PHOTOS - Disney reveals new lobby design and Trader Sam's lounge for the Polynesian


Well-Known Member
When will Disney admit the poly lobby design needs to be changed/enhanced? It's was a mistake to make it so non poly it needs to be fixed. Everyone makes mistakes but it is how you deal with it that makes all the difference. Disney can make this right if they care about the poly. Disney please don.t let us down.
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Premium Member
Because of the incessant focus on toddlers Disney today is a place most teens would not be seen dead in. UNI now has that bit of mindshare when you see teens and college students decked out in Hogwarts and Slytherin apparel, Where do you think THEY are going to take THEIR kids when they have them, Hint for the slow it will not be Disney as the nostalgia will belong to the OTHER park in Orlando.
Thats a good point. While Disney is banking on nostalgia, Uni is laying a nice foundation for the current group of tweens and teens to latch onto and create memories. Yes, Disney does have Pandora and SW land coming but at the glacial pace they build, Uni could very well have 5 times more than what they currently do by the time SW land is complete and the jury is still out on how well Disney will deliver with the new lands.

Disney has adopted the 'good enough' strategy (for O-town) and I truly hope that somebody in the company realizes that they can not sustain that much longer before even the new breed of guests start to realize they are getting short changed.

Trader Sams lounge is a great idea and I cant wait to visit but as with anything new that WDW has done as of late I will have low expectations but still hope for the best. My first thought is, "great, a nice bar with a good atmosphere". Then I have visions of kids just running wild while their parents sit there oblivious to the fact that they are disturbing others. I see a family of 5 sitting next to another family of 4 and combined they occupy 90% of the bar while just having sodas to drink. I picture my wife and I walking in with hopes of enjoying a nice unique cocktail before hitting MK in the evening, yet are hopes are dashed because its being utilized as a play area more than a bar and lounge. Off to Mizners we goooooo...


Well-Known Member
Thats a good point. While Disney is banking on nostalgia, Uni is laying a nice foundation for the current group of tweens and teens to latch onto and create memories. Yes, Disney does have Pandora and SW land coming but at the glacial pace they build, Uni could very well have 5 times more than what they currently do by the time SW land is complete and the jury is still out on how well Disney will deliver with the new lands.

Disney has adopted the 'good enough' strategy (for O-town) and I truly hope that somebody in the company realizes that they can not sustain that much longer before even the new breed of guests start to realize they are getting short changed.

Trader Sams lounge is a great idea and I cant wait to visit but as with anything new that WDW has done as of late I will have low expectations but still hope for the best. My first thought is, "great, a nice bar with a good atmosphere". Then I have visions of kids just running wild while their parents sit there oblivious to the fact that they are disturbing others. I see a family of 5 sitting next to another family of 4 and combined they occupy 90% of the bar while just having sodas to drink. I picture my wife and I walking in with hopes of enjoying a nice unique cocktail before hitting MK in the evening, yet are hopes are dashed because its being utilized as a play area more than a bar and lounge. Off to Mizners we goooooo...

Ya know, In the 5 times i've been there, I've never seen a family of 4 or 5 sitting at Trader Sam's at Disneyland Hotel.


Well-Known Member
Jake, I understand somewhat where you are coming from (too much complaining can go overboard and make it so that we don't see good things), but I think you are mistaken about the lying. The statements like, "Disney will charge for front desk access," are usually meant as hyperbole. I cannot speak entirely for @ford91exploder , but I know that sometimes I say things like that as an exaggeration to make a point -- the purpose of hyperbole. In fact the quote you use is a future tense ("will charge"), and cannot by definition be a lie, because it speaks to the future if taken literally. In the worst case it would be seen as a prediction. But obviously statements like that are meant as an exaggeration for a point, but also a warning -- that if things continue on the same trajectory this is what will be next.

But I think what can get lost between "pixie dust" and even, yes, sometimes, full on bitterness (of which all of us are capable), is the plain truth that he stated as the reason that he has become disillusioned: Disney used to inspire us all, teenagers included; but now it has taken away so many of the things that made it great (not good but GREAT) in a misguided attempt to plan out and streamline everything -- all while the park itself was getting stale, while Universal was doing wonderful things that Disney used to lead on. And the worst part is the forced-planning approach that takes most of the wonder and surprise out of a Walt Disney World vacation. If you have to know all about it and plan it six months out, is there much more to leave for wonder and surprise?
For most posters yes, you are correct, but the issue with @ford91exploder is when you operate solely in hyperbole, it is your reality. This isn't a D&G thing. This isn't a perception thing. This an issue with a singular poster who is misleading others with things that are not true and making no effort to quantify them as speculation. This is a poster who has been chastise for being too negative by the owner of this site. How many people has that happened to?

What a nice komissar Jake would make, now people are not allowed to speculate about the all holy Disney and predicting future actions based on past action. And furthermore all posts about Disney are to be made in passive voice.

And any news about Disney must come with 3 signatures at director level or higher signifying that the news or rumor is approved by TWDC.

Go work for them jakeman if you do not already, you certainly spend enough energy carrying their water.
Okay, so we are to name calling. I guess when someone actually forces you to use facts to back up your ramblings it irks you.

Here's just a quick rundown of just a few times you've been wrong, because I'm bored and they are so easy to find:

Does BoG even have line cooks?, I thought pretty much everything was 'rethermalized' (heated in boiling water)

You might have noticed that steaks have disappeared from many of WDW's restaurants - as these need to be cooked fresh.

Except they haven't been removed...

Brown Derby has steak. Mama Melrose, Coral Reef, San Angel Inn, Restaurant Marrakesh, Rose and Crown...want me to keep going?

You can if you want and I did not say ALL I said many, All of those restaurants you list have a unique menu which needs to be cooked fresh.

Example Tony's no longer has steak, Neither did LTT in December and It's been removed from lunch at Olivia's to be replaced with meatloaf/pot roast (both of which are good).

In my December visit I was amazed at how limited the Tony's lunch menu had become.

Three doesn't equal many. Especially when you appear to be wrong about Olivia's. They have steak on the menu.

Again, as always, hyperbole is not your friend.
This one is my favorite because you tried to play doctor:
Depends on your HDL/LDL numbers, If you are taking statins STAY AWAY, If not enjoy in moderation. When in Silicon Valley most meals of mine are Indian heavy on rice, veggies and spices but there is always ONE trip to In-N-Out.

As to food choices good Indian food is hard to come by in the northeast and I do like good Indian food.

Why would one need to stay away if they are on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors?

Other than the fact that, in general, that patient population should be more mindful of following a healthy lifestyle there is no contraindication or drug-food interaction between "statins" and red meat.

Here's another one.
To be fair Iger does use WDW as an ATM for the 'more important' parts of Disney like ESPN...

Building those wonderful themed 'ESPN Zones' remember how (NOT)packed they were, Another few hundred million down the drain
To be fair, that's completely inaccurate as ESPN is fairly profitable on its own.

Now ABC Family might be another story...
Last one:

Remember they went on 'hiatus' earlier this year supposedly there were 'contract issues' the translation with what we know now is TDO could not find a non-Equity acapella group to replace them (for less money) so TDO was in effect forced to renew their contracts.

Would that be this thread:

Voices of Liberty to become latest cut?

Where '74 says no less than 3 times on the first page that it was a rumor and could just be normal contract renewal talks, which is then supported by the last page where it was confirmed they were going in to rehearsals to bring in a new member?

Debate is fine, but you are consistently making up facts to fuel your own anger. Why?
The examples are so plentiful this took about 10 minutes to find these examples.

Complaining is fine, but you have a pattern of misrepresenting the facts and in the last case outright contradicting posters with way more insider clout than I could ever manage (or want).

EDIT: And with that I'm out. I've made my point. Apologies for my smug counterpoint to the lifestyler comment leading to this thread drift. @ford91exploder if you would like to discuss this further feel free to PM me. :)
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Well-Known Member
I think they use high tables with limited numbers of chairs outside for a reason. Inside is generally dark and very very crowded, even in middle of the day. Honestly, it's much more "bar" than it is "attraction". I wasn't really expecting that at all the first time I went. Non-drinkers probably won't care for the crowd too much, although there were a few non-alcoholic things on the menu. I'm not saying it's World Showcase at sunset levels of debauchery, but parents aren't going to feel extremely out of place with their kids there.


Well-Known Member
For most posters yes, you are correct, but the issue with @ford91exploder is when you operate solely in hyperbole, it is your reality. This isn't a D&G thing. This isn't a perception thing. This an issue with a singular poster who is misleading others with things that are not true and making no effort to quantify them as speculation. This is a poster who has been chastise for being too negative by the owner of this site. How many people has that happened to?

Okay, so we are to name calling. I guess when someone actually forces you to use facts to back up your ramblings it irks you.

Here's just a quick rundown of just a few times you've been wrong, because I'm bored and they are so easy to find:

This one is my favorite because you tried to play doctor:

Here's another one.
Last one:

The examples are so plentiful this took about 10 minutes to find these examples.

Complaining is fine, but you have a pattern of misrepresenting the facts and in the last case outright contradicting posters with way more insider clout than I could ever manage (or want).

EDIT: And with that I'm out. I've made my point. Apologies for my smug counterpoint to the lifestyler comment leading to this thread drift. @ford91exploder if you would like to discuss this further feel free to PM me. :)

Let's also not forget the time that he tried to tell people that the Main Street vehicles no longer operated and that the Dapper Dans had been let go. Both of which were not true at all. And when called out on it he tried to say that the Dapper Dans were brought back as part of Limited Time Magic. Which was a blatent lie as the Dans had never left.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, In the 5 times i've been there, I've never seen a family of 4 or 5 sitting at Trader Sam's at Disneyland Hotel.
In several trips to Trader Sam's I have found all the tables inside filled with families having appetizers and sodas... I don't think they allow kids at the bar there...and most of the adults that were there for a cocktail end up having to sit outside on the patio. It might have helped if they had themed the quick serve restaurant next door a little more heavily...keeping the families in a family zone and out of the cocktail lounge...

Sage of Time

Well-Known Member
He's here!


Photos from WDWShutterbug.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, the tiki is far more friendly than I had anticipated. However, I had hoped that Disney would have some of their sculptures go back over the rock work and improve it to better resemble the rock work outside... and add in more whitewater so we can see it cascading down. In photos it's not looking like a fountain at all.

Now that the conversion is complete I'll give it my grade: It has earned a solid C. My reasoning, in this age developers and artists are able to achieve so much more than ever before. They could have ripped out the the old fountain and created this at any point in time, including back when the resort was first built. There is nothing "wow" about this. Nothing to write home about.

What would have earned an "A" with me? How about digging out a channel in the tile so that, like with WL, it looks like there is a stream flowing from the front to the back of the resort? Add in bridges and make it feel like the open air resorts the Polynesian islands are known for by mimicking some feature of nature.

A "B" would have been to create a narrow ceiling to floor cascade on a glass-like substance -or- something with some kinetic energy to it (No, I have no ideas here, but I'm sure there are artsy people out there could envision something amazing.)
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Well-Known Member
Also wanted to add that Tikiman indicated on his Facebook page that we should be looking for a few surprises this week regarding the Poly. So far, the statue counts as one. I am wondering if Trader Sam's will be opening by the end of this week (or slightly earlier).

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