Pirates & Princess Party for a 2 year old???

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
And someone who takes their kids to WDW, but NOT to P&P, ISN'T enjoying them? Is, in fact, depriving them?

And if I take a child to WDW, but spend less than 2K, should Social Services get involved? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Look, I'm not advocating anything or anyone's opinion. But I think it should be the parent's decision whether they want to take their kid to the P&P event. And jollymon was just looking for advice because he wanted other people's opinions since he wasn't sure what he should do. Everyone here has seemed to give there opinions, mostly for the positive. Slappy magoo simply voiced what I would assume to be the Devil's advocate reason for not taking a 2 year old. Just because that opinion may not be savvy with the rest of the advice doesn't mean he should be jumped all over. He's got his opinion and was just letting jollymon hear another side of the argument. It is still jollymon's decision what will be done. If jollymon chooses to take his daughter to the party, he is more than welcome to do so based on the advice given here. If jollymon chooses to take his daughter somewhere else because of the advice given here, that's fine too. Jollymon was simply asking for all the varying opinions and there is no reason to jump on anyone for having an opinion that you don't necessarily agree with.

*steps off soapbox*

Now please let's turn the thread back to what the original question was which was would the P&P parties be enjoyable for a 2 year old and a parent together.


Well-Known Member
It won't be something you could do with her as a 2 year old agian. Grab it if you can. If it will hamper you financially, than don't. If it will ruin her sleeping habits for a few days, don't. Otherwise have a blast. What's $40 for great night of fun. End to End runs on Small World and Pooh pay for themselves. Plus, Characters tend to spend LOTS more time with the kids. We saw Snow White and Prince at MVMCP with our "just 3" year old for almost 15 min exclusive. What's wrong with that. (results may vary)


Well-Known Member
And someone who takes their kids to WDW, but NOT to P&P, ISN'T enjoying them? Is, in fact, depriving them?

And if I take a child to WDW, but spend less than 2K, should Social Services get involved? :rolleyes:

If you don't want to go, don't. If you are considering it, why not? That's all I've said. I didn't point out that it's wasting time or money or effort.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
No, these are things you DID say, you just padded them to make them sound less harsh or whatever. If you didn't mean them, they wouldn't have been said, if you didn't think they were offensive, you wouldn't have padded them. Or you may not understand what you were saying, which I was helping you to get to the root of. Yer Welcome. :D

Oooooohhhhh, now I get it. You have the innate ability to take people's words out of context, revise and enhance them, and know what their intentions were better than they did themselves! Well, why didn't you tell me? *I* have that ability too!

For instance, when you wrote,
"This is the dumbest excuse to keep parents from doing anything with their kids."

I KNOW you were calling me stupid for having that opinion, which is a personal insult and a bannable offense! I just didn't bring it up because I hate to be petty, like not being able to admit when I'm wrong!

Also, when you wrote
"Why not dumb everything down for them and only feed and change them"
You were saying that I hate kids! Which I never knew until just now! Thank you, Jimbo! Just for being you! It almost makes up for you calling me stupid!

"Maybe you aren't qualified to answer, so don't. "

Well, that's just a big ol' polite way of saying STFU. Not the best way to foster civilized discourse, but hey, when you're telling someone to STFU, you don't exactly WANT civilized discourse, do ya? Thoughtful intelligent answers are worthless if they don't agree with you, am I right, there, rock star?

"If you are spending 2K on a trip, what's another $38.50 or whatever."

Why, I never knew you could look into my wallet as well as my soul. Madame Cleo had nothing on YOU, big kid! Of course, you could extrapolate from that "But everything you want while you're at WDW and worry about the expense later" and that sort of spending is what prevents people from returning to WDW sooner, the fact that they still have to pay for the last one. But hey, fiscal responsibility is SO 1996, am I right?

"Just don't have kids if you don't want them."

And see, all this time I foolishly believed those specialists I go to that tell me I have motility issues that will make it difficult for my wife & I to conceive. But now, I know! I just don't want kids! Well, I don't know if my wife will thank you for that, but my insurance company sure will, ya big galoot! You're like the Nostradamus of Disney Discussion Forums, and there are SO many people who fight for that title!

"It won't be something you could do with her as a 2 year old agian."

Of course, theoretically, I could spend that theoretical night with my theoretical 2-year old going on a theoretical hay ride at Fort Wilderness, and my schedule & budget might force me to make one decision over the other. If I opt for P&P, then I can never do a Disney hayride with her as a 2 year old either! And she might wind up hating the P&P becuase she's tired or scared of all the characters or just overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds, whereas a hayride might be more relaxing and serene and enjoyable for my theoretical child! But hey, what do I know? I'm not a parent, so my opinion is invalid! And YOU know my theoretical child better than *I* do!

"If you don't want to go, don't. If you are considering it, why not? That's all I've said. I didn't point out that it's wasting time or money or effort."

Sorry, I guess I got confused by all your unnecessary PADDING. You really oughta consider being more direct and to the point. You know, dumb it down. :rolleyes:

Thanks, folks, don't forget to tip your wait staff.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh...forget I even asked.
Look guys...you're fighting has made the person who asked a simple question say "forget it."

Stop fighting!!! It's pointless. If you want to continue this, do it in PMs because you both are bumming us all out.

And to think, we wonder why people don't want to participate here. :rolleyes:

Look, jollymon, I hope you really do find the answer you are looking for. I hope you can actually get something out of the responses you were given because there really is something there.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Sorry for your thread devolving into what it's devolved into, jollymon.

FWIW, whatever you decide, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. My point of view comes strictly from what I thought was a practical approach to your question. If it helps, let me rephrase it thusly:

I think, if I had a 2 year old, and I'd have to do the P&P party alone that child, I'd rather do something else with her that night, try to make that special between the two of us, and then try the P&P when she's a little older, or the whole family can go. And I hope she doesn't grow up to resent me because I denied her that party. :D


New Member
Original Poster
I did get some good points of view, but if it was just going to be bickering, there was no point in continuing it. Thanks to everyone for their points of view, although I'm still not sure which direction to go. Also to nibblesandbits, thanks for noticing that it was a Dad taking his daughter and not a mom (not that it changes the scenerio one bit, but I appreciate it).


Well-Known Member
I did get some good points of view, but if it was just going to be bickering, there was no point in continuing it. Thanks to everyone for their points of view, although I'm still not sure which direction to go. Also to nibblesandbits, thanks for noticing that it was a Dad taking his daughter and not a mom (not that it changes the scenerio one bit, but I appreciate it).

No prob. I figured it out when you mentioned DW. (Plus I looked at your profile to make sure! :D )

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter. Sure, she might not remember what you do...(however, she might...my brother has memories from being that young.) but what matters is what you remember. That's the most important thing. Enjoy your time with her!!!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I did get some good points of view, but if it was just going to be bickering, there was no point in continuing it. Thanks to everyone for their points of view, although I'm still not sure which direction to go. Also to nibblesandbits, thanks for noticing that it was a Dad taking his daughter and not a mom (not that it changes the scenerio one bit, but I appreciate it).

Eh, the gender bending was, I think, my fault. Probably because I'm not a parent, I didn't know fathers and daughters were allowed to spend time together without a mother present. :lol: Honestly, I don't know at what point I got the idea this was a mother-daughter thing and not a father-daughter thing. And that changes my whole opinion! GO!

OK, not really, I stand by my opinion, but it would've been kind of funny to negate the whole argument that way. "Oh, you're a Pisces? Well, then you should go, by all means."


I did get some good points of view, but if it was just going to be bickering, there was no point in continuing it. Thanks to everyone for their points of view, although I'm still not sure which direction to go. Also to nibblesandbits, thanks for noticing that it was a Dad taking his daughter and not a mom (not that it changes the scenerio one bit, but I appreciate it).

Jollymon, I'm glad you were able to get some good points despite the bickering. Have a great time on your trip :wave:

If anyone else has useful information to post, please continue. For what it's worth, while I'm not familiar with the P&P party, I do plenty with my daughter that I know she won't remember, but she sure enjoys herself.


Well-Known Member
I do plenty with my daughter that I know she won't remember, but she sure enjoys herself.
So do I..and she seems to enjoy herself and I love everything I do with her..I also have pictures and videos to remember it and show her one day.
Just seeing her laugh and smile and clap when we do things is worth it all for me.

I think you should bring your daughter and I think you two will have an amazing time..:)


Well-Known Member
..........Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter. Sure, she might not remember what you do...(however, she might...my brother has memories from being that young.) but what matters is what you remember. That's the most important thing. Enjoy your time with her!!!

Exactly! I took my son when he was 2 1/2 to Cirque. Everyone who knew my plans said I was stupid for wasting my money. It definetly was not a waste. He had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it. We've never been to a hard ticket event before, but I have taken both my children to large events and weddings since they were born (outside WDW). They both seem to enjoy everything, especially the music and dancing! A friend of mine called to thank me for a silver wedding video box I gave her. She told me how appropriate my gift turned out to be as most of the video of the reception was of my, then 20 month old, dancing like crazy on the dance floor with all the bridesmaids. Most kids love a party type atmosphere. Hopefully, there will be lots of photopass folks out to document your special night with your little princess, but I'd take a disposable camera too and ask other people to take pics for you. Most people won't mind and I would think CM's would have no problem taking pictures for ya. Have a GREAT time! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Exactly! I took my son when he was 2 1/2 to Cirque. Everyone who knew my plans said I was stupid for wasting my money. It definetly was not a waste. He had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it. We've never been to a hard ticket event before, but I have taken both my children to large events and weddings since they were born (outside WDW). They both seem to enjoy everything, especially the music and dancing! A friend of mine called to thank me for a silver wedding video box I gave her. She told me how appropriate my gift turned out to be as most of the video of the reception was of my, then 20 month old, dancing like crazy on the dance floor with all the bridesmaids. Most kids love a party type atmosphere. Hopefully, there will be lots of photopass folks out to document your special night with your little princess, but I'd take a disposable camera too and ask other people to take pics for you. Most people won't mind and I would think CM's would have no problem taking pictures for ya. Have a GREAT time! :wave:
Guess I should have said it more like that. DANG. I hate myself. Bless you all... sorry....:eek:


New Member
Original Poster
Incase anyone wants to know...I decided to do it. I'm taking DD to Pirates and Princesses on Febuary 15th. Even if we just go on a few rides, dress her up to dance with some Princesses, and get some great photos, I figure it's worth it. If she's asleep by 9:00, I can walk around, eat some popcorn, take in the sights and head home around 10...sounds good to me. Thanks to everyone who gave their advice. I can't wait for the first reviews to start rolling in.


Well-Known Member
Incase anyone wants to know...I decided to do it. I'm taking DD to Pirates and Princesses on Febuary 15th. Even if we just go on a few rides, dress her up to dance with some Princesses, and get some great photos, I figure it's worth it. If she's asleep by 9:00, I can walk around, eat some popcorn, take in the sights and head home around 10...sounds good to me. Thanks to everyone who gave their advice. I can't wait for the first reviews to start rolling in.
Yay!!! Hope you have a great time!!! :D

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