phone cells at disney?


New Member
What's a phonecell? Do you mean cell sites/antennae's? Yes, there is cell phone service on property. There are some dead zones in some areas.


Well-Known Member
Of particular interest is the cellphone tower near animal kingdom. Look for the 100+ foot tall "tree." Kind of disguised.
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
clarksfan95 said:
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

You know, it is 2006, it isn't the early 90's when the only people who used cell phones were conducting business. I do agree that people use them too much, but I don't think it is accurate to say that anyone who is on a cell phone is conducting business.


clarksfan95 said:
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

flashback... wife... yelling... All I said was hello... They would not let me get off the phone.... It was important..... Mommy!!... :eek:

As I tell my wife, it is either my cell phone or my security blanket, which one does she want me to take to the parks? :hammer:


New Member
I will talk on my phone when I'm walking around the parks. Then again, I'm either talking to my parents (800 miles away) or to a friend that I'm trying to meet up with. There's also the occasional goofy thing I do, where I'll call the dining line to see what restaurants in the park I'm in have any reservations open. It's easier to do that spur-of-the-moment than to do walk-up :p


New Member
Some of us take our phones and business with us as a security blanket of sorts. The idea of leaving my business behind for 2 weeks with zero interaction is a bit terrifying and that is no vacation either.

So of us are merely checking in on things to make sure there is something to come back to. Take it easy on us, some of us don't life in a 9 to 5 world where someone can simply take our place.

Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
clarksfan95 said:
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

Some people are talking to family members, or being contacted for an emergency, so I don't know that an anti-cell phone rant is necessary. And some people have jobs that even though they are "away" they might still need to be contacted in some way-because sometimes the rest of my work world can't live without me, frankly. So I apologize in advance if I'm ever next to you in line and bothering you, but you're free to leave your cell phone at home and ignore me on mine. :wave:


New Member
Assuming you are talking about wireless towers, the only company that has towers on property is Sprint Nextel. They are all providing Nextel service and some are starting to get Sprint PCS equipment. Depending on the devices PRL Verizon Wireless customers should be able to use the Sprint PCS equipment.

Cingular and others have sites just off of property though. That should hit most places. I have heard that there is something going up on Bonnet Creek Resort's property recently as well.


Well-Known Member
People need to stop with the cell phones everywhere every moment of the day - not just Disney. Though I agree that it's exceptionally absurd to walk around Magic Kingdom chatting away into your cell. Give it a break is right! Jeez. Surgically remove the phone from your ear. You'll have a better time. Believe it or not, cell phones aren't a mandatory item in life and you can not only get by better without one, but you'll see everything you missed while wrapped up in one.
-m (happily cell-phone free for about 5 years and I'll never look back!)


pkelley said:
Some of us take our phones and business with us as a security blanket of sorts. The idea of leaving my business behind for 2 weeks with zero interaction is a bit terrifying and that is no vacation either.

So of us are merely checking in on things to make sure there is something to come back to. Take it easy on us, some of us don't life in a 9 to 5 world where someone can simply take our place.

Just my two cents.

Amen to that.....


New Member
funny...i had a sprint phone about 2 yeras ago and had NO service or very little while on property, while my parents had perfect service with alltel while int he living seas...and i was outside.


New Member
Well My husband is self-employed and needs his phone 24/7 but he limits his calls during our trips to when I take our son to the bathroom or while we are waiting to be seated for lunch.

But when we travel to disney with several people we do use our cellphone to contact our family to meet up at certain areas of the parks!

Pkelly - I hear ya with checking in to make sure you come home to something..When my husband and I went to disney in 2001, my company filed for chapter 7 and they locked the doors... I got a call from our VP telling that the company had been locked up..LOL funniest part of this all it was a cellular co.


Active Member
HMGhost13 said:
funny...i had a sprint phone about 2 yeras ago and had NO service or very little while on property, while my parents had perfect service with alltel while int he living seas...and i was outside.

I have sprint too and used to work their and know that disney did not allow sprint to put any towers on property. But If nextel has them their hopefully they'll be used as part of the sprint network. I know you could roam pretty much anywhere. But digital service I had a hard time in MGM especially around the chinease theater and that arch thing with disney MGM sign. Also in magic kingdom I had trouble. And yes some of us who own our own buisnesses have to be connected in order to make sure we have a buisness to go back to. But just to talk with friends throughout the park is kinda dumb. Or a PCS becomes useful if you happen to get seperated from you group or significant other which I tend to do alot:lookaroun . Plus they now have camera's and video recorders I need that to send pics and video to all the suckers who are not their with me. *Wish you were here...LOL:wave:
We had no problem with our Sprint phones when we were there last September. We basically used them as walkie-talkies to stay in contact with our group, with the free Sprint-Sprint calls. I did refuse to answer the phone, though, when it was an incoming business call. Vacation is sacrosanct to me.
We had no problems with our cingular service there. We used it all over the parks and resorts with my sister and her children when we split up to do different things.
Overheard(by everyone within a square mile) in line for HM......
"Dude, guess where I not even close. I'm at Disney. I'm in line for the haunted house thing. Ha ha ha...Ya dude, I know. Whoa, I'm gettin' ready to go through the door. Dude...(louder now) I'll call ya later man, cool." hangs up as my DW keeps me from going over an putting his cell phone in the holder God gave him when he was born.:fork: :fork: :fork:

O.K. rant over.

Sorry, but that has to be one of THE MOST annoying things that people do at WDW(for me at least).


HntdMansionFan said:
Overheard(by everyone within a square mile) in line for HM......
"Dude, guess where I not even close. I'm at Disney. I'm in line for the haunted house thing. Ha ha ha...Ya dude, I know. Whoa, I'm gettin' ready to go through the door. Dude...(louder now) I'll call ya later man, cool." hangs up as my DW keeps me from going over an putting his cell phone in the holder God gave him when he was born.:fork: :fork: :fork:

O.K. rant over.

Sorry, but that has to be one of THE MOST annoying things that people do at WDW(for me at least).

Yeah, I agree for the most part, there is certainly a time and place. But as with my posts above. Don't always guess that just because I get a call in line or where ever (lets agree that during a show or attraction, cell phones are a no no either way), that it might be important. Even beyond a business thing. I admit, (it is 1 step one of a 10 step process), that I talk to much ont he phone, yep one of those poeple that have the unlimited plan and swear the phone company is losing money on my account. But I am small consultant, and even though I tell me clients I will be out of town, have people to cover for me, they sometimes still call. And even though my wife hates, regardless if the rest of the poeple around me hate it, you know what, it paid for this trip to disney.

I think to say cell phones should be baned (don't worry not say anyone has rumored this), and people using them in the middle of a attraction are both to extreme. Like everything else we need to use common sense. If someone has to take a call, they should excuse themselves to somewhere where it will not disturb others, but on the same side, don't complain if they are on a bench talking (which I have had people go out of there way to tell me to leave the phone at home).

Thanks for listening,

CC: wife


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