Photo Pass

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Well-Known Member
PhotoPass Photographer here!

Let's see if I can clear up some stuff for you all:

1. Yes, there are some crappy photographers out there, but most of them are good and many of us are great.
2. Get a photopass card from the first photographer you see on the first day of your vacation. Use that one card at all the parks for both family poses and character poses. Get as many photos taken as you can and feel free to ask the photographer to get creative with backgrounds.
3. At each park, ask for the MAGIC SHOTS (Tinkerbell, Stitch, Capt. Hook, Ghosts, Simba). They can be absolutely adorable.
4. Feel free to give the photographer your camera as well. We will do both. Obviously magic shots won't be on your camera. Also, you are responsible for capturing cute candids of your child on your camera during character moments because we are busy capturing those cute candids with our camera. However all the other posed shots will be on your camera...and you can ALL be in the photo.
5. If you can set you camera to night portrait with a flash, we can lean your camera on our tripod and try to capture night shots for you. It might not be as clear as ours because ours are mounted to a tripod, but it will be better than hand held.
6. On the last day of your vacation, stop by a camera shop. It is the last or second to last store on the left as you are leaving each park. There is also one in the Grand Floridian as well as Downtown Disney. (Note: if you have a voucher for a free 5x7, it must be redeemed at a park and not at GF or DTD). You should have reviewed your photos from your camera to see which ones you might have missed and which ones you got. Then look at the photopass photos and do a comparison. Did we get the kiss on the nose and you didn't? Did you have the better angle for the hug with Mickey?
7. Do a count of how many photopass photos you might like to buy. If it is between 1-7 5x7 photos, buy it then and there in the store. It is cheaper to buy it in bulk. Don't forget to have the photographer showing you your photos add borders and signatures and overlays to the photo before printing.
8. If you are thinking of purchasing 7 or more 5x7 photos, I would thank the photographer for their help and then go home and buy the CD on line. If you buy the CD in the store, borders and signatures CAN NOT be added before burning. Maybe before you could, but not now. If you buy the CD online, you first edit the photo, add what you like, then click the button that says save a copy. You now have the original photo, plus the decorated photo. You can decorate 1 photo multiple ways as well. So 100 photos becomes 200 - 300 photos. When you are done decorating, click buy a CD.
9. Disney will burn the CD and mail it to you.
10. The cost of the CD is $125 online or in a store.
11. There are other cool items on line as well. Check out the photo scrap book.

I apologize for those of you who might encounter a crappy photographer. I get upset with them as well. Just remember, the secret to getting one good family photo is to take at least 10 of them.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that the photo pass is a great idea, but i also heard it can be quite expensive.

1. Is it Worth it.
2. Has anyone just bought the pics and not the cd.
3. Are they better quality than other cameras
4. If you buy the cd can you print the pictures from the cd at home, and do they print well.


1 - No, the quality that photopass photographers is no better than that of your own. You give people $1500 dollars in camera gear and they don't know how to use it.

2 - Yes, the actual photos you get are printed on very nice paper and high end printers. So the crap you get is printed very nicely.

3 - Photopass uses a Nikon D70 w/ an SB-800 flash. When used properly/effectly/in a creative photographic fashion, You bet your ______ they turn out better than yours would. Sadly there only seems to be a handful of photopass photographers who have a clue as to what theyre doing.

4 - As for printing the files....... You should be able to take it to walgreens, walmart, target, etc, Your preferred printing place and get photo prints on photo paper. For the do it at home person, you really need to pay attention to color management and color profiles and all that. Its a pain to get your photo that looks a certain way on your screen to print exactly the way it looks on your screen. (I'm not about to get into color spaces, management or profiles) Its just easier and less time consuming to have them printed professionally.

I am probably the biggest critic of photopass on these forums. I still don't feel that the image they sell for $15 is worth it nor do i feel the quality of the images stands up to the Disney "brand" and the quality it has come to stand for. There are some decent photographer - like the above poster - butfor the most part, these people are people who have had three days of training and are thrown to the wolves, irregardless of whether they've touched a camera before coming to Disney.

That being said, theyre trying to improve. For the Jack Sparrow M&G they took someone's advice (maybe after one of my rants, who knows) and did some nice portrait lighting. The only problem I had with it was the flas was way too bright and lost any background they had. But they tried, so thats something. They seem to be receptive to feedback...... however Disney still seems that its more important to have merchandice managers - who have no clue about photography - run a photo department.

What photopass doesnt get is that this is about the quality of the photos - thats what youre selling, not number of shots, not locations, but the quality. Thats what people want - they want better than they can get out of their camera. They're still not there yet but after 3 years, they're still trying.

Gorjus said:
Just remember, the secret to getting one good family photo is to take at least 10 of them.

Actually i completely disagree on this. Its all about who's taking the picture, how they compose it and how they control the situation; not how many frames they can fire off. But we've been down this road before.....


New Member
1. Is it Worth it...probably not
2. Has anyone just bought the pics and not the cd....often
3. Are they better quality than other, in many cases you can probably do better yourself
4. If you buy the cd can you print the pictures from the cd at home, and do they print well....never tried it


Well-Known Member
1 - No, the quality that photopass photographers is no better than that of your own.

3 - Photopass uses a Nikon D70 w/ an SB-800 flash. When used properly/effectly/in a creative photographic fashion, ...

people who have had three days of training and are thrown to the wolves, irregardless of whether they've touched a camera before coming to Disney.

however Disney still seems that its more important to have merchandice managers - who have no clue about photography - run a photo department.

What photopass doesnt get is that this is about the quality of the photos - thats what youre selling, not number of shots, not locations, but the quality. Thats what people want - they want better than they can get out of their camera. They're still not there yet but after 3 years, they're still trying.

RE: taking lots of photos to get one good one.
Actually i completely disagree on this. Its all about who's taking the picture, how they compose it and how they control the situation; not how many frames they can fire off. But we've been down this road before.....

The quality may be no better than that of a professional or advanced amateur, but trust me as I see hundreds of photos taken by guests a day, it is way better than the average person coming to the parks with a point and shoot or a disposable. Also, my camera is quicker so I get more candids that most parents miss because it takes 5 seconds for their camera to take a photo.

As for using our camera creatively, it is not allowed. One of the requirements for photopass is guest consistency. I may not change the settings on the camera to get different look. I may not change the location of my photography to get a better angle or better lighting (believe me, I've should see how fast a manager can come out of the tunnels when an image isn't exact). Every photograph taken from a specific location must look the same from guest to guest. However, some photographers mess up a little before a manager comes up to correct them.

By the way, it is more than 3 days of training. Initially it is 3 days, but then all throughout the next few months there are lots more days of training to add more skills. And there are LOTS of photo reviews.

You are right, managers tend to come from merchandise, however, above them are photographers who are directing the show.

What you don't get is that it isn't about stunningingly creative photographs. It is a little about getting a better photo than you would take yourself and that happens 90% of the time. It is the rare guest that shows up and takes well composed photos. I see it every day. It is also about allowing everyone to be in the photo and not having to keep someone out. So if you are a wonderful photographer, no, we are not going to better than you are, but you aren't our target market. Our target market is the average person who pulls out a camera only on special occasions.

And when I say it takes lots of photos to get one good one, I'm not talking about composition. I'm talking about how dad blinked in this one and Jane doesn't like her hair in that one and Jr made a funny face in the other one and mom thinks she looks old in this one and grandpa thinks he looks fat in another one. By taking lots of photos, eventually you will get one that everyone thinks they look good in.


1 - No, the quality that photopass photographers is no better than that of your own.

I will disagree with this unless you are an avid/professional photographer, have a really nice camera and bring a tripod. The night shots of me and my family from photopass are some of the best pictures we have from our vacations.

2 - Yes, the actual photos you get are printed on very nice paper and high end printers. So the crap you get is printed very nicely.

I buy the cd and get mine printed at Walmart/CVS. The cost you pay per picture to print really makes it worth it.

3 - Photopass uses a Nikon D70 w/ an SB-800 flash. When used properly/effectly/in a creative photographic fashion, You bet your ______ they turn out better than yours would. Sadly there only seems to be a handful of photopass photographers who have a clue as to what theyre doing.

Either I have had really good luck or I take really bad pictures and make all the photopass photographers look great!

I am probably the biggest critic of photopass on these forums. I still don't feel that the image they sell for $15 is worth it nor do i feel the quality of the images stands up to the Disney "brand" and the quality it has come to stand for. There are some decent photographer - like the above poster - butfor the most part, these people are people who have had three days of training and are thrown to the wolves, irregardless of whether they've touched a camera before coming to Disney.

Well, then they have had 3 days more training than I have had. I do agree that buying individual prints is usually not worth it, but if you have 100+ pictures on a cd it can actually be a good deal.

That being said, theyre trying to improve. For the Jack Sparrow M&G they took someone's advice (maybe after one of my rants, who knows) and did some nice portrait lighting. The only problem I had with it was the flas was way too bright and lost any background they had. But they tried, so thats something. They seem to be receptive to feedback...... however Disney still seems that its more important to have merchandice managers - who have no clue about photography - run a photo department.

I think this is an evolving product. There have been continuous improvements since they started it and each one has made the service better and more attractive.

What photopass doesnt get is that this is about the quality of the photos - thats what youre selling, not number of shots, not locations, but the quality. Thats what people want - they want better than they can get out of their camera. They're still not there yet but after 3 years, they're still trying.

Actually, I think it is both. You are selling the locations and the extras they add that you can't get anywhere else.


I just bought a new memory stick for my cybershot camera giving me now over 1200 pictures to take at 4 megs, and I plan on buying the photopass CD too and having every photographer take multiple shots lol. Talk about overkill, but I'm sure I'll have some frame quality shots from all of it. That don't even count my video camera ahahaha!! :lol:


New Member
Say it isn't so. You can't have the pictured edited on site anymore to add signatures, borders, etc? Can someone confirm you can't do that at the Epcot photo center anymore? I did it just last May.


Well-Known Member
Say it isn't so. You can't have the pictured edited on site anymore to add signatures, borders, etc? Can someone confirm you can't do that at the Epcot photo center anymore? I did it just last May.
The picture can be edited on site, but if you want those on the CD, you want to wait till you get home and do all the stuff online- at least that's what we have done....


Well-Known Member
I will disagree with this unless you are an avid/professional photographer, have a really nice camera and bring a tripod. The night shots of me and my family from photopass are some of the best pictures we have from our vacations.

I know plenty of amatures - including people on this site - that turn out much better pictures that photopass.
Well, then they have had 3 days more training than I have had. I do agree that buying individual prints is usually not worth it, but if you have 100+ pictures on a cd it can actually be a good deal.

I dont disagree with that statement, however the quality of the photos i end up looking at do not fall in line with what Disney stands for


Active Member
Sorry to hijack, but does anyone know if the photopasses from the water parks can be used in the other parks? I've always wondered.



Well-Known Member
The quality may be no better than that of a professional or advanced amateur, but trust me as I see hundreds of photos taken by guests a day, it is way better than the average person coming to the parks with a point and shoot or a disposable. Also, my camera is quicker so I get more candids that most parents miss because it takes 5 seconds for their camera to take a photo.

As ive said before, ive seen lots better taken by people with point and shoot cameras who havent a clue as to what theyre doing.....

As for using our camera creatively, it is not allowed.

Thats one of my primary complaints.

One of the requirements for photopass is guest consistency. I may not change the settings on the camera to get different look. I may not change the location of my photography to get a better angle or better lighting (believe me, I've should see how fast a manager can come out of the tunnels when an image isn't exact). Every photograph taken from a specific location must look the same from guest to guest. However, some photographers mess up a little before a manager comes up to correct them.

So the photos have to look the same from guest to guest - every one should look great. And they don't. You cant tell me that with the equipment youre given that every photo can't come out looking great. There's no reason, after three YEARS that things arent consistantly in the great category.

By the way, it is more than 3 days of training. Initially it is 3 days, but then all throughout the next few months there are lots more days of training to add more skills. And there are LOTS of photo reviews.

I've seen your training materials. You get 3 days to start.

You are right, managers tend to come from merchandise, however, above them are photographers who are directing the show.

While you may alledge that, ive got managers (and former ones) of your department who will say otherwise. David Royal is not in constant control of your department nor reviewing all the images. As well as a merchandice manager for the most part hasn't a clue about composition or exposure or how settings on a camera affect those. I.E. they know nothing about what theyre supposed to be telling people how to do beyond the training materials theyve recieved.

What you don't get is that it isn't about stunningingly creative photographs. It is a little about getting a better photo than you would take yourself and that happens 90% of the time.

And what you dont get is that what youre selling isnt worth the money youre charging for it. If a guest is shelling out that kind of money, it should be at the very least technically done right. Thats good composition and good exposure and hopefully good experessions. Those are the basics and bare minimums and most cant even get that right.

It is the rare guest that shows up and takes well composed photos. I see it every day. It is also about allowing everyone to be in the photo and not having to keep someone out.

Get creative. You can still have good photos and fufill your manager's BS requirements.

So if you are a wonderful photographer, no, we are not going to better than you are, but you aren't our target market. Our target market is the average person who pulls out a camera only on special occasions.

No, youre target market are the guests who come and use your service. If your going to charge anythign for it, and put the Disney name on it, it should be up to Disney standards. And if you cant even understand that, you shouldnt work for the company.

And when I say it takes lots of photos to get one good one, I'm not talking about composition. I'm talking about how dad blinked in this one and Jane doesn't like her hair in that one and Jr made a funny face in the other one and mom thinks she looks old in this one and grandpa thinks he looks fat in another one. By taking lots of photos, eventually you will get one that everyone thinks they look good in.

Then be a better photographer.. what can i say. I dont have to take 10 photos to get one good one. Control your situation, control the guests and wait for that moment when its perfect and then press the button. Its not that hard.

Too many of your photographers just rush people through and don't give a care about what the end product looks like. You need to get rid of those people.

My main two points are this:
The product is not up to the quality of having the Disney name on it.
The product is overcharged.


I know plenty of amatures - including people on this site - that turn out much better pictures that photopass.

I am sure, there are a lot of people here that take great pictures. I have seen some of the discussions they have had about cameras and settings.
I and many, many others that go to WDW want to go no further than point and click. My digital camera takes some great pictures despite my antipathy towards learning more about photography. I and these people are the target for this service. My experience has been that while some of the pictures do not come out great, a majority of my photopass pictures have been very good. Maybe not to the level of some of the photos I have seen of yours or other professionals, but if they hire true professionals I have a feeling the cost will increase drastically.
The most attractive thing about photopass is that I can look at them and then decide if I want to spend the money.

I dont disagree with that statement, however the quality of the photos i end up looking at do not fall in line with what Disney stands for

Ihave several CDs from several trips and have not regretted purchasing any of them. We have had severalprinted out for relatives etc. and framed.


New Member
I have a question about this process. I am traveling in a group of 8 this summer, and we won't always be does this work? For example, if my sister has "the card" in AK, and my wife and I want to get our picture taken in MK, how do we go about getting all of the family pictures on the same CD in this type of instance?



Well-Known Member
My experience has been that while some of the pictures do not come out great, a majority of my photopass pictures have been very good. Maybe not to the level of some of the photos I have seen of yours or other professionals, but if they hire true professionals I have a feeling the cost will increase drastically.

I know their starting and average salaries; most get paid exactly what i get paid or more. (Which just shows how drastically underpaid i am)

I just want the guests to get a quality product that is worth the Disney name and the quality that they should be getting for the money theyre putting into this epic three year debacle. So far, theyre not IMO.

Miss Bell

New Member
We have bought a number of Photo Pass pictures online over the years since they have started doing it this way. It is kind of funny, because I never even considered doing this when you had to buy your pictures in the park. Now it is something I look forward to doing after we get back as kind of an extension of the trip.

BTW-- I was super-excited that I could swipe my Photo Pass at the end of Test Track. I hope that they start doing this with all the ride photos. We usually buy one per trip. It would be so nice to wait and get to see which is the best shot before purchasing.


New Member
I have a question about this process. I am traveling in a group of 8 this summer, and we won't always be does this work? For example, if my sister has "the card" in AK, and my wife and I want to get our picture taken in MK, how do we go about getting all of the family pictures on the same CD in this type of instance?


Just get a new card if you don't have one. When you go to it will let you enter more than one card, same way at the photo centers at Disney. We had 2 the last trip and 3 the trip before. Basically, on party nights for MNSSHP they gave us a different card than the one we were using that had a code for 50%. We just had the photo center put them on one card for us. The trip before that, we had taken out to view our photos online from our room and forgot to take it with us the next day. We just got a new card and were able to get them put together on one order.


I have a question about this process. I am traveling in a group of 8 this summer, and we won't always be does this work? For example, if my sister has "the card" in AK, and my wife and I want to get our picture taken in MK, how do we go about getting all of the family pictures on the same CD in this type of instance?


I believe you can have multiple cards on the same CD. Our last trip we combined our photos from our normal photopass card and the one we got at MNSSHP.


Well-Known Member
==>You can add borders and signatures to printed photos at the camera stores, but you can't add them to CD's at the camera stores. That has to be done online.

==>Photopass is good at the 4 theme parks, Downtown Disney, Typhoon Lagoon, and Blizzard Beach.

==>Your family can have as many photopasses as you need and they can all count as one account.

You have a chip on your shoulder about photopass and I'm never going to convince you otherwise. However, to keep you from influencing in a negative way the average person in regards to photopass, I will respond.

So the photos have to look the same from guest to guest - every one should look great. And they don't. You cant tell me that with the equipment youre given that every photo can't come out looking great. There's no reason, after three YEARS that things arent consistantly in the great category.

Again, there are SOME below average photographers. Last night there was a trainee on the street doing night photography. She was AWFUL. All her pictures sucked. God willing she has a learning curve, but I doubt it and don't see her lasting. However, MOST photographers are very good and care about getting a nice shot.

In terms of Disney, Photopass is still a baby. Merchandise and food and attractions have been around for decades. Photopass is 3 years old. And just because the program is 3 years old does not mean all the photographers have been there for 3 years.

I've seen your training materials. You get 3 days to start.

I believe that is what I said: 3 days to start then a day for night training and a day for characters and then photo reviews every couple of weeks and then later every month, a photo review.

technically done right. Thats good composition and good exposure and hopefully good experessions. Those are the basics and bare minimums and most cant even get that right.

I would agree about composition and expressions, there needs to be much more on that in training. There is very little. As for exposure, it is set for the location and time of day and there is NO changing it.

Get creative. You can still have good photos and fufill your manager's BS requirements.

Only to a point. Trust me, the times I've tried been told to bring it back to the sample photo are numerous.

If your going to charge anythign for it, and put the Disney name on it, it should be up to Disney standards.

This argument doesn't fly. One, most of the photographs taken are of high quality. The price of photographs is at or below what you would be charged in a high volume studio. And if everything with the Disney name on it had to be high end stuff, we wouldn't have any souveniers to sell at all. Those plastic swords are pieces of junk. The pens for autograph books barely write for an hour. So everything with the Disney name on is is not high quality.

Then be a better photographer.. what can i say. I dont have to take 10 photos to get one good one. Control your situation, control the guests and wait for that moment when its perfect and then press the button. Its not that hard.

I didn't mean it took ten photos to get one good one. I meant it takes 10 photos to get one that people will think they look good in; especially women. When I do private portraits, I take stunning photos of women. Every one else in the room thinks they look great in the photo, they look at it and hate it. It isn't about the quality it is about people's self esteem.

And as for control your guests, yea, good luck with that one Dave. I have lots of tricks up my sleeve, but you can't tell a parent they suck at parenting and if they'd be the boss and stop letting their children run the show through manipulation, they might have a nice family photo. Not to mention the families who are upset if the photo process takes longer than 2 seconds. "I'm sorry sir, would you mind moving a bit to the right so I can see you better?" "Just take the picture!!"

Too many of your photographers just rush people through and don't give a care about what the end product looks like. You need to get rid of those people.

Change that to some of our photographers and I would agree with you.

The program is a baby and it grew really fast, really quickly and has a lot more growing to do. They've stopped growing for now so they can concentrate on quality, so there should be less and less newbies taking photos as time goes by.


New Member
I personally am very impressed with the quality of photos I have recieved from the program. Yes, a few were not as good as they should have been, but overall they were amazing.

As far as the pricepoint for the CD, it's really up to the individual to maximize the number of photos taken for the money spent.

Gorjus, do you have a off the top of your head list where the photogs are in the MK, I would really like to use this service again in April.


New Member
I know their starting and average salaries; most get paid exactly what i get paid or more. (Which just shows how drastically underpaid i am)

I just want the guests to get a quality product that is worth the Disney name and the quality that they should be getting for the money theyre putting into this epic three year debacle. So far, theyre not IMO.

I appreciate your opinion on the program, it is unfortunate that talent like yours goes underpaid. I really enjoyed your photo updates. Not trying to be rude here but maybe you should do what your sig says and "take it", no one is going to "give it to you".
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