Plans for the Future


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Reading these fourms it seems that Disney World has a ton of options. This is a lot but I hope you all can answer the questions. I would like to know what you think Disney will do in the next 10 years to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM, & Animal Kingdom. I would also like to know if you think they will build a new park or new resorts or even add on to the monorail or add a new transportation system. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Add rides, espeically to AK. No new parks or resorts or expand the monorail unless the economy kicks in high gear.


New Member
first of all, major revamp of Epcot (it needs help), and the rivival of ToD (I can dream) No new parks, but I think Pop Century will open as well as Saratoga Springs, and maybe a new one, I say new land at AK, not much added to MK or MGM! I think new technology will be added somewhere in the parks to make something better, and I see one more steep decline in tourism (war w/ Iraq), overall I think the next ten years are going to be good ones!!


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Posters use 'bump' to keep the thread from flowing into the depths of oblivion. :)

In other words, to keep the thread alive.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWKing
Posters use 'bump' to keep the thread from flowing into the depths of oblivion. :)

In other words, to keep the thread alive.

or in this case it was done to bury some filth a troll posted...which since has been deleted.


New Member
I think that they will definately do some rehabbing:

1. Epcot
I think that Disney will be replacing Spaceship Earth with a different ride system sometime within the next 10 years. I loved this ride as a kid and still love it, but I am not opposed to giving it a face lift.
I think that the whole Wonders of Life pavilion is either going to be entirely replaced or majorly revamped. Whenever I go in there, its completely empty.
I don't believe they will add any more countries to the World Showcase.

2. Animal Kingdom
I think, at least I hope, that they will add some more rides. I do enjoy this park and what it has as of now, but it isn't an all-day park for me. There is a great deal that I am not interested in riding or seeing at this park.

3. MGM Studios
I think they'll definately redo the Great Movie Ride, which I think is a great move on their part.
I think they need one more draw to bring people to this part, like Tower of Terror.... what it is, I don't know :D

4. Transportation
I don't think they'll extend the monorail line. The buses are such an effective form of transportation right now that I don't see why they'd spend money to fix what isn't broken. Besides all the arguements in posts on this board have lead me to believe that there would be problems with extending it anyway.

5. New Parks
I don't think there will be any new parks, WDW has got so much already with 4 parks, 2 water parks, Downtown Disney, etc... that the average family staying one week would have way too much to do!

6. I don't think there will be any more resorts, though I do hope they open Pop just seems like its sitting there. Disney has an enormous amount of resorts and I just don't think there is a need for anymore.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
4. Transportation
I don't think they'll extend the monorail line. The buses are such an effective form of transportation right now that I don't see why they'd spend money to fix what isn't broken. Besides all the arguements in posts on this board have lead me to believe that there would be problems with extending it anyway.

WOW! Someone who listens... THANKS!!! :)


New Member
All I know is good old Mike Eisner seems to be hell bent on opening more and more new parks in other parts of the world to maximize Disney's faultering profits (thank you ABC) instead of concentrating on improving the ones already in operation. Hopefully after Disney Hong Kong they will just concentrate on bringing more rides to Animal Kingdom, revamp future world at Epcot, either give MGM a new e-ticket or seriously overhaul Star Tours, the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular and get the Jim Henson company (or whomever owns the rights to the muppets now) to give them a huge, great new Muppet Vision 3D. Also fix whatever the heck is the matter with California Adventure.


New Member
first of all, major revamp of Epcot (it needs help),

Yeah, total confusion the last time I went.

4. Transportation
I don't think they'll extend the monorail line. The buses are such an effective form of transportation right now that I don't see why they'd spend money to fix what isn't broken. Besides all the arguements in posts on this board have lead me to believe that there would be problems with extending it anyway.

They at least need to get new cars, they smell really bad and are starting to look old...

I really just think a redo of some stuf would really help, as most of it is starting to look old and used (and there has GOT to be some way to make Test Track run better, adn taht single passender line is annoying, because the people usually let all of that line go in fist, so the other people have to wait and wait and wait..)

Also, IMHO, the Fast Pass is really annoying, and needs to be thought through. Unless you get there first thing in teh morning and grab a punch of passes for the afternoon, you won't be able to ride anything more then twice in teh day, and the people who don't care to, or don't quite understand the concept off, get annoyed and fustrated at the Fast Pass.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dandyboing
They at least need to get new cars, they smell really bad and are starting to look old...

They just redid the interiors 2-3yrs ago.

There are many reasons why the interiors smell... some come from the carpet glue... some come from people doing really nasty and disgusting things... They do shampoo them regularly, though.


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
They just redid the interiors 2-3yrs ago.

There are many reasons why the interiors smell... some come from the carpet glue... some come from people doing really nasty and disgusting things... They do shampoo them regularly, though.

Ooooh! I haven't been there in that long, so...

Smelled to me more like they were transporting animals from AK to and from in the monorails. I got to the point were I would gag just walking in...


Well-Known Member
I think that Disney will add a new land to AK with Forbidden mountain in Asia and possibly another ride somewhere else. MGM won't be changed much maybe just rehab and one new ride. MGM can't really be expanded due to being surrounded on all sides by roads. MK im not really sure what will happen here. I think AE will get a stich rehab(as much as I like the ride now), the 20k Lagoon will get something in it, and maybe a change in a ride or show. Now EPCOT I beleive will go through the rumored Gemini Project so major rehab and expansion here. Around the world I could see a new park going up maybe in like the 9th year after AK gets finished. Not including the ones being built now, I think two resort will open, one moderate one deluxe, or a vacation club resort. A new water park will be built and no expansion of the monarail will happen, the bussing system is way too succesful and efficient (sp?)right now, yeah a monorail expansion would be cool but when they could save money on buying more busses I think that is what they'll do. Downtown Disney won't see much action except a couple new shops here and there. This just basically what I think will happen most of it probobly won't but i think it's a possibility.
I think inthe next ten years there will be some improvements. i definetly belive their wont be any new parks but adding to the existing parks is a must. I think that the monarail line will definetly be extended but not to everything . I like the bus but the monorials are very good for the eviroment. hopefully more rides and a new land will be added to Ak, Epcot needs to get something, MGM is great Needs less shows though i think, MK is another park that need some but not much improvement. Some animatronics need to be updated and they need to keep some of the classics like CoP. Pop century will open up and maybe 2 or 3 more . Thats about it i guess. i doubt anything huge will happen but hey u never know


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mickeyman819
I like the bus but the monorials are very good for the eviroment.

Well, they're good in that you don't see the pollution created by the power plants used to generate the massive amounts of electricity required for operation.

By the way, on a sidenote... todays Diesel engines are actually cleaner burning than Compressed Natural Gas powered engines. And when you consider each bus could potentially take 15 cars off the road... that's not bad for the environment (or the roads) either.


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Original Poster
Well Disney has a little problem with the busses. Last time I was there I asked a driver and they said that Disney currently owns has many busses as the law permits them. From my understanding I guess Disney is only allowed to own so many busses and they are already at there limit. Has anyone else geard this or something similar to what I have told? Thanks in advance......

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