Babe: They said it _HAD_ to close? Was there any emphasis on the "had"? I would wonder about WDW's motives on this one... A few people getting some extra cola couldn't be the reason, the profits on syrup/seltzer mixing fountains (like ANYWHERE you get a drink in a cup rather than a bottle) are insane, over 98% pure profit. With an establishment WDW's size, I'm sure they have an even higher profit margin, maybe 99.xx% pure profit. The cost of a 5 gallon box (yea it's a bag-in-a-box) of syrup is like $20 or so, but I'm sure WDW pays a LOT less. That one 5 gallon box is good for over 100 GALLONS of cola, maybe more. (I heard the info from a Coke guy when I worked at McDonalds about 8 years ago, memory fuzzy)
Anyway, a soda fountain like that is _cheap_ to operate, so there has to be another reason.
Anyway, a soda fountain like that is _cheap_ to operate, so there has to be another reason.