Ths is pro'lly the wrong place for this, but I am inspired to tell the story about closing Fantasyland as a Custodial host, and being called to PPF for a protein spill. They weren't kidding! This stuff started at the transition from London to NeverNever Land, and trailed through the rest of the ride. It took two of us almost an hour to clean it all up (it doesn't help when you have to pause to gag now and then :hurl: )! The CMs closing the ride just sort of...watched. And occasionally offered helpful thoughts like "Wow, y'all must have strong stomachs!" and "Boy, I just could not do your job!". :brick:
On the up side, we got to walk around the whole set, which was pretty cool (And I chose PPF for my 100YoM nametag as an inside joke...)
Topic? Yeah, the whole place could probably use a good scrubbing... :animwink: