Parking Increase as of 10/9

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
At this point, it's worth it for Florida residents to get Annual Passes instead of Seasonal. The 100 dollar price difference practically pays for itself in parking at this point.


Well-Known Member
crazydaveh said:
You know, there are other people facing bigger problems than cheating to get a free parking spot these days, hopefully the guy who is the cheater is sending that $9 to hurricane relief or some organization that helps people!

Probably not though.
To be honest, I've not donated anything to them. However, I am owed close to $3000 by my friends who I've loaned my hard earned money to because they have been unable to afford things like rent, or to fix their car when it breaks so they can continue to work. So all in all, I'm still a pretty decent person I think.


Well-Known Member
Mr Bill said:
At this point, it's worth it for Florida residents to get Annual Passes instead of Seasonal. The 100 dollar price difference practically pays for itself in parking at this point.
We live in Miami and have seasonals. Since we live so close, yet so far :lol: we stay on property so we don't have to pay parking that way. If you live much closer and go to WDW on a regular basis, an AP is definitely worth it.


Well-Known Member
Even Six Flags in Atlanta charges $10-12 to park. So enjoy the lower price.

[/remarkable restraint not joining the flame war]

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I actually like the E/Sunpass idea. Since most of the people that would be going in to park are locals anyway, a large amount of people would have it.


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
Did it hurt you, no. Does it slightly effect you? no. Am I sorry I brought it up, nah.

It doens't hurt me or effect me since I have a Premium AP, but let me say this. Stores raise their prices all the time (and have them higher for a reason) because of theft. They do that because having the extra cost acts as a cushion to balance what's lost.

So, one reason (weather you believe it or not) is because of scams. They know every car going through there isn't valid, and it's going to catch up to you.

You say you've got a better chance winning the lottery...good luck! It's going to catch up to you AND your friend. So enjoy your time while you can! :wave:


New Member
lnsemsf said:
It's been about 10 years since I've paid to park there, through various ways. Do I feel bad? No. Do I feel good, Absolutely. Am I worried about my friends pass being taken away? No. Hell I let my sister borrow it and she has just shown them the anual pass sleve and they let her in. Until I mentioned it she didnt even know she had to show the ticket. How are they going to prove who is who. I don't always bring my ID to theme parks, nor should I have to, I have a better chance of winning the lottery than having her pass taken away. And to be completely honest, if you all dislike it, that's your business. I'm just sick of being ripped off and raped of cash by huge companies. When I give somebody $200+ a year, I'm done, period. You guys could have walked by my car before, it didnt bother you, so why should it matter than now you know it was there for free? I don't see how it's your place to judge me, and how I chose to live my life. I was simply showing outrage at the parking fees that other people have to pay, showing concern for my fellow patrons. Did it hurt you, no. Does it slightly effect you? no. Am I sorry I brought it up, nah. I tend to enjoy complete strangers on the internet disliking me, it's pretty funny. Anyway I'll rephrase myself in a non offensive, or contravercial way... PARKING INCREASE BAD.


Personally I don't care (APer) so i'm not gona comment, but what does it matter to you if they raise parking prices, you don't pay it?

I don't care what the price of music is, I don't buy it, and I don't complain about it either


New Member
king's island charge 9 dollars this year to park. it is even more for the premium parking. do they offer free parking for season passes holder like they do for paramount parks.


Well-Known Member
Mr Bill said:
At this point, it's worth it for Florida residents to get Annual Passes instead of Seasonal. The 100 dollar price difference practically pays for itself in parking at this point.
Ugh. Agreed. Which stinks because I don't need a full annual but I'll spend that difference (and then some!) in parking otherwise. Bah. I'm planning on getting the seasonal again but now...I might have to wait and get a full AP.

Jeez. Nine bucks. Bleck.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Wow you people who cheat the system make me sick. You have to realize that they used that money for repair to the parking lots and to pay the CMs. That is not profit they make they USE it to make Wdw a more magical place. If you use someone else's AP you are going to get caught and then you will be sorry you even tried it.


New Member
crazygirley said:
OMG! I can't imagine paying $9 to park my car ANYWHERE!!!

Excuse me?? Do u live in a cave? When I was in college, I drove to downdown Chicago everyday and paid $30 per day and that was cheap. Most places charge you about $30 per hour.


Well-Known Member
If you go to a major sporting event in a city, it can cost $20+ for parking....for a 3 hour event

$9 a day for parking at WDW is not a bad deal


Well-Known Member
I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. I was shocked to see something at Cedar Point more expensive than WDW. Parking at CP has been 9$ for at least a year now, so this comes as no suprise to me.

As to the guy who doesn't think he's going to get caught using his friends AP, yea chances are probobly slim, but wait until you get that CM who actually checks ID's like they are supposed to...I'd love to hear what you have to say then. You'd probobly be one of those people who would create a thread here saying how rediculous they are for punishing you for breaking the rules, right? :rolleyes:


New Member
Street Parking near World of Disney NYC is 50 cents for 15 mins. Plus you have to lug around a bag of change. Meters don't accept credit cards or bills.


Well-Known Member
Paying for parking is always a rip off, I despise it. Lucky for me, I live in Tampa where I hardly have to worry about it. When I go out to the bars in Ybor city, I park at a church on the outskirts, about a 4 minute walk away. $0 instead of $10. At Disney, Once they went past $5, I decided I'd find other ways, and have(and occasionaly parking somewhere besides the "magical" parking lots have not ruined my fun at all.) As for Major League Sporting events. I have a friend who lives a 10 minute walk from the Lightning at the St. Pete Times Forum, and the Devil Rays just announced that next year parking is COMPLETELY FREE. Why? Because they're trying to make people come and enjoy themselves and charging $10 was turning off a lot of people(myself included) and lowering attendence. So you see, regardless of what you think of me, and really I don't much care (though I'm entertained that it's bothered so many) I don't pay for parking. I don't live in a place where it's "the norm" or required. About the only place I pay to park is the airport, and I just 9 times out of 10 sit in the loading zone in my car for however long it takes for people to get there. Sorry that my complaining about yet another price increase that people that want to come but are on a tight budget have to deal with has bothered you, but I'm outraged by the constant price increases, and I will not hide my feelings and opinions because some may be ofended by it. I basically have always looked at life this way, I think what I believe, I say what I mean, and if it offends you, it's your fault for letting it bother you.

P.S. I still "heart" you all, no hard feelings!

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