"partners statue" in the dark. Has disney become sloppy?


Well-Known Member
While it is true the golden age is a lot of nostalgia...its not entirely accurate here.


I can't imagine that being allowed to happen and still just..stand there from the company it was prior. Let's not forget that was that park's last big ticket so it is not like they have had to focus on anything else since the half a decade it has been opened.

Big Thunder Mountain's rockwork and falling rocks (this has also been a problem not fixed for a very long time)

Tower of Terror was being built in 1993(UNREAL to think something so cool and mind numbing has really been around that long already to me) and no Tower of Terror built since has had a budget even close or the 5th dimension scene. Around 5 years later work was well underway (same half a decade of time comparison to when AK last got an actual big ticket attraction) and we got RocknRollercoaster.

Then there are things like the Diamond Horseshoe Revue. No arguing here..just plain old cheap outs to not want to pay for entertainment.

These are not unreasonable points like chipped paint and a few slacking areas either. These are signifigant changes in the way the company has run.

Believe me, I am thrilled as the next WDW fan about Star Tours and how it is a plussed experience. But after 20 plus years of a simulator and film that were experimental when it opened it was in dire need of an upgrade. I am not going to pat them on the back for too long over it.


Well-Known Member
I never noticed how poorly maintained the parks are until it was pointed out to me. You can take this two ways: first, the parks are maintained to such a level that you have to purposefully look for bad maintenance to find it; secondly, the culture of 21st century guests doesn't hold WDW to as high of a standard that the company held itself to in the years preceeding 1994.

Of course, the only way to go about a management culture change from the outside is to kick Disney where it hurts- don't spend money at the parks. Theoretically, if enough people stop spending money at WDW, things will change. But how many people can you get to do that to make a difference? Most guests don't even notice bad maintenance anyway. In that case, I'd say we should go public about...maybe get Jason Garcia to write a Sentinel article about the fans' opinion state of the parks these days (which is arguably better than it was a few years ago).


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I bet it wont stop you from going!

Im not necessarily talking about Sleeping Monk but just to say the people who complain are the types that go 2,3 sometimes more times a year.
Maybe if you went less you'd appreciate it more when you did and stop picking holes in things that normal people dont even notice.

To complain about a broken lightbulb or some chipped paint is pretty pathetic - get a life!!

That's what I was thinking. If the lack of maintenance or dimishing quality really bothers you that much, yet you keep going year after year, how effective is your complaining? Especially a letter such as this where they notice some maintenance issues that bothered them significantly, yet they continue to go again....multiple times.

Must not bother you that much, and as far as Disney is concerned, they're still getting your money!

For issues with the Partners Statue, I bet heading over to Guest Relations one night and saying "You know, I tried to get a nice evening picture infront of the Partners Statue but half of it is dark because the spot lights aren't working" would have been much more effective than waiting until you got back to write a letter.


New Member
Its ridiculous that someone can be so dismissive of the maintenance issue and blame it on nostalgia and whatnot. Holes in the walls of "RESORTS," broken amenities and a generally unpleasant attitude towards upkeep has led my family to staying in nice places (gasP) off property. I'm not dropping 600 a night to stay in a place that I can't trust. There was the drinking glass fiasco a few years ago, then all the bedbugs stuff at the value resorts, and after a stay in contemporary that left my family underwhelmed, we decided to make a change. Stay off property if you're a regular guest, they will see it and make adjustments, because sending letters does not help.


Well-Known Member
The "best way possible" is to stop spending your entertainment dollar on a product that you don't believe is worth it. The only way to determine what a WDW vacation is worth is to determine what people are willing to pay for it. If you don't like the state of the product, then stop writing letters and start spending your money on a competitor's product.
Obviously you are correct, but I was responding in the context of writing letters.

For issues with the Partners Statue, I bet heading over to Guest Relations one night and saying "You know, I tried to get a nice evening picture infront of the Partners Statue but half of it is dark because the spot lights aren't working" would have been much more effective than waiting until you got back to write a letter.
Agreed here as well.

Why not address the problem at the time of the transgression rather than wait, in some cases of the complaint, 5 years after the fact.
Believe me, I am thrilled as the next WDW fan about Star Tours and how it is a plussed experience. But after 20 plus years of a simulator and film that were experimental when it opened it was in dire need of an upgrade. I am not going to pat them on the back for too long over it.
And comments like this is why Disney doesn't listen to it's fan base. You have a valid argument until this point.

Instead of supporting new attractions on their merits alone, you (the fans) temper all your complements with either "This should have been done X years ago" or "I won't say Disney is good again until [insert attraction you think needs help here]".

Why would Disney listen to you? Even when something appears to have been done well, you just simply move on to the next thing or complain it wasn't in your personal time frame and while all the while you are still handing money to the mouse.

Just to be clear, I'm not minimizing any issues throughout the parks. I am merely offering my opinion on the best way to communicate those issues to a major corporation.


I think it's really simple, they don't do things as well as they used to, and that is a decline in standards and customer service. This would be true with any company anywhere in the world...

Tomorrow Child

New Member
Original Poster
Dear CP.

I couldn´t agree more with, but, it´s been three years in a row and there´s is always the same problem in the same place. And, it´s not just a light bulb: it´s the Walt Disney´s Statue light bulb.

I forgive Disney for a lot a things, but this one, I couldn´t.

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