Phone Interview


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I had my phone interview this morning, It wasn't nearly as bad as I had planned. The lady was so sweet during the interview. She just so happened to be married to a man who is from a town about 45min south of my hometown (Im from KY). The questions that she ask weren't hard to answer. She complimented my answers several times, and even complimented by personality. Im hoping that this is a good thing. The only thing I have left to do is mail out the role check list to Disney and wait... Thanks for all of your help!



New Member
Good luck- I had my interview on May 9th and am still waiting. They called me last week and needed me to send in the first page of my application. I wish they would tell me already if I didnt get accepted, i'm going crazy! -I hope I get in....


Well-Known Member
it's 2 weeks from the time they recieve your hard copy application, not 2 weeks from your interview (if it was a telephone interview...face to face interviews I dont know much about)


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The lady that did my interview (phone) didn't ask for me to send my application, on paper, to her. She reviewed the information on my application, said it looked fine and just ask that I send the role check sheet with my signature on it...
Do a lot of people get rejected? Im so nervous I wont get in!


Well-Known Member
I dont know the statistics or anything but I had a feeling when I hung up the phone that I would be accepted.
As long as you were friendly and professional I would think the interview went fine.

I would call then and ask them about mailing in your application, because even though she had one on file from the computer, they needed one with my signatures on it.


New Member
Daydream3r, don't get too nervous. Of course they can't take everybody, but when I was there, (not to be rude) but there were some people on the program that I thought, "How in the heck did you get hired." I didn't think they were Disney material, but who am I to judge. Again, I beg a pardon if that is a sorely rude attitude. So again, if you were very animated, excited, and professional, there shouldn't be too much to worry about. I'm sure you did fine. Best of luck!
Hey, sorry we never got to chat before your interview-but I'm glad it went well!! Now, not to make you down or anything, but the whole "Get your letter in 2 weeks" dealio....yeah, mine came in 5 and a half weeks, after like 3 phone calls to Casting. Don't run and expect to find it early, like I leads to a very heartbreaking 5 weeks, running to the mailbox every day, expecting to see it. Don't even look for it before 2 weeks, call them after 2 weeks, then they should tell you when to call again from there. Good luck, hoping to see you in Florida!


New Member
daydream3r said:
The lady that did my interview (phone) didn't ask for me to send my application, on paper, to her. She reviewed the information on my application, said it looked fine and just ask that I send the role check sheet with my signature on it...
Do a lot of people get rejected? Im so nervous I wont get in!

Daydreamer...don't worry...

my acceptance letter came about three weeks after my phone intervier...the lady told me not to worry...I'll get a letter and I sent it back and now am waiting for the next step..which I have not clue as to what that is...


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Im trying not to worry its been a week now since my interview.. I would love to talk to some of you, so that if I do get to go in the fall, I will have a few friends!

my myspace is myspace*dotcom*/samio0
aim: xxAbandon3dxx
msn: perfectly_flawed *at* msn*dotcom*


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I had emailed some the recruiting office the day after my interview (about a week ago). This was the response I received..
<DIR>Hi Samantha!

You should receive our correspondence within the next 5 - 10 business days.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you for the message and you do have a Magical Day!

</DIR>WDW College Recruiting

Im not sure if this is bad or good. I really hope I got in. Are they still accepting people for Fall?


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I just thought I would let you guys know, I got my letter today! I am going to Disney World =) I havent selected a date, just got my letter a little bit ago!!


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Oh btw, I was selected as a merchandise cast member. I was kinda suprised because it was my frist choice. I am sooo excited to get down there!


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I still havent gotten my letter yet- after over a month of waiting and calling casting almost daily, nobody seems to know anything or they just dont want to tell me I didnt get accpeted, which I'm assuming is what happened since I havent heard anything, and daydream3r applied and interviewed after me and she got her letter already. I wish this was just all over and they would let me know something so I can move on with my life and plans for college. I cant just keep waiting around for Disney to tell me ( or not tell me).

By the way, congratulations daydream3r on getting in the CareerStart program!

I'm hoping there is some tiny chance left I did get in and the letter was just lost in the mail or something, but im not counting on that to happen, since they said they sent me something on June 5th, and I still havent gotten anything, and everytime I call Disney, the recruiter isnt there, so I'm guessing I didnt get in...
And I NEVER got any e-mail from Disney either like they said I was supposed to during the interview.....


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I applied as was accepted to the College Program. My friend applied the same time I did and he hasnt gotten a letter yet, nor did he get an email after the interview. I am sure that everything will work out for. I read a lot of these forums, and a lot of people said it took them awhile to get their letters. I was suprised to get mine so soon!

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