Parking At A Resort and Taking The MonoRail

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Well-Known Member
We are staying on at the All Star Movies. I was thinking of this: Driving to another Disney Resort (i.e. The Comtemporary) and parking there then riding the Monorail to Magic Kingdom. This will give us a chance to enjoy the monorail and avoid the parking at MK.



A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I may be mistaken, but I believe there's a time limit on parking at the Contemporary, unless you have an ADR for Chef Mickey or the like. I know I've parked at the YC one day when we had reservations at Cape May, end then spent the day at EP though.

Anyone else?
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Well-Known Member
This can be a hot topic.

Parking at resorts is reserved for guests of that resort and visitors using resort facilities such as restaurants etc for a specified amount of time, usually a 3-hour permit is given.

Otherwise, you could possibly be towed.
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Well-Known Member
We are staying on at the All Star Movies. I was thinking of this: Driving to another Disney Resort (i.e. The Comtemporary) and parking there then riding the Monorail to Magic Kingdom. This will give us a chance to enjoy the monorail and avoid the parking at MK.


Nope, no can do. Parking is for resort guests and those using the facilities all others are subject to towing. I have seen cars towed from the Poly because of this. To enter the Contemporary grounds you need to pass through a security gate & you will be asked if ID that is checked against the master list. If you do not have a legit reason to be there you will be turned away.

Either drive over and use the proper park lot, use the TTC as you can then
walk over to the Poly & hit the monorail if that is what you really want to experience or use the transportation from your home resort. I know there will be many people who will say they do this all the time and nothing has happened to them, but it's just not worth the chance in my book.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That was my thinking. I was just trying to get a feel for what the going trend was.

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Well-Known Member
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No one in my family has ever been towed. My family parked at the Polynesian last year for quite a while with no problem. Considering how poor the bus service is, I'd take the chance. And there's nothing better than touring the resorts.
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Active Member
Whenever we check into our hotel we are given a parking pass for our resort only. When we went to a different resort (the comtempory) for dinner one night we had to have an ADR or we couldn't park there. While I have never actually seen a car towed before I would feel bad using their lot if we weren't paying to stay at the resort or visiting it for a specific reason (such as an ADR). I know that I would be annoyed if I was paying the extra money to stay there and couldn't find a parking spot. I know I"m probably in the minority here but that's just how I feel.:shrug:
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Well-Known Member
you are most definitely allowed to park at any resort for whatever reason whatsoever as long as it's not for "all day".

Usual correspondence with the Security Guard usually goes:

SG: "Can I see your ID?"
Me: "Of course!"
SG: "Are you checking in?"
Me: "no sir, just visiting"
SG: "alright, have a good time"
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Well-Known Member
While cars are rarely towed it does on occasion happen (especially around holiday times). Most of the time when it does happen it's at the Contemporary Resort followed by Polynesian. And, don't think just cause your staying at another Disney resort that you are exempt from the towing.
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Active Member
I want to clarify my response, I have no problem with people parking at other resorts if they have a reason to be there. If you are parking there just to avoid a different parking lot and plan to stay parked there the entire day while touring a park I do have a problem. I'm paying a lot of extra money to have the convience of the monorail at my resort and I get annoyed when I can't find a parking spot because there are guests parked there that aren't even at the resort but off in a park. The TTC is right next to the Poly and you are able to ride the monorail to all of the monorail resorts, the MK, and Epcot so to say that you want to park at the resort for the experience of riding the monorail doesn't hold up. Sorry if I sound nasty about it, I really don't mean to offend anyone, I just don't like that practice.
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Well-Known Member
I want to clarify my response, I have no problem with people parking at other resorts if they have a reason to be there. If you are parking there just to avoid a different parking lot and plan to stay parked there the entire day while touring a park I do have a problem. I'm paying a lot of extra money to have the convience of the monorail at my resort and I get annoyed when I can't find a parking spot because there are guests parked there that aren't even at the resort but off in a park. The TTC is right next to the Poly and you are able to ride the monorail to all of the monorail resorts, the MK, and Epcot so to say that you want to park at the resort for the experience of riding the monorail doesn't hold up. Sorry if I sound nasty about it, I really don't mean to offend anyone, I just don't like that practice.

You don't sound nasty to me and I agree with everything you have stated.
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What I find EXTREMELY ANNOYING is when I try to park at BW, and thats my home DVC resort and I have my parking pass and BECAUSE people park there to use that back entrance to Epcot, I cant find a spot. That has happened frequently of late and its not right, When you walk thru the lots you can see the cars without parking passes, and I frankly hope they are towed. I dislike sitting in my car waiting for an open parking spot. I would swear when we were last there that half the cars in the BW lots were without passes
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Well-Known Member
What I find EXTREMELY ANNOYING is when I try to park at BW, and thats my home DVC resort and I have my parking pass and BECAUSE people park there to use that back entrance to Epcot, I cant find a spot. That has happened frequently of late and its not right, When you walk thru the lots you can see the cars without parking passes, and I frankly hope they are towed. I dislike sitting in my car waiting for an open parking spot. I would swear when we were last there that half the cars in the BW lots were without passes

Boardwalk is another entity on itself because of the entertainment area there. You cannot expect people from other resorts or those not staying on property to not use the clubs and restaurants at the Boardwalk and to not park there when they are using those amenities. Boardwalk has a parking lot for people who are not guests of the hotel too. Sure there might be people using the back entrance of EPCOT parking there...but if I were going to do that, I'd park over at the Beach and Yacht Club.
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