Parking Increase as of 10/9


New Member
You know what … I bet this is the doing of that evil Michael Eisner, you know every bad thing that has ever happened at Disney is all his … what? … he what? … no?!?
Oh gosh now who do we blame????


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
So I'm assuming then all civil rights activists arrested in the 1950s and 1960s were "wrong" because in their protest they broke the law? You guys gotta think here. Sorry here guys, grey are on morality. People who steal food to live, right or wrong? Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong, I'm not, and it's not your place to judge. Go back to your glass houses and enjoy the view.

Since when has protesting been illegal?


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
The statement wasnt political in nature. Everyone knows what happened in the oral office.....

I wish it would happen in my office more....or at least at home, on the couch, or in bed, or hell....pretty much ANYWHERE :lookaroun


New Member
TTATraveler said:
I completely agree!!

However, I cannot believe the amount of bickering and anamosity over the fact that Disney is rasing its cost of parking to $9. If this is a sore spot for people, then don't park you car at the parks, period. If you think that you should go a step further and not visit the parks, fine. If you want to cheat the system and not pay the parking by doing something not moral, so be it that is your choice.

There are better things in life to be more concerned over then Disney raising its parking costs. Like all things, prices go up. With the arguments going on here, you would think parking was going up to $100.

Well said! I doubt that anything on this board will change a person's mind anyhow.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
In case nobody noticed, fountain sodas went from $1.99/$2.29 to $2.09/$2.39 over the last 2 weeks.
But remember not to long ago bottled soda went from $2.50 to $2.00. So its not all bad.


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
But remember not to long ago bottled soda went from $2.50 to $2.00. So its not all bad.

the cost of bottled soda varied by season and park....and it has gone up and down many times over the last 2 years

Many times, Epcot and MGM will be $2.50, while on the same day DAK and MK are $2.00


New Member
tsohg tsoh said:
If you read your parking ticket, it says they assume no responsibility for anything that happens.

That's a standard indemnity clause, it's to prevent the formation of a bailment relationship where they would be liable for damage to your car (bailment functions the same way a valet works, whether the written prohibition on your ticket is sufficient, I don't have the answer). Why should disney be liable for someone else who negligently hits your car? They don't provide security and they don't want you to believe that they do (and my car was stolen 2 weeks ago from my driveway)

In an unrelated matter, Disney doesn't use the money to maintain the parking lots and pay cast members, (say they get 10K cars a day, which is REALLY lowballing it, they make 90k a day, i'm fairly certain that the 10-15 cast members it takes to operate a lot aren't seeing even 1% of that, and parking certainly doesn't cause 90k worth of wear and tear on the asphalt EVERY DAY) -- The point is that when they wanted to finance splash mountain they raised parking by 1 dollar (caveat -- this is based on hearsay, I recall my dad telling me this years ago but have not researched it personally) Notwithstanding, parking is a cash cow for disney, just as fountain soda is, you've got to use it and they'll charge as much as you can bear
They had to raise the price for parking. They need the extra money to build the Monorail extention to Animal Kingdom and to the airport. I for one will be happy to pay the added cost to help the monorail system. I also forgot some of the money will be directed towards the rehab of 20,000 Leagues. Do you people call your self true Disney fans? Get with the program. :animwink:


New Member
just as an FYI, I had no clue the parking would increase today (I figured sooner or later), until I walked in to work today :D, with a nice memo tellin' us to charge according to the new prices. Even the auto plaza CMs here had no idea until this morning, so I'm surpised someone knew 2 days in advance :)


Well-Known Member
Hurricane said:
That's a standard indemnity clause, it's to prevent the formation of a bailment relationship where they would be liable for damage to your car (bailment functions the same way a valet works, whether the written prohibition on your ticket is sufficient, I don't have the answer).

Just on a side legal note, this is also an adhesion contract, so a court may likely throw out that indemnity clause as unconscionable. Regardless, I agree completely that this all goes into the cash flow for the company. Whether you pay $59 at the gate or $9 to park and $50, Disney needs a certain amount to be at that ideal cost-profit balance. For everyone complaining about the amount Disney charges, please visit elsewhere. You will find the ONLY reason Disney appears to cost more is because PEOPLE STAY LONGER! If you spend 4 days at Cedar Point, Six Flags, etc. in a moderately nice hotel, you will find the cost increase to Disney fairly small. Also, to whomever made the comment about Universal and Busch, please note neither of these companies could care less about making the residents of Florida happy. Not sounding harsh, but any differences in marketing of tickets, accomodations, etc. are done solely for bottom-line purposes. Also, if you think Disney hasn't looked at their model careful, I would argue you are misguided. Each of these companies have different draws, different audience sizes, different (within reason) needs to maximize profits.

Long story short, $9 for parking is not outrageous at all. Pound for pound, Disney is not much more expensive than any other comparable location. If you cheat the system, you may be legal, you may have found a loophole, but I have just as much right to consider you wrong according to my morals as you do to think it is not wrong overall. Sorry for the rant. Just read this whole thread through, and it got a little crazy.

Thanks to everyone for the info, and I hope everyone can get along knowing $1 more is going to the mouse and hopefully back into the magic.:wave:


Well-Known Member
amborfl said:
just as an FYI, I had no clue the parking would increase today (I figured sooner or later), until I walked in to work today :D, with a nice memo tellin' us to charge according to the new prices. Even the auto plaza CMs here had no idea until this morning, so I'm surpised someone knew 2 days in advance :)

This is THE place for news and rumors!! :sohappy: :lol:


New Member
Let the Free Market Do its Work

Why complain about parking at all? It is a simple decision to make. Too much money to park . . . don't go. But we go. A lot of us go. Repeatedly. With smiles on our faces and mouse ears on our heads.

If $9 were too much, there would be a markedly reduced volume of visitors. AP holders and FL passholders are of little concern in the parking equation. The buying decision there has very little to do with the price of parking. Similarly, most people who stay onsite do so for reasons other than parking privileges. In fact, if the decision whether or not to stay onsite has anything to do with parking privileges, the $1 increase will only serve to fill Disney resorts more quickly. I, however, believe this to be the exception, not the rule.

Of course Disney realizes that there will be some abuse of parking rules by the usual thieves and miscreants (this would be you Insemsf). In the remote chance that you actually believe what you say, I would remind you that there is no real "Big, bad, Disney Corporate Machine" that is out to sap every dollar from our meager wallets in the name of obscene profits. We (meaning those who patronize all things Disney) ARE the Disney corporate machine. It is the voluntary submission of our hard-earned dollars in the name of our own amusement, that allows Disney to exist as it does. If we stop going, the discounts and deals arrive. If we go a lot, the discounts and deals go away. If parking were "free" it would merely be a mirage. The prices for park admission, AP passes, Cokes, bottled water, turkey legs, etc. are part of the total revenue stream. I am certain that you are quite happy having others pay the parking portion of the revenue stream, while you do not. You are, however, misguided if you believe that Disney has not accounted for your actions in terms of other costs that you happily bear. If you do not happily bear such costs you would obviously find no value in going to WDW in the first place. When prices are truely too high for people to go to WDW, then we will simply stop going. It really is that simple.

As for your little "protest," few on these boards actually believe that your actions are anything more than petty theft and the fact that you are just too cheap to pay. Your comments regarding apparent "right" and "wrong" are either a poor rationalization for an action you know to be wrong, or troll-ish behavior.


Well-Known Member
$9 bucks for a days worth of parking is a steal. When i goto clients in NYC, sometimes I park for 30 minutes and its cost me $43 bucks. So I would take that anyday.


New Member
MouseMadness said:
Guess you all can come to Detroit... I've never paid more than $5 to park anywhere :lookaroun
That's my point EXACTLY!!! I don't live in Chicago! I don't live in New York! We can park for cheap here in Detroit! Thus, $9 seems like a fortune!

I'm sorry you all have to give up your right arm for parking. I have yet to have to, and don't plan on it. Stop chewing my arm off for it.

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