Yes, the fact that the Timekeeper is a Buzz Lightyear (and I've heard Stitch too) Meet and Greet is very sad. Prior to this, the characters would meet on the path between the Plaza Pavillion and Tommorowland, as well as on the side of the Timekeeper building. It's even sadder that the Timekeeper was running and there was still a Meet and Greet going on inside the queue, thanks for that info MissM.
I'm hoping that the HM Fast Pass is finished, the ride really didn't need it. Plus that extra queue line could be used to service those who are handicapped much better.
Speaking of Fast Pass, the Space Mountain one is being handled a different way from normal. For a select period of time, they rope off the entrance to the ride for normal riders and it starts a huge queue line that, when I was there in the evening, went clear back to the TTA overpass near the Coke stand. I talked to the CM checking Fast Passes and she says it helps those with Fast Passes get to the front of the line quicker when the rest of the guests aren't in the line. There was no Singles Line on the 3rd either.
Stitch was still on the spiel when you left the Contemporary Resort on the Express Monorail going toward the Magic Kingdom. Also it seems that the temporary announcement about Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party was replaced with an announcement about the other attractions at WDW (Water Parks, Downtown Disney, etc.) I do not know about the Resort loop though.
I wouldn't say it was very crowded, but there were some larger wait times at selected attractions. Test Track had a 50 minute Singles Line and a 90 minute Normal Queue at around 4 p.m.
The Holiday Cheer booth had the standard covering that a cart would have when it was closed, but there was a walkway in the front that seperated the two counters and I guess they couldn't pull a cover over that (maybe because they'd fear a guest would hide back there). I actually was looking at the sign and thought it would be a good topic of discussion when I saw the trash. Looked like custodial was just sweeping stuff "underneath the rug" or so to speak. It was very visible to guests who were looking in it's direction, but it could have been easily missed. Some would think that since World Showcase opens later it would give mangement more time to catch stuff like that.