Pet peeves at WDW?


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Original Poster
OK, let's stoke the fire. It's been too quiet lately.

My biggest peeve is those 2-pack-a-day and/or 2-dozen-a-day Krispy Kreme folks who run you over in their motorized carts with their entourage in tow and push to the head of the handicapped line like they owned the place. They could care less about the poor souls with CP, MS, SB, etc. who actually need to be in a chair. Is it any wonder persons from other countries hate us?


Well-Known Member
Here's a pet peeve of mine. People who say "could care less" when they really mean "couldn't care less". ;)

EDIT: The above was supposed to be funny.. not a harsh critique of the above post.


New Member
pet peeves with forums or Disney?

Well, since the first response on pet peeves was verbiage or typo's rather than what peeves us about Disney...

I will follow suit.

My pet peeve is people that critique every post in a forum. I mean I didn't run spell check or punctuation checker on this post and I COULD care less about some one saying or spelling something incorrectly, so long as I get the point. Remember that voice inflection is lost in a typed message and most ppl use abbreviations half the time. bottom line is much is lost in a typed message in a forum.

But more to the topic...

My peeve is the kids that get the wheel chair just so that they can get to the front of the line or the single Mom that is more concerned with feeling cool with her kids than being a good parent so SHE gets the wheelchair and then pushes them around... The funny part is when you look at their shoes and you see that they have thousands of miles on them... and watch them run to the front of the stage at Indiana Jones and jump up and down to get 'picked' to join the show... Talk about taking advantage of a good thing.


**Possibly not renewing my AP's thinking of 2for1 Universal 8( SAVE DISNEY!!**


Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve...not having the income to afford the statues and artwork I would really like to have.

Some of the snowglobes are nice...but it's not the same.:cry:


Beta Return
Ok, here I go.....

1. Those certain people of Brazilian ancestry who seemingly forget their antiperspirant every morning, and then seemingly forget that there is a thing called PERSONAL SPACE!!!!!

2. Flash photography. I don't care if you take a thousand pics or video in a ride, but don't hold the camera up in my line of sight, and DO NOT use the light or flash.

3. Wheelchair abusers - whether they're the Krispy Kremers that someone else mentioned, and just drive around like kings in those motorized flab-mobiles, or if they're just moms/kids/others using one just to cut in line.

4. Teen girls who scream constantly in the Haunted Mansion. I rode once where I seriously could NOT hear the dialogue, which is played right there in MY omnimover, next to my ear! The mansion is not scary, but has some startling parts in the graveyard and attic - still not worthy of screaming CONSTANTLY and trying to compete with the airheads in the next car.

5. Kids with no discipline. I know they're inquisitive, and curious, but there was a kid in A Bug's Life right next to me who COULD NOT sit still, kept kicking me when he stood up in the bench, and asked his mom a thousand questions ("What's that bug?" "Why are people laughing?" "What's that mean?" "What are we doing next?" "Can I have a cracker?") AHHHHHHHHH!!! Parents, PLEASE, give them some discipline or they'll be the teenagers I cuss at in Movie Theaters!

6. Cheaters. People who abuse the FastPass system, or cut in line.

7. Cell phones. Why do you even have them at Disney World? I leave mine in the hotel room because I surely don't want to talk to anyone in the real world when I'm on vacation there! And if you DO bring it, put it on vibrate or OFF - if it rings in a show or ride, I'd just love to break it, and you!

Whew! Sorry! Got on my soapbox there.....hope I didn't offend too many people, because if I did - that means you fit one of my pet peeves, HAHA!


My WDW pet peeves include tourists not referring to attractions by their proper name or abbreivations (Fast Track.....can't anyone read the map? It's TEST Track! And about just the TTA? And the one I hate most: "let's go on the ball ride"), all those stroller moms and dads (I don't know how many times I've been rammed), when parents can't control their kids (take this for family was in line for Storybook Land Canal Boats at Disneyland in March. This little girl behind us just kept kicking my mom in the leg for some unkown reason. My mom turns around and tells her to stop, and she still continued to do it!), people who cut in line, and teenagers (and some young adults who act like they are still one) who ruin a ride experience by standing up or making loud noises. :rolleyes:

But the biggest WDW pet peeve of them all is when parents can't read signs saying an attraction takes place in the dark and may frighten young children. They take them in anyways, and a geat attraction is closed. :fork: :cry:

stitch rocks

New Member
heres my top 3

ooo... kids who are waiting for chracters saying when are they comming?... are they here yet? parents responce: 5 more minutes... 4 and 30 seconds later... has it been 5 minutes yet?

parents who start arguments. it was my last day and i was waiting for mears and well this couple with 2 KIDS comes out and i guess she wants to take a picture of the kids and she is telling them to smile and the husband goes insane on her telling her that "she's s*cking the fun out of the vacation" and "you should be more like ur sister she;s fun" it was amusing but i felt bad for the kids... i mean if ur going to fight don't do it in front of our kids and never at the happiest place on earth.

kids who watch u eat...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
And about just the TTA?

I grew up with it as the Peoplemover, so I will always call it that ;). I'm sure there are alot of people that feel the same on that one. Plus, TTA just sounds so cold and harsh!

I will agree that Fast Track is kind of annoying. hehehe


New Member
I'm sorry but I cannot stand screaming kids. I just can't take it. Sometimes we go into a show, and children will just scream and cry and wail. Do their parents take them outside? Of course not! Does this bug anyone else?


New Member
Refering to Spaceship Earth as the "Big Golf Ball."

Refering to the Magic Kingdom as Disney World.

The fathers who have had enough by the time SpectroMagic comes around, and the ruin the whole atmosphere of Mainstreet at night. I have been cursed at by one, and my cousin was run over by a man with a stroller who would not listen to the remarks being made about a ramp near by.

I was at a restraunt the other day, and these older men(40s-50s) were talking about the Disney Company. One of them pretended to be a big shot on it, especially the Roy/Eisner thing. He had no clue what he was talking about, and the other people at the table were eating out of his hand. I almost went say something to them, but I didn't feel like bothering with the man.

MCO Dreamin

Originally posted by edwardtc

1. Those certain people of Brazilian ancestry who seemingly forget their antiperspirant every morning, and then seemingly forget that there is a thing called PERSONAL SPACE!!!!!

This is my #1 peeve also, not neccesarilly brazillian but those that will show up for a parade spot or fireworks 5 minutes before after I have been waiting an hour and will crowd into your personal space to get you to move a little, then a little more until they have carved out room for themselves, I find myself acting as a blocker in those situations so my family can enjoy the show.

Also, those people not just at the parks that feel they can walk 3 or 4 abreast and expect YOU to get out of the way

One more!, meet spots for groups after rides or shows arranged right smack dab in the middle of a crowded walkway.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I must say I agree with most everything said so far on this thread. My Mom uses an ECV and we don't go to the front of the lines or anything like that, because she can stand in lines for a while, just can't handle all the walking. She's a diabetic with extreme neuropathy so looking at her alot of people may wonder, "Why is she even on that thing". I have a 2 year old so I'm deffinately a stroller mom lol. But I am very careful not to get to close to anyone else, for fear of running over them and knowing my son he would grab someone, so since we are responsible for our own and my son's actions, I take no offense to any of these comments. However, the one post that didn't like hearing kids ask if 5 minutes is over after only 30 seconds pass, I must take up for the little one's here. Small children have no concept of time. This are either "very soon" (expected immediately) or "a long time from now" (maybe tomorrow or the next day). It's very hard for little ones to contain their excitement and wait patiently.
Also it was mentioned about children watching you eat. My son is extremely friendly. He's deffinately a people watcher. He watches people in restraunts and tries to talk to them or play with them. If someone returns his ever present smile then he really lights up. We went to one open kitchen restraunt once and he decided that the chef was his "victim of the hour". He and my son played peek a boo forever over the counter and behind waiters and waitresses. Everyone else kept watching my son's reaction to the chef and one couple even stopped by our table and said they didn't realize this was dinner and a show. They went on and on about how they haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Anyway, my point is, try sticking your tongue out at a child thats bothering you or play peek a boo or start a conversation with him. You'll make his day as well as get in a few laughs. :p


New Member
here we go! lol

top 10 pet peeves of Walt Disney World:

10. "wheres the thrill rides??" (personally i love them but disney parks r so much more)
9. parents who bring small children in2 the ride who dont behave which ends up ruinin the ride
8. "we will have fun at DISNEYLAND 2day"
7. Line cutters (eh i dont really care THAT much but its not fair 4 every1 else)
6. leashes (i donno y but it bothers me watchin a kid on a leash like a dog)
5. people who take 2 many pix, "ooh baby puked" :: photo snap :: "sir this is an attraction where no pictures r allowed" :: photo snap ::
4. stupid people - self explanitory
3. wheelchair abusers
2. kids that r annoyin, like they will kick (as mentioned b4) or other things


1. no it alls, split in2 3 seperate sections which will b demonstrated as senarios:

1a: "ive been on that ride b4".... "um it just opened 2day, u couldnt have been on it," with him sayin "yeah i was on it last time about 4 years ago"
1b: "that ride goes 200 miles per hour" with me saying "dude thats its a small world" followed by their response "yeah i no its wicked fast"
1c: "FAST TRACK WAS AMAZING" with me saying, "TEST buddy, its TEST TRACK!"


Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve would have to be when parents do not obey the warning signs and then their kids get scared on certain attractions. THEN they have the nerve to complain loudly about this and therefore their complaints lead to the demise of some, certain attraction. What was the name of it?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kopp8699
here we go! lol

top 10 pet peeves of Walt Disney World:

10. "wheres the thrill rides??" (personally i love them but disney parks r so much more)
9. parents who bring small children in2 the ride who dont behave which ends up ruinin the ride
8. "we will have fun at DISNEYLAND 2day"
7. Line cutters (eh i dont really care THAT much but its not fair 4 every1 else)
6. leashes (i donno y but it bothers me watchin a kid on a leash like a dog)
5. people who take 2 many pix, "ooh baby puked" :: photo snap :: "sir this is an attraction where no pictures r allowed" :: photo snap ::
4. stupid people - self explanitory
3. wheelchair abusers
2. kids that r annoyin, like they will kick (as mentioned b4) or other things


1. no it alls, split in2 3 seperate sections which will b demonstrated as senarios:

1a: "ive been on that ride b4".... "um it just opened 2day, u couldnt have been on it," with him sayin "yeah i was on it last time about 4 years ago"
1b: "that ride goes 200 miles per hour" with me saying "dude thats its a small world" followed by their response "yeah i no its wicked fast"
1c: "FAST TRACK WAS AMAZING" with me saying, "TEST buddy, its TEST TRACK!"
UGH!!!!!! Without looking at your profile, you can't be over 16 years old. Doesn't anybody in school spell their words out? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My WDW pet peeve: people who sit in the center of a row when they are asked to move all the way down. They refuse to move and everyone else must crawl over them to find a seat.


New Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
UGH!!!!!! Without looking at your profile, you can't be over 16 years old. Doesn't anybody in school spell their words out? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

17 lol, its just ezier :lol: 2 use online shorthand, its kind of a habbit, sry lol :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kopp8699
17 lol, its just ezier :lol: 2 use online shorthand, its kind of a habbit, sry lol :hammer:

Well I usually try not to complain but it really is tough to read. Maybe just stick to the shorthand when emailing or IM'ing. :wave:

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