Passholder Lounge Alert!!!!!! Everyone In Here!


New Member
Originally posted by Geordi
Closing Confirmed.:cry:

It would seem that Nestle' is the reason the lounge closed, they wanted their space back. Totally understandable, it was theirs to begin with.

UPDATE!!! The ever-so-helpful CMs at Gest Relations in Epcot said that WDW IS LOOKING for another location!!!! THIS IS NOT GONE FOREVER! :D :D :D :D

We will just have to keep an eye out. I suggested Odyssey to the CM, but she said that Odyssey has it's own uses. (Yea, as a rentable convention center. Like WDW doesn't have enough of those!)

Beyond that, we will just have to wait. On an unrelated note, I was there at 7:30-8:30 last night, and walked right on to Test Track. Only waited 5 minutes for the video!

If you want to go, go on a weeknight!


I can comfirm this as well as mickeyfanatics can as well, we were both ther on the saturday before closing and teh lady there told us that they are definatly looking for a new location, they said though that it wasnt gonna be the odessy because it was convention space. I don't know about anyone else , but i have seen lounge space at Test Track, when your going up through teh curves as you take curve 1 and 3 look at teh wall acroos from you youll se a windo with posters in it too, hhhhhhhmmmmm Maybe if we are lucky


New Member
Re: ?

Originally posted by BigAL
What I can't understand is a coupe of weeks ago I got a post card for the Food and Wine Festival. On this card it reminded you to visit the lounge during the festival. I guess someone is not communicating this to the right people. I would be interested to here what their response on that is.

I would guess that the publicity materials for Food and Wine were prepared well in advance, and that Nestle asked for the lounge back after they were printed. I'm sure that Disney wasn't going to reprint all of their publicity material because of the closing of the AP lounge.

I just hope that they find an alternate location before I get there on 11/8. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Geordi!! Any answer on why they are closing BOTH Lounges?? I never cared for the one in the AK Anyhow, but maybe are they looking for a nicer place?? Kinda doesnt make any sense as they just opened the dumb thing in May!! Belle


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No clue on that one Belle, I was only able to talk to GR in Epcot, it was too late for AK to still be open.

The only answer I did get is that the location in AK was also unsuitable, but the girl didn't know why.

As for the lounge space above TT, I have been there! It is owned by GM, and not much chance they will give that one up. The access is buried around to the far right (by the exit) there is an elevator, used to be the far right and just inside the red wall when the big pillar was there. The entrance *might* be inside where the store is now.

The third floor is mostly the lounge space, really a big area. Big meeting room, where I was told that the executive board occaisonally meets for big decisions. *ooh, impressive* :D
It IS very nice up there tho.



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I have also been in the lounges for Met Life in Wonders of Life, and the Kodak lounge in Imagination.

Both are smaller (a LOT smaller) than the Land or TT lounges, but maybe they could wangle a lounge space from The Living Seas... The lounge in TLS is really only visible from inside the tank (Yea, I've seen it) and it's above the Coral Reef restaurant. Another nice place, but it's a bit hard to I.D. stuff from the wet side of the glass, y'know? :D



Account Suspended
Re: Re: ?

Originally posted by Bagheera

I would guess that the publicity materials for Food and Wine were prepared well in advance, and that Nestle asked for the lounge back after they were printed. I'm sure that Disney wasn't going to reprint all of their publicity material because of the closing of the AP lounge.

I just hope that they find an alternate location before I get there on 11/8. :)

No, the card said visit the Longe before it closed at the end of the month in the bottom corner. The rest of the card was about Food and Wine.. two ads which were unrelated.



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Maybe Nestle just changed their minds about the turnover date, moving it up. I only heard about the date about 3 weeks ago, look at the date of the first post in this thread.



Well-Known Member
They were giving out free ice cream(Mickey Bars, fruit bars, etc.) on Monday at the lounge in Epcot. I went to get a drink before they closed and the CM was offering ice cream.


New Member
Lounges closing


I was wondering if any of these lounges that everyone is talking about being closed has anything to do with the lounge to right side of Univ. of Energy? ExxonMobil! It this one included in the not there anymore list?

Thanks for you help :)


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Original Poster
Ok, small clarification: The lounges are in each pavillion for the EXCLUSIVE use of the sponsor company's employees, board members, and their guests. Nestle is the current sponsor of The Land, and generously allowed their space to be used for the passholder lounge.

They seem to have decided they want it back.

Perfectly OK with me, as they are spending megabucks to sponsor Land for the next (I think) 10 years.

There is a lounge space in every pavillion, and the pavillions that are un-sponsored right now (Living Seas, former Horizons) could be space for the new passholder lounge. Since Compaq has yet to open Space, and probably won't share for at least a few years (if ever) then the only un-sponsored pavillion is Seas. The lounge *might* be put in there, but this is a TOTAL GUESS on my part only. I have not heard ANYTHING to back this up, but it seems to be an available space.

Suggest this to the GR people maybe?


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