'Pirates' Sequel Earns Record $132 Million Debut

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
So to reprise, POTC is not that wonderful, Shreks pants and always has been, but a film no one has seen is the show stopper.

Where can I purchase one of these crystal balls?

By the way, Loved Spiderman, but never felt the urge to watch Spiderman II, but then I never read comic books as a kid.


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
So to reprise, POTC is not that wonderful, Shreks pants and always has been, but a film no one has seen is the show stopper.

Where can I purchase one of these crystal balls?

By the way, Loved Spiderman, but never felt the urge to watch Spiderman II, but then I never read comic books as a kid.
I'm assuming you were referencing clarkfan? Shrek III might not pull in what number two did. The story is, from what I've of it and in my opinion, lacking greatly in comparison to the first two. The only way to probably garauntee a record-breaker is to not have Shrek in it a and focus entirely on Puss In Boots.

I anticipate Spiderman III to surpass PotC2, for the simple fact that it starts the Venom storyline. It definitely looks a great deal better than number 2.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
I'm assuming you were referencing clarkfan? Shrek III might not pull in what number two did. The story is, from what I've of it and in my opinion, lacking greatly in comparison to the first two. The only way to probably garauntee a record-breaker is to not have Shrek in it a and focus entirely on Puss In Boots.

I anticipate Spiderman III to surpass PotC2, for the simple fact that it starts the Venom storyline. It definitely looks a great deal better than number 2.

I thought puss in boots was getting its own movie. I dont remember the place I saw it but I do remember reading it.


New Member
estimates were off...

The estimates for Pirates records breaking weekend were off a bit.. ON THE LOW SIDE.. $135,634,554 !!! almost 4 mill over the estimates..


Well-Known Member
I'm quite impressed, and happy for the great opening. :)

My only curiousity, and somewhat of a concern, is how will Pirate's fair at the close of this week? Did everyone go see it the same weekend and attendence will drop significantly, or is this going to be more long term like Titanic, where people go back to see the movie more than once?


Well-Known Member
cac2889 said:
I'm quite impressed, and happy for the great opening. :)

My only curiousity, and somewhat of a concern, is how will Pirate's fair at the close of this week? Did everyone go see it the same weekend and attendence will drop significantly, or is this going to be more long term like Titanic, where people go back to see the movie more than once?
That depends... what else is opening this weekend? Also, I saw the film in Korea this weekend, which means it was an international release. Do these grosses INCLUDE international numbers? If so, that SERIOUSLY inflates them. I honestly expect a big drop off next weekend. I imagine most Americans aren't willing to pay 10 dollars to sit through a movie they saw already. I know I'm not... and I'm a huge movie buff.


New Member
I'm glad to see Disney raking in the big money. But, I seriously agree with Legacy--Dead Man's chest just wasn't a very good movie. As a Disney fan, it really pains me to say that. It was convoluted. It was boring. It was about seven hours too long. And, most importantly, it wasn't any fun. I write movie reviews sometimes, and here's what I wrote for "Pirates 2":

First, let's get a couple of things straight--I loved the first Pirates film. It was a deliciously fun swashbuckling adventure that had its tongue firmly planted in its cheek. Director Gore Verbinski sailed his cast into a sunny experience that just made you smile out of pure enjoyment.

But, in the world of the Caribbean, it's amazing how quickly the weather can turn against you. To put it bluntly, Dead Man's Chest is downright boring. It's poorly paced. It lacks a cohesive structure. And, for an action movie, it lacks great action sequences. The story, which is a convoluted mess that reeks of multiple screenwriters with too many ideas and not enough common sense, takes a good two hours to get interesting. Yup, I said it. TWO HOURS. In the meantime, we're tossed back and forth from character to character with vague dialogue and leaky pirate ships until the whole shindig smells as bad as the Kraken's breath.

When we do finally reach the bombastic action-packed finale, it's hard to care anymore. Like an unruly dinner party guest, Pirates 2 long outstays its welcome. Character motivations weren't explained. Plot is thick and unintelligible. And, as a result, "Dead Man's Chest" becomes a victim of trying to do a little bit of everything, but at the same time, not doing anything particularly well. Sure, the special effects looked top notch, but in a world where computer generated wizardry is the norm, it takes a lot more than some fish-people to get one to turn his head in wonder.

It's fascinating how all the best cinematic ingredients (a good director, talented cast, brilliant special effects) all come together to taste downright bitter without the unifying power of a solid story. Almost in a cruel state of irony, the famous theme park attraction prophetically speaks the truth about its very own cinematic adaptation: "They're be rough waters ahead."

In the meantime, I raise a glass of grog to the heavens in hope that the third installment brings life back to a once such promising franchise.


Active Member
I have 4 points:

1. I loved it and im going to see it again. And i think it will be a movie that does well over a long time.

2. Spiderman 3 will most likely NOT beat this record. Its trilologys(or however you spell it)not how good it is that makes it have good ticket sales. Spiderman 2 did lower than spiderman 1 and i think spidy3 will do about the same as 1. I know i wont go see it opening weekend.

3. Shrek is a great movie but cartoons and comidies normally dont do as well as real life blockbusters. My guess for Shrek 3: 97million its opening weekend. The third one cant be as good as the second one and Pirates coming out the weekend after will hurt shrek 3.

4. I think Pirates three will do around 125million its opening weekend. But i could be wrong, the last installments of a trilology(again cant spell) usually do great since, well, its the last one.

Thats all i have to say. :animwink:
I never saw the original Spider-Man, but I did see Spidey 2 (on DVD) and thought it was pretty good. I believe that the Venom storyline is going to draw all the wacky comic book people to the theatres that opening weekend. I'll go opening weekend, but only because Sandman looks so cool in the trailer and I need to see more. What will happen, is that Spidey 3 will open in more theatres than Pirates 2 and thus will make more money it's opening weekend....actually, any anticipated movie, if opened on the right number of screens could beat Pirates before Spider-Man even gets a chance.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I say that Disney should move up the release date, alteast till mid june. Heck, why not release it in July like DMC? It would give them more time to do some finnishing touches to the movie. No matter how much Shrek or Spiderman will make, it will still take a huge chunk of profit from POTC3, mark my words.


manutdfan1 said:
Spiderman 2 did lower than spiderman 1
Of course it was going to, unlike the first one it opened two days before the weekend and made a total of $64.2 million over those two days.

and i think spidy 3 will do about the same as 1.
Spider-Man 3 is opening on a Friday, unless it moves to Wednesday it will most definitely pass Spider-Man's OW number.

Shrek is a great movie but cartoons and comidies normally dont do as well as real life blockbusters.
Then why did Shrek 2 open with $108 million?

The third one cant be as good as the second one
How do you know? Revenge of the King was third film in the LOTR trilogy and certainly was better than The Two Towers.

But i could be wrong, the last installments of a trilology(again cant spell) usually do great since, well, its the last one.
But you just said Shrek 3 and Spider-Man 3 won't do well.....


imagineer boy said:
I say that Disney should move up the release date, alteast till mid june. Heck, why not release it in July like DMC? It would give them more time to do some finnishing touches to the movie. No matter how much Shrek or Spiderman will make, it will still take a huge chunk of profit from POTC3, mark my words.
Have you even seen the release schedule for next year?

• Spider-Man 3 (Sony) - 5/4
• 1408 (Dim.) - 5/18
• Shrek the Third (DW) - 5/18
• Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (BV) - 5/25
• Ocean's Thirteen (WB) - 6/8
• Surf's Up (Sony) - 6/8
• Fantastic Four 2 (Fox) - 6/15
• The Brave One (WB) - 6/22
• Evan Almighty (Uni.) - 6/22
• Stardust (Par.) - 6/22
• Ratatouille (BV) - 6/29
• The Transformers (DW) - 7/4
• Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (WB) - 7/13
• Journey 3-D (NL) - 7/20
• I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (Uni.) - 7/20
• 10,000 B.C. (WB) - 7/27
• The Simpsons (Fox) - 7/27
• The Bourne Ultimatum (Uni.) - 8/3
• Underdog (BV) - 8/3
• Alien vs. Predator 2 (WB) - 8/10
• Rush Hour 3 (NL) - 8/10
• Nancy Drew (WB) - 8/10
• Disturbia (Par.) - 8/17
• Knocked Up (Uni.) - 8/17

It's WAY too crowded. The only other place it could go is Fall/Winter.


Legacy said:
That depends... what else is opening this weekend?
Little Man and You, Me and Dupree. Both aren't expected to make more than $25 million.

Also, I saw the film in Korea this weekend, which means it was an international release. Do these grosses INCLUDE international numbers?
Nope, this number is only domestic. It only opened in seven countries over the weekend (Disney is opening it later in others because the World Cup was going to do some damage) but made an outstanding $46.6 million.

If so, that SERIOUSLY inflates them. I honestly expect a big drop off next weekend. I imagine most Americans aren't willing to pay 10 dollars to sit through a movie they saw already. I know I'm not... and I'm a huge movie buff.

One of the things that drove the first one to $300 million was the repeat viewings. A lot of people, especially females, flocked to that one over and over and they're expected to do the same with this one (I've seen it twice myself, hoping to see it at least five more times :lol: ). I'm personally predicting a drop to only $69.8 million for next weekend.


erasure fan1 said:
I thought puss in boots was getting its own movie. I dont remember the place I saw it but I do remember reading it.
He is....not quote sure if it's going to be DTV or a theatrical release though.


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
Have you even seen the release schedule for next year?

• Spider-Man 3 (Sony) - 5/4
• 1408 (Dim.) - 5/18
• Shrek the Third (DW) - 5/18
• Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (BV) - 5/25
• Ocean's Thirteen (WB) - 6/8
• Surf's Up (Sony) - 6/8
• Fantastic Four 2 (Fox) - 6/15
• The Brave One (WB) - 6/22
• Evan Almighty (Uni.) - 6/22
• Stardust (Par.) - 6/22
• Ratatouille (BV) - 6/29
• The Transformers (DW) - 7/4
• Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (WB) - 7/13
• Journey 3-D (NL) - 7/20
• I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (Uni.) - 7/20
• 10,000 B.C. (WB) - 7/27
• The Simpsons (Fox) - 7/27
• The Bourne Ultimatum (Uni.) - 8/3
• Underdog (BV) - 8/3
• Alien vs. Predator 2 (WB) - 8/10
• Rush Hour 3 (NL) - 8/10
• Nancy Drew (WB) - 8/10
• Disturbia (Par.) - 8/17
• Knocked Up (Uni.) - 8/17

It's WAY too crowded. The only other place it could go is Fall/Winter.

Talk about a top heavy summer. The 3 big blockbusters right in a row. And of course the exceptions are be Ratatouille and Harry Potter. To me it looks like an average summer. Quanity over quality, IMO.

This might be the year that the list of unnecessary sequals bite studios in the butt. Fantastic Four 2 should be a bomb and a half. The first was beyond terrible and I couldn't imagine many people wanting to go back for more. Silver Surfer or not, they shouldn't have screwed up the first film so bad. And I loved Bruce Almighty and Steve Carrell, but I've had a bad feeling about this one ever since it was annouced. AVP2? Oh goodness.

It looks to me like Disney is really sticking it to Dreamworks. Shrek 3's 2nd week numbers will see a huge drop. I think POTC will still thrive in a crowded early summer.


Le Meh
Premium Member
NemoRocks said:
Have you even seen the release schedule for next year?

• Spider-Man 3 (Sony) - 5/4
• 1408 (Dim.) - 5/18
• Shrek the Third (DW) - 5/18
• Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (BV) - 5/25
• Ocean's Thirteen (WB) - 6/8
• Surf's Up (Sony) - 6/8
• Fantastic Four 2 (Fox) - 6/15
• The Brave One (WB) - 6/22
• Evan Almighty (Uni.) - 6/22
• Stardust (Par.) - 6/22
• Ratatouille (BV) - 6/29
• The Transformers (DW) - 7/4
• Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (WB) - 7/13
• Journey 3-D (NL) - 7/20
• I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (Uni.) - 7/20
• 10,000 B.C. (WB) - 7/27
• The Simpsons (Fox) - 7/27
• The Bourne Ultimatum (Uni.) - 8/3
• Underdog (BV) - 8/3
• Alien vs. Predator 2 (WB) - 8/10
• Rush Hour 3 (NL) - 8/10
• Nancy Drew (WB) - 8/10
• Disturbia (Par.) - 8/17
• Knocked Up (Uni.) - 8/17

It's WAY too crowded. The only other place it could go is Fall/Winter.
I miss the Lord of the Rings and Matrix summers.......this looks kinda bleak outside of Pirates and FF


Well-Known Member
That's a scary summer release schedule. Far too many sequels and three-quels and five-quels (Harry) for my taste. It's possible none of them will do that well because people want to stick it to a creative-less Hollywood...

(A guy can dream...)


Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
Far too many sequels and three-quels and five-quels (Harry) for my taste. It's possible none of them will do that well because people want to stick it to a creative-less Hollywood...

(A guy can dream...)

People are calling for Spidy, Shrek, Harry Potter and POTC though. I am looking forward very much to Spidy, Shrek and POTC and Ratatouille. Of course, any movie starring Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, or Adam Sandler is a must see for me too :)

But I do agree with you. There seem to be a lot of not wanted sequals on that list.

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