It absolutely irritates me, I can't stand it. It won't kill some people do a little research before they go on vacation. When I was a CM I had guests ask me questions that I had no idea what they were talking about and THEY were the ones that got irritated because I couldn't understand or help them. I would try and correct them and ask if they meant this or that and they'd look at me and roll their eyes like I shouldn't be working there.
My favorite:
Guest: (at TTC) I can take a boat from here to Universal Studios, yeah?
Me: Oh do you mean Hollywood Studios?
Guest: No, I'd just take the monorail there. I want Universal.
Me: (slight hesitation) Ok, Universal is another theme park in the Orlando area and is not affiliated with Disney. You may take a taxi from here though.
Guest: (getting edgy now) No, no I'm not leaving Disney and I'm not paying for no cab! I just want to show my kids the Pokemon thing!
Me: You're in the wrong place.
I didn't no what else to say or do. I just knew I couldn't reason with this guest.