Photos from inside Soarin'

General Grizz

New Member
TheOneVader said:
I agree abotu Mission: space. Form the newest article at D-Troops, I guess that Grizz doesn't like M:S's queue. Oh no, you can see the ventilation! Who cares? Honestly. It doesn't really matter. Untill Grizz brought it up, I never would've given it a second thought. You know, Grizz, you're just lucky they didn't make the whole place look like a real training lab. Meaning white square building, white walls and floors, white exposed ventilation, etc.
We all are. :D


New Member
Ghost Host said:
Eh. not really drawing me into it. I think I'll pass it up when I go. Not much on Simulator rides.

IMO, it would be a mistake to not try this ride if given the chance to ride. It is also completely different than any other simulator I have ridden, and think that Soarin' is a fantastic experience.

On a different note, I was psyched to see yesterday that soarin' will have a Single Rdiers Line. I'm not surprised at all since TT and M:S both offer one, and that Soarin' at DCA utilized one when I was there almsot three eyars ago, but its nice to see.


New Member
I met a fellow graduate from my university last year who is now working for Imagineering. She is one of the few women in her dept, but she was one of the designers of Soarin'. Cant wait to check it out!


One thing I want to know. Can the ride be a little scary to some people? Like will you get motion sickness, for example?


Well-Known Member
GHOST HOST - you'd be making a huge mistake not to at least try this ride out once. If you don't like it after that, fine (but I'd be amazingly surprised if you didn't) But at least give it a try - don't prejudge this ride. It's not an ordinary simulator.

Not For Sale

Active Member
Am I the only person that's sick of that Imagineer that comes on every show when they mentioned Soarin'? The Imagineer that built the Erector Set model. The guy seems really full of himself. I know his story is cool, but who cares?!


Well-Known Member
Not For Sale said:
Am I the only person that's sick of that Imagineer that comes on every show when they mentioned Soarin'? The Imagineer that built the Erector Set model. The guy seems really full of himself. I know his story is cool, but who cares?!

It's him or Paul Reuben saying it's the best thing he has ever been on. Which one will you choose? :drevil:


New Member
Ghost Host said:
Eh. not really drawing me into it. I think I'll pass it up when I go. Not much on Simulator rides.

I agree with what everyone else has said in regards to skipping this ride. I too am not big on simulator rides. Body Wars made me so sick that I haven't been on it since. However, I went on Soaring at Disneyland and I can tell you that it is nothing like other simulators. It is an amazing experience, and I'm sure you would love it if you gave it a chance.


New Member
Not For Sale said:
Am I the only person that's sick of that Imagineer that comes on every show when they mentioned Soarin'? The Imagineer that built the Erector Set model. The guy seems really full of himself. I know his story is cool, but who cares?!

To make you feel better, next time you invent a multi-million dollar attraction with a kid's toy, you can talk about it all you want... :wave:


Active Member
MiRi said:
One thing I want to know. Can the ride be a little scary to some people? Like will you get motion sickness, for example?

If you are afraid of heights it can be scary. Because your legs and feet are just dangling.

If you cant handle simulators, you could suffer from motion sickness.

but unless you are REALLY sensitive to both, you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
So the imagineer is in the preboarding video? Doesn't that take away from the experience. That sounds like if they took Dinosaur and during the preshow showed a clip of an imagineer talking about how those things move. Just my thoughts.


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Original Poster
The_CEO said:
So the imagineer is in the preboarding video? Doesn't that take away from the experience. That sounds like if they took Dinosaur and during the preshow showed a clip of an imagineer talking about how those things move. Just my thoughts.
That was during the tour that the hosts of took. Most likely that was for members of the media like themselves and not regular guests. Regular guests have not been allowed to take pictures. Also the hosts of have taken previous tours only for the media such as of M:S and of AKL.


Well-Known Member
There are no WDI staff in the pre-show video. The preshow video is just like the DCA one, except they refer to the ride at "Soarin'" and drop the "over CA" part.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
jmuboy said:
There are no WDI staff in the pre-show video. The preshow video is just like the DCA one, except they refer to the ride at "Soarin'" and drop the "over CA" part.
He was referring to the Imagineer in the post show area, and the fact that he makes many TV appearances relating to Soarin such as on the travel channel.

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