Pirates' Demise?????

Anne Stepien

New Member
Original Poster
AS many of you have probably heard, Pressler is supposedly on the short list to head up AOL. Rumors are swirling that Eisner will resign/get fired/be gone. With stock prices crashing it makes me wonder if this will be reality sooner rather than later. To my unpracticed eye, Disney seems ripe for a (hostile) takeover. Anyone else heard anything?


New Member
I would think the huge debt load that Disney is carrying right now would keep any potential hostile suitors away (which goes along with the fact that it is still a HUGE company worth quite a bit (despite the recent stock plunge). Besides, hardly any other company (especially entertainment ones) is in good enough shape to try.


Well-Known Member
>>>Pressler is supposedly on the short list to head up AOL.<<<

He didn't get the job. :(

>>>Anyone else heard anything?<<<

Disney isn't ripe for a takeover yet. Disney will be bought out *after* it tears itself apart. ;)

Lord Alfred

I'm just hoping that whatever happens, they clean house as far as management is concerned. Pressler's crimes are well-known, and I just don't understand Eisner anymore. When he first took over I felt like he was doing a great job, but the last several years have just been one blunder after another. I have one word for the Disney company, a mantra, if you will.


Focus on what made you great and be the absolute best at it. Stop buying up all this other crap like Networks and internet companies. You're spreading yourselves way too thin.

EDIT - Imagine what things could be like if something happened and the parks were spun off into their own company so that their profits could not be "spread around" to the other failing areas. What a dream.

Anne Stepien

New Member
Original Poster
When Eisner first took over Disney he did a FANTATIC job turning things around. Eventually I think the bottom line for both him personally (his bonus) and the company began to color many of his decisions. Ironically (?) this seems to have happened shortly after Frank Wells died. As far as Pressler goes, I thought he did a great job as head of the Disney stores....maybe the theme parks just weren't his niche. Have you guys seen any of Lee Cockerell's writings? They are phenomenal--I think he "still gets it!" Would love to see him get Pressler's job if he'd still be able to keep a hand in day to day operations. Pheonix thinks the atmosphere for a takeover isn't right --that they haven't blown themselves apart yet. True in a way; although they are continually shooting themselves in the foot (cutting off their nose to spite their face, whatever---you get the idea!) I'd really rather see them taken over then have the theme parks/Disney Company sold off in pieces. Time will tell I guess.:brick:


Originally posted by disneychamp
I would think the huge debt load that Disney is carrying right now would keep any potential hostile suitors away (which goes along with the fact that it is still a HUGE company worth quite a bit (despite the recent stock plunge). Besides, hardly any other company (especially entertainment ones) is in good enough shape to try.


Well yes to you an I, $15 billion is a lot. But compaired to the other entertainment companies out there (Universal and it parent company are in debt up to $60 billion) its nothing. Sad to say but Disney seems to be one of the few *purely* entertainment companies in half desent shape (as apposed to Sony, which is not just entertainment). Likewise AOL/ Time Warner might break up over their problems and Vivendi-Universal may sell their orlando them park operations(I don't have a link but there was a huge articale in the Orlando Sentinel in their Central Florida Business section-Page 16 on Monday Aug. 5. page 16 about potential sales)

For those of you who own stock, Disney still has an A credit rating(as apposed to their former A-3 credit rating and still may drop to a B-aa rating) which AOL/Time Warner, et. al. no longer possesses.

Also if you're worried about a take over, yes it theoretically could happen, I would imagine that with the ammout of stock that the Disney Family/Shamrock Holdings has, It would take a tremendous amount of cash to cover their stock, and no one in this economic climate would be willing to fork that out. :dazzle:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Anne Stepien
AS many of you have probably heard, Pressler is supposedly on the short list to head up AOL. Rumors are swirling that Eisner will resign/get fired/be gone. With stock prices crashing (see www.drudgereport.com) it makes me wonder if this will be reality sooner rather than later. To my unpracticed eye, Disney seems ripe for a (hostile) takeover. Anyone else heard anything?

EEEEEEEK!!!! please edit your hyper link...... I got a errr...questionable....not so good site...

try this.. www.drudgereport.com :)


Well-Known Member
I'd really rather see them taken over then have the theme parks/Disney Company sold off in pieces. Time will tell I guess.

HELLO!? What do you think the first thing a takeover corp would do?


Premium Member
Originally posted by Anne Stepien
AS many of you have probably heard, Pressler is supposedly on the short list to head up AOL.

Unfortunately Pressler didnt get the job :( Its gone to Jonathan Miller.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Pirates' Demise?????

Originally posted by wdwmagic

Unfortunately Pressler didnt get the job :( Its gone to Jonathan Miller.

LoL....damn...they were perfect for each other too..both AOL and Presller are pure evil...stupid...and corrupt....oh well....


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: Re: Pirates' Demise?????

Originally posted by NowInc

LoL....damn...they were perfect for each other too..both AOL and Presller are pure evil...stupid...and corrupt....oh well....

LMAO....my thoughts exactly... :lol: :)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: Re: Pirates' Demise?????

Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw

I thought if i said somting i would look like a perve LOL

LOL..nah... I glanced at the link...and I thought I was going to drudges site....but eh....a typo took me elsewhere....:lol:

Lord Alfred

Hmmm. On one hand, I'd hate to see the Disney company bought out by Japanese investors, but on the other hand, I see how well things are going over there at Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySeas. I wonder if the Tokyo Land company (or whatever the group is that backs those parks) has any higher aspirations. They certainly seem to understand some things that the current Disney co. crew do not.


Well-Known Member
Totally off subject but very important

Anne Stepien and DMC-12, can you do me a favor and remove the link that didn't work (ie the link you put in your first post Anne Stepien). It links to a site I really don't think Steve would approve of. I realize its not your fault because you made a typo, but it really needs to be removed. Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Pirates' Demise?????

Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw

I thought if i said somting i would look like a perve LOL

Nah, it just means that you innocently clicked on a link not knowing where it goes. No problem.;)

As for Disney, you guys know more about it than I do. I had know idea their stock was falling. I thought they were in great shape. Of course, after 9/11 I guess it would be understandable for the lack of people going to Disney World.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Just sheerly out of curiosity... what does this have to do with Pirates' demise? I came into this thread expecting another fake story talking about Disney closing PotC. I'm thinking a few others have been led in here by that thought as well. I do hope this isn't what those in the news business know as a deceptive title. (Also known as a headline to the Tabloid companies.)


Well-Known Member
I shall apply for the position, taking just 100k per year plus bonuses based on if the stock goes up and only if the stock goes up.


Well-Known Member
Anybody else looking forward to Eisner's contract expiring in 2006???

I'm hoping he doesn't negotiate another one. Please don't kill Disney! You saved it in the 80s, and did a bang up job in the 90s, but you're killing us here.

To Paul Pressler: Remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Disney's California Adventure, the cheap sequels, and greenlighting horribly misguided movies (Pearl Harbor, Country Bears) is part of that pavement.

Wait. If Eisner's contract expires in 2006, would they promote Paul Pressler to CEO?? Oh my god. That would be a catastrophe.

Makes me wonder if DCA had actually been made into Westcot(thank you to the locals for that one. I would have sided with Disney had I been there). And don't get me started on Hong Kong! It does not even have Frontierland!

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