Parking Increase as of 10/9


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
I have a querstion about borrowing that AP from your friend. Are you just utilizing it to park or are you also using it to get into the park?
Just for parking, I still pay my $200+ every year, for the last 12 years, for my pass.

SpongeScott said:
whatever happened to the thought that it's wrong? That it's cheating?

"Wrong" is open to interpretation. There are SO many things that I consider "wrong" that the population of this country seems to be fine with, which is moving this country in what I consider to be a terrible direction. But, a majority of the people think it's "right" so what is it? Is it wrong? Is it right? It's ambiguous. I have no problem with what I do, and think it's not right for them to charge what they do. Lower the price, I'll pay it, until then, pfft. You disagree. It's hard to get in to a discussion of values because everybody has their own. I have my own mind, I don't let anybody or anything tell me what I should think is right and wrong, because I'm the only one who can know what I think, and I don't need a concesous from anybody to tell me I'm right.

If you want to play a moral ambiguity game how about this. I ordered a product from Office Depot the other day and I was entitled to a free CD player boombox worth about $15. Office Depot instead sent me the wrong item, a $60 wireless keyboard and mouse. I kept it. It's almost like stealing right? I didn't order that, I'm not entitled to it, I am "wrong" for not giving it back right? But not so fast. Under federal law, anything that is sent to me, regardless of if I ordered it or not, is mine to keep and is to be considered a "gift" by the company who sent it (you can check the FTCs website if you'd like proof of the legality of this.) So now, is it wrong? The law says it was a gift, it's not wrong to keep gifts, it's not even illegal in any way. Long story short, not only did I keep it, I called them up and demanded they send me the correct item that I did order, and I got that 3 days later. I feel pretty good about that, I never even considered sending it back even though I didnt pay for it or order it, or heck even want it until it showed up. Why? Because to me it's RIGHT to keep it. Can you judge me on that too? If you took a poll of people here, I bet you'd get a split decision of if that is "wrong" or "right" because each person is different, and "wrong" and "right" are not black and white issues.


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
"Wrong" is open to interpretation. There are SO many things that I consider "wrong" that the population of this country seems to be fine with, which is moving this country in what I consider to be a terrible direction. But, a majority of the people think it's "right" so what is it? Is it wrong? Is it right? It's ambiguous. I have no problem with what I do, and think it's not right for them to charge what they do. Lower the price, I'll pay it, until then, pfft. You disagree. It's hard to get in to a discussion of values because everybody has their own. I have my own mind, I don't let anybody or anything tell me what I should think is right and wrong, because I'm the only one who can know what I think, and I don't need a concesous from anybody to tell me I'm right.

Perhaps you or someone close to you will get killed one day. Perhaps the killer does not think that killing people is wrong. By your logic, he would be free and clear.

Just because you do not agree with something, and you break the rules as a result, it does not make your actions right.


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
Just for parking, I still pay my $200+ every year, for the last 12 years, for my pass.

"Wrong" is open to interpretation. There are SO many things that I consider "wrong" that the population of this country seems to be fine with, which is moving this country in what I consider to be a terrible direction. But, a majority of the people think it's "right" so what is it? Is it wrong? Is it right? It's ambiguous. I have no problem with what I do, and think it's not right for them to charge what they do. Lower the price, I'll pay it, until then, pfft. You disagree. It's hard to get in to a discussion of values because everybody has their own. I have my own mind, I don't let anybody or anything tell me what I should think is right and wrong, because I'm the only one who can know what I think, and I don't need a concesous from anybody to tell me I'm right.
It's wrong and you know it. You try to justify your actions with a warped morality and value system. I don't agree with a lot of Disney prices, so therefore I choose not to partake in them. If I want to go to WDW, then I will pay the parking fee or not go to the parks (or stay onsite in order to avoid the fee). If you don't want to pay the price, then stay onsite, walk to the park, or ride with someone else to foot the bill.

Otherwise, what you're doing is wrong.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
It's wrong and you know it. You try to justify your actions with a warped morality and value system. I don't agree with a lot of Disney prices, so therefore I choose not to partake in them. If I want to go to WDW, then I will pay the parking fee or not go to the parks (or stay onsite in order to avoid the fee). If you don't want to pay the price, then stay onsite, walk to the park, or ride with someone else to foot the bill.

Otherwise, what your doing is wrong.

Agreed. If you believe Disney is charging too much for merchandise, will you just go into a shop and think “if they had charged less, I’d pay. But they didn’t, so I’ll just take it” and end up stealing it? I don’t see the difference between ‘stealing’ a $9 parking fee, or stealing a $9 item from the Emporium. Just my opinion.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
speck76 said:
Perhaps you or someone close to you will get killed one day. Perhaps the killer does not think that killing people is wrong. By your logic, he would be free and clear.

Just because you do not agree with something, and you break the rules as a result, it does not make your actions right.

My sentiments exactly Speck. I have a feeling that probably every mass murderer did not think that he was doing anything wrong !


Well-Known Member
So I'm assuming then all civil rights activists arrested in the 1950s and 1960s were "wrong" because in their protest they broke the law? You guys gotta think here. Sorry here guys, grey are on morality. People who steal food to live, right or wrong? Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong, I'm not, and it's not your place to judge. Go back to your glass houses and enjoy the view.


Le Meh
Premium Member
lnsemsf said:
So I'm assuming then all civil rights activists arrested in the 1950s and 1960s were "wrong" because in their protest they broke the law? You guys gotta think here. Sorry here guys, grey are on morality. People who steal food to live, right or wrong? Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong, I'm not, and it's not your place to judge. Go back to your glass houses and enjoy the view.

Steal = take with the intention of never giving back what is not yours. Wrong reguardless of the situation.

Borrow = take with the intention of returning or compensating the owner for the property taken. Your food example would fall in this catagory.

I dont think people were intending to return the sneakers and flat screen TV's in New Orleans.....


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
So I'm assuming then all civil rights activists arrested in the 1950s and 1960s were "wrong" because in their protest they broke the law? You guys gotta think here. Sorry here guys, grey are on morality. People who steal food to live, right or wrong? Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong, I'm not, and it's not your place to judge. Go back to your glass houses and enjoy the view.

I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.


Le Meh
Premium Member
cherrynegra said:
I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.

G', he aint worth it.


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.
Very good post Gordon.


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
So I'm assuming then all civil rights activists arrested in the 1950s and 1960s were "wrong" because in their protest they broke the law? You guys gotta think here. Sorry here guys, grey are on morality. People who steal food to live, right or wrong? Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong, I'm not, and it's not your place to judge. Go back to your glass houses and enjoy the view.

There's a huge difference between civil disobedience and paying for parking at a theme park. Comparing the two simply defeats your argument.

And furthermore.... Its Nine freakin Dollars. Suckitup.


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.


Active Member
cherrynegra said:
I've been reading your posts with abject boredom. But your recent post just did it for me. As a person of color, I find it absolutely OFFENSIVE that you equate cheating a parking system so you don't pay $9 the same as people who gave up their lives fighting against a race and class system that denied them basic human rights. Denying someone a job, a home, an education, the right to sit at a counter or the front of the bus, whatever, based on race or other differences is wrong. Cheating a system so you can save $9 measly dollars is wrong. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. But don't you DARE cheapen the civil rights movement by attaching your idiotic beliefs to it just to give it credibility.

I completely agree!!

However, I cannot believe the amount of bickering and anamosity over the fact that Disney is rasing its cost of parking to $9. If this is a sore spot for people, then don't park you car at the parks, period. If you think that you should go a step further and not visit the parks, fine. If you want to cheat the system and not pay the parking by doing something not moral, so be it that is your choice.

There are better things in life to be more concerned over then Disney raising its parking costs. Like all things, prices go up. With the arguments going on here, you would think parking was going up to $100.

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