issues on the forum as well as @jagiord1's perspective. Growing up in the 1980s and 1990s was enough to experience the feeling of people thinking your existence was too controversial or salacious a topic to discuss in polite society and watching that slowly change. On the other hand, if all that happens when the topic comes up is heated arguing that can be even more hurtful, I also see why the mods might think it does more harm than good and maybe this isn't the place for those discussions. Very difficult balancing act, that even Disney with all its resources hasn't been great at managing through its public statements lately.

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