Pin Trading at Downtown Disney

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Original Poster
Has anyone had any problems with the people trading pins at eh pin store in Downtown Market place? It seems every time I go down, they have this attitude when you want to trade, like it's a big hassle and they don't have time to do it.


Well-Known Member
Donald Duck said:
Has anyone had any problems with the people trading pins at eh pin store in Downtown Market place? It seems every time I go down, they have this attitude when you want to trade, like it's a big hassle and they don't have time to do it.

I haven't. In fact, when they're not busy, I never had any problems chatting with some of them, and even just look through their pin albums, admiring their pins. I've had many pleasent conversation with them.



New Member
Is it true that you can ask any CM to trade pins with you - and they "have" to do it. I got addicted to buying pins on our last trip to DL - but I didn't know you could trade them with CM's until after we left. I still think I'd feel wierd saying "Hey - give me your pin!" :veryconfu How does it work?


Active Member
I haven't had a hard time trading at Downtown Disney but I had an awful time trading at Disney's Animal Kingdom! This was back in January and the only pins I collect are Chip and Dale, and being a theme park fan, I liked the CM Lanyard pins of the Parking Lot Signs.
Now we were over in Camp Minnie-Mickey and there was an older man (notice I didn't use the word "gentleman) who works in that area. Now, I've seen him working crowd control at Festival of the Lion King almost since opening day, and Im sure any repeat fans of the show has seen this guy too: he kind of has a stern face, balding head on top...anyway!
He had a lanyard that was half yellow, half green and I know the green means its only for children under 12, but he was trading with a man and a woman and he actually reached into his pocket and gave the man guest a handful of pins, and they were all CM lanyard pins. The woman that the guest was with was trading pins from the green side of his lanyard.
When I approached his lanyard I noticed he had a "STAGE MICKEY" pin on his green side I wanted to trade him something for it because its the only one in that set I didn't (still don't) have. He told me he couldn't because it was for kids under 12...I pointed out that he was trading with that woman from that side and he said "She told me she was 12, and I don't call anyone a liar." He was getting very loud and very beligerent and I was getting pretty embarrassed because it was almost like HE was causing a scene.
He definitely should not be allowed to pin trade, let alone work with the public. It really put a damper on my day, so please avoid this cast member at the Camp Minnie-Mickey section of Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Mecha Figment

New Member
I know the guy you are refering to. he was just playing around with you. I'm sure if you said you were 12 it might have not been so bad. It's his personality and you realy shouldn't be so offended. it's his job to put on a show.


New Member
Me and my girlfriend were down there during spring break and while she was over looking at the pins of the collectors admiring them nicely 2 persons told her she needed to be on the other side in a very rude tone. being nice she said sorry and moved over but the whole time around there they kept giving us rude dirty looks. finally we just left but was one of my worst expirences the whole trip.


New Member
Donald Duck said:
Has anyone had any problems with the people trading pins at eh pin store in Downtown Market place? It seems every time I go down, they have this attitude when you want to trade, like it's a big hassle and they don't have time to do it.

Do you mean the CM or other guests? These is a big area with lots of tables that other guests use to trade....

If you are referring to other guests, we have enjoyed looking through their pins, but many don't really need any that are more common, which most people have. But, I did have luck having some trade with my kids if they had any duplicates, or ones that weren't rare....they did it to make my DS feel good, which I guess is what it is all about. I had some harder-to-find ones on my lanyard and I told the gentleman to take anything he wanted since he was so nice to my son. (Anything I really want to keep doesn't go on the lanyard)

If you are referring to CM, as long as they are not busy, any wearing a black lanyard should be happy to trade with you. Obv. don't interrupt them if they are taking care of someone. But, I have also seen CM drop what they were doing to offer to trade with my son. Some are more helpful than others, just like anything else in the world (or World LOL).

My kids, especially my DS 9yo love to trade. and since he is usually so shy, this has really helped him come out of his shell at Disney.

Sheesh, speaking of our pin collections, I think my son's carryon will weigh more than anything else! :lol:

! week from tomorrow!!!


New Member
As an advid Walt Disney World pin collector of more then 700 pins, I don't like to trade at Pin Traders. I have heard that a lot of what we like to call Sharks hang out there. For the non pin collectors Sharks are people that try to screw you on purpose in a pin trade, where you will give them a great pin & you they will give you a pin with no value at all. Also I find that at Pin Traders if you don't have a lot of pins to trade no one will want to take the time to trade with you or if you tell them you don't feel comftorable trading them a pin that they want, then that is another reason why they won't trade with you. I like trade every Friday night at the Contemporary on the 4th floor behind the pin station. It's inside so your not in the hot Florida sun or sometimes rain & it's a lot more fun atmosphere.

Next vacation to Walt Disney World
August 8-19, 2006 at Disney's Contemporary Resort.


New Member
dizneykev said:
Hey SoccerMickey. If you still need that Mickey Stage pin, send me an e-mail to I have quite a few extras and would be more than happy to help you out.

thats a nice gesture i was just reading this and trying to get waht pin trading was all about and read your post very nice gesture cheered me up


Naturally Grumpy
villianess said:
Is it true that you can ask any CM to trade pins with you - and they "have" to do it. I got addicted to buying pins on our last trip to DL - but I didn't know you could trade them with CM's until after we left. I still think I'd feel wierd saying "Hey - give me your pin!" :veryconfu How does it work?

Yes, it's true that any CM with a lanyard or other pin display will trade you any pin one for one. As was also discussed, some have different colored lanyards with one specifically for children.

The other part of the conversation concerns private traders. They are not affiliated with Disney, and have no obligation to trade.

I have been approached a number of times (mostly by children) asking to trade. With adults I usually politely say it is unlikely they have anything I am looking for, but with children, I usually carry some spare ones that I can give to them. It can get a little difficult if they identify a certain pin (that I have for display) and don't understand that I don't have to give it to them.

I find it fun to be able to strike up a conversation with CM's over the lanyards. I usually wear some pins that they would find significant. The first step can be awkward as you're staring at the persons chest to see what pins are there before making contact.


New Member
disneyland paris pins

hi i am bring with me in june some disneyland paris pins i have a few pins from the dinseyland park and disney studios i have the light moto action pin from the original show in paris and a few pin not available in the u.s

i no they should go down well.

les m uk


Active Member
I've never had a problem. My DD (12) is an avid pin trader, but only with CMs. Everyone has been very nice. Since I take high school students to WDW every Easter break, I always give them a copy of a Disney Pin Trading Etiquette web page before they go into the parks. It explains about the "Showcase" pins, green lanyards, max. #/ CM, etc. It helps.

15 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:

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