Photos and Video - New UK Pavilion band - The English Channel


Premium Member
Original Poster
Steve (or anyone who may know):

Several other forum sites have reported that the replacement band for the British Invasion was going to be "The British Airwaves," yet this seems to suggest that the replacement band is actually "The English Channel." Is this a change of plans/bands, or were folks simply misinformed? Is The English Channel the exclusive band that will play the United Kingdom stage in Epcot or is it possible that it will be splitting time with The British Airwaves?

I believe they were just misinformed. As far as I know this is the band that will be there on a permanent basis and it's name is definitely "The English Channel".


Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm not specifically picking you out, but do you think all of the acts at Epcot, WDW, or any other entertainment venue don't have some bugs to work out when they are starting? If Disney had thrown the tag "preview" on to this would people be complaining about it as much? They should get the opportunity to work through some growing pains before the critics here label them as a failure from their viewing of one video.

It actually was a kind of preview. It was largely unannounced, and there was no signage at the pavilion listing show times etc.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with what a lot of people have already said. The new band is acceptable, but I tend to agree with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy on things like this. The British Invasion packed that area full every performance. And it was clear - it was because everyone LOVES the Beatles and the "British Invasion" era of the 60's. They are all sing-a-long songs for people of all ages. And while the majority of the music the new band plays may be familiar, I don't think it will resonate the same with both younger and older people.


Active Member
This new act also really has no cohesiveness. The British Invasion really played up the parts, stayed in character, the whole show had a common theme, whether it was Sgt. Pepper-era, or Ed Sullivan days. These new dudes just seem like a bunch of...if I may...Jabronis....rocking out on stage.

Sorry Disney, I try not to complain often, but this was a bad call. :( I'll miss the British Invasion!

Haha. Jabronis! Cool word ;)

I have to agree with some of the other posters here. I would really like to see them have a little more show or theatrics. They really do, to take from what others have said, look like they are playing a local bar.
I don't feel the need to judge their music yet, since I haven't heard them in person and they are still new-ish. But the overall presentation, in my opinion, leaves something to be desired.


Well-Known Member
The reasons the British Invasion group worked was because they were unique in their resemblance to the Beatles. Not just in how they sounded, but in how they dressed, moved, etc. Off Kilter is special for some of the same reasons.

These guys just look like a cover band you'd see at your local bar on a Saturday night. No "theme" if you will.


Active Member
I'm not specifically picking you out, but do you think all of the acts at Epcot, WDW, or any other entertainment venue don't have some bugs to work out when they are starting? If Disney had thrown the tag "preview" on to this would people be complaining about it as much? They should get the opportunity to work through some growing pains before the critics here label them as a failure from their viewing of one video.

Exactly. :)

Give them time, people. Give them time!


Well-Known Member
do you think all of the acts at Epcot, WDW, or any other entertainment venue don't have some bugs to work out when they are starting? If Disney had thrown the tag "preview" on to this would people be complaining about it as much? They should get the opportunity to work through some growing pains before the critics here label them as a failure from their viewing of one video.
Which is why I guess I'm a little tougher on them than the kids doing their first gig for free at the county fair.
Playing live is a cut-throat game now. Bar and club owners, and I'll say Disney are looking to maximize their dollar. As a live band, you're there to sell drinks, (or whatever) here it would be bring people into the UK to browse the stores, hit the pub or go into the restaurant. Spend their money in the surrounding area. It's much cheaper to pay a disc jockey to do the same thing the full band can do. Bands are a dime a dozen. Hell, GOOD bands are a dime a dozen. Just to get a gig once a week in the local bar nowadays you have to have a demo CD or mp3 and a full press pack. There is just too much competition. I'm going to say without a doubt that there is a cover band in the Orlando area right now that can blow these guys out of the water right out of the box and that is just pure speculation on my part.
So what I'm trying to say, and maybe not doing that good a job of, is to get the job long term in a Disney park, unless they are paying the talent peanuts you ought to be really good right away. My opinion any way.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The Beatles are and were always popular with people who dont really like music. And of course the Beatles are pretty much a "who dat" act for anyone under 35.


Well-Known Member
I will probably drop by for a quick listen but I'm not going to sit it out for the entire set. I really enjoyed the entire British Invasion look, sound, performance.
Unless they improve their performance by the time I visit, they will be just a slight diversion off the pathway to other things that day.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
It actually was a kind of preview. It was largely unannounced, and there was no signage at the pavilion listing show times etc.

On Monday, I picked up a times guide for this week, and performances were listed for "Live Performance of British Rock" beginning on Tuesday, same times as the BI shows used to be.


New Member
I like it! I mean we love Beatles music and when we take road trips we make sure to pack the Beatles CDs but I love the inclusion of other great British bands...kinda cool they did some Queen!

I like them also, I think its nice to have a bunch of normal guys playing UK Tunes, I'll get flamed for this I'm sure but Beatles Tribute Bands have been overdone in my opinion. To me The British Invasion were just another dime a dozen Beatles act, ya they played other tunes, but it looked like a Beatle cover band playing someone else's music, when i first saw them i thought they were lip syncing......anyways I thing The English Channel is a welcome break, TBI were quite stagnant the last couple of years in my opinion, if thats even worth 2 cents......


New Member
Actually, I did give them a break. Understand that music is a big part of my life, and anything I post is an opinion of mine alone. Also, they're up there doing it now, and I'm not any longer, so I'll give that to them.
If they haven't been playing together long, I have a few problem with throwing a band together and sending them out on stage to play a professional venue if that is in fact what they did. It isn't fair to the audience. Now it could be said that the audience isn't paying for the show so it doesn't have to be tight. I disagree, but again, my opinion only.
I'll repeat, they do play their instruments well and I respect that skill. SOS sounded good. As far as giving them a year to be professionals, no sir. Just because World Showcase is a captive audience doesn't mean the show shouldn't be the best it should be.

They were fine, jeeez its Disney, not like they are playing Wembly Stadium give them a break they are jammed on a tiny stage all things take time even if they have been playing together it cant be easy being crammed onto a tiny stage in a venue such as Epcot for the first time. I thought they did fine.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry. I am a huge Led Zeppelin fan. I love the new band. They still play the Beetles, I love The Who, Queen... etc. Playing the Beetles only was just all right for me. To me, that would be like having nothing but bratwurst in Germany, or spaghetti in Italy. There is so much more than that when it comes to the music history in the UK. There is so much more to offer than just the Beetles. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'll repeat, they do play their instruments well and I respect that skill. SOS sounded good.

They're definitely better with later songs. Anything pre-1970 comes off sounding more like an 80s hair band cover of the song than the original.

While I am sympathetic to having to adjust to a new venue, I'm not sure they'll be able to change basic things like a seemingly random song order and looking and sounding like a bar band stuck playing in Mary Poppins' back yard. Ultimately, the band feels shoehorned in--similar to the musical acts now scattered thru DTD. TBI somehow felt much more organic to the pavilion.


New Member
The Beatles are and were always popular with people who dont really like music. And of course the Beatles are pretty much a "who dat" act for anyone under 35.

As someone who is 21 and loves music... I'm confused where all this "Young people don't listen to Led Zeppelin as much as the Beatles." Um, wha?? I can honestly say I have lots of LedZepp, Queen, The Who, Police, etc on my phone where as the Beatles? Nah. There was a bit of Beatles love going around with people my age when Across the Universe came out, but it's subsided again. Led Zeppelin on the other hand has gained a lot of ground with my age group. Maybe it seems more so to me because I'm in the middle of it... but I don't see Beatles > Led Zeppelin when it comes to the college crowd.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I am sorry. I am a huge Led Zeppelin fan. I love the new band. They still play the Beetles, I love The Who, Queen... etc. Playing the Beetles only was just all right for me. To me, that would be like having nothing but bratwurst in Germany, or spaghetti in Italy. There is so much more than that when it comes to the music history in the UK. There is so much more to offer than just the Beetles. :wave:

I saw The British Invasion a few months ago, and I could swear there were a few non-Beatle songs in the mix. Granted the majority was Beatles stuff, but it seems like there were a few songs from other bands. Am I off on this one? :veryconfu

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
They're definitely better with later songs. Anything pre-1970 comes off sounding more like an 80s hair band cover of the song than the original.

While I am sympathetic to having to adjust to a new venue, I'm not sure they'll be able to change basic things like a seemingly random song order and looking and sounding like a bar band stuck playing in Mary Poppins' back yard. Ultimately, the band feels shoehorned in--similar to the musical acts now scattered thru DTD. TBI somehow felt much more organic to the pavilion.

Agreed with all of this.

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