bgraham34 said:
Why do they have to do California why not somewhere else. Parks should have different rides to make you travel to the other them parks. I just hate this.
These are 3 basic reasons that I've summed up over the past year or so as to why the film is the same (and if you haven't seen it yet, you'll more fully understand when you do)
1) It was obviously cheaper to use the same film, as well as the fact that most of what appears is not necessarily recognizable as Californian and it already does a nice sampling of the Earth's biomes (forests, deserts, oceans, lakes/rivers, etc.) Also, it was a proven successful film for this ride system, so it was probably easy for them to say, why not use it?
2) The film and flight over DL at the end allows it to have an easy tie into the Happiest Celebration on Earth in honor of DL's BD, which the attraction is part of. For those who never get to DL and choose WDW as their travel destination instead...its a nice gesture to fly over the park that is the reason for the whole celebration.
3) If rumors are true, a new film can (will) be shot and reintroduced for Epcot's 25th...this will allow them to introduce another new experience for Epcot's 25th, but simulataneously allowing for Soarin' to open a few years earlier for guests to start enjoying now.
The big negative I see is that it creates less incentive to fly across the states to visit DCA as it was its one truly unique attraction. But since I'll be going to DL this summer for the second time in my life (vs WDW a couple times a year, when lucky), I have no complaints of WDW getting this excellent ride.