Park you could skip


Well-Known Member
Well, if I HAD to skip one, I'd have to say Epcot. And if the current administration keeps treating Epcot the way they are, it'll be one less ticket for me to buy all together. I mean, sure, there's Spaceship Earth, Honey, I shrunk the Audience and maybe the new Figment, but that's about it. I haven't been to Space yet, but it doesn seem like it'll be a repeat attraction for me. Test Track is a bore. They got rid of most AA attractions, the jewels of EPCOT Center. Quite frankly, whenever I get to introduce my future wife to WDW, we'll go to Epcot so that she can get to know it, but I'm pretty sure she'll ask me to skip it the next time around.


Well-Known Member
I'd skip MGM...(Unless we're including water parks and Disney Quest :lol: )

MGM just seems like it's lacking a lot. Frankly, the only reason I go there now is for ToT and RnR (with the occassional stop to visit the muppets and fantasmic).

DAK is fastly becoming my favorite's always changing...and you can always see something that you've never seen before.


New Member
Now, remember, this is ONLY if you held a gun to my head (otherwise, I love to hit them all). I'd have to say AK but probably for different reasons than most of you. I'm not quite sure why but the traffic congestion here is sometimes unbearable. Is it because the walkways are a bit more narrow??? Also, it always seems 10 degrees hotter there than the rest of the parks.


New Member
It really depends on your age. If you have young kids, and its summer- skip AK in my opinion. I'm 15, and I enjoy Animal Kingdom, but I would much rather see Epcot, MGM, and MK, than spend a day at AK. I think it really depends on age though. :)


Active Member
I guess I'd skip AK **IF I HAD TO**. But I usually make sure we don't have to skip any park.

IMO each park has at least 2 "must do attractions". ;)


Premium Member
AK for me too. Hopefully it will be better in 10 years. MGM wasn't that great when it first opened either.


New Member
I would most definitely skip Epcot...most everything there is a see once/do once attraction...i havent been on Misson:Space yet....but all the others are fun, but I could skip them and not be TOO upset if i had to...

I personally love Animal Kingdom...when I first went, I didn't like it, but when I actually had time (on an 8 day trip) to explore it, I took my time and thoroughly enjoyed it....and i didnt even do everything! maybe that was because it was a cool rainy day when i went or maybe it was just one of those things you just need to stop and explore slowly....i find it a great relaxer compared to the hustling through the other parks...if you hustle through animal kingdom, i think you will be disappointed...anyways, 'nuff said! :D



New Member
Personally, I could skip AK. I'm not all that interested in nature or animals, and there are only a few worthwhile attractions IMO.


New Member
wdwfreak425, I'm originally from GC. Grew up on Dartmouth St. For me, however, the Studios is my pick to skip. I LOVE AK. Fantasmic would be the only thing that I would be sad about missing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say AK is my choice too for the reasons already stated. That will change however when EE opens. Also, the Studios I skipped last year because we had no other choice. We had to choose only 2 parks and opted for MK and Epcot. AK and MGM are half-day parks for us, seeing as how AK we just go to Dinosaur and MGM we go to ToT, RnRC, and GMR. If I could go to all four parks I definitely would, but we usually can go to only 2 or 3.


New Member
Park Skipping

Always hold hands with kids (and adult kids) when you go skipping in Fantasyland at MK...

oops...wrong kind of skipping and parks...


Well-Known Member
Add me to the AK list. But not because we don't love animals, we frequent the St. Louis Zoo & Grant's Farm on a regular basis, so we love animals.

IF and this is a big IF..if we had to buy a one day ticket for AK, well then it wouldn't be worth the money to me. But when you have the 4/5 day hoppers or an AP, then you can easily go for half day, early entry and plan it right, your done by the heat of the day (thankfully).

but honestly, I would be bummed if I had to skip any of the four parks.


I think every1 was a little drugged up when writting in this thread.........

AK- i think is an overall really good park......Dinosaur, SAfari....TArzan Rocks, Lion King show, i dont think primevil warl is the worst attraction (i dont think its amazing but was fun on it), Kali River Rapids and then many anaimal exibits throughout the park....its a MUST when i am in disney.....

MGM- BY FAR best park in WDW, it has 3 or 4 of the best rides in all of disney (ToT, RnR, GMR, WWTBAMPI) and the best 3D (Muppet Vision) (have not been on MPM yet) and one of the best shows (Fantasmic)

MK- i mean really can ya really go to disney and not go to is a GREAT family park i love going there

EPOCT- worst day out of the entire trip when we go there......(i havnt been on M:S) but the have 0 good rides....TT is good once and honey I shunk the audience is decent at best.....epoct as ONE good thing about it ILLUMINATIONS THAT IS THE ONLY GOOD THING IN THE ENTIRE PARK....i would skip it and wouldnt even mind one bit....

this trip we are going early moring getting on M:S and leaving and coming back for ILLUMINATIONS


Well-Known Member
I could skip the Studios, just because the only things I want to do there are RnRC and ToT.

I could skip AK as well, but I can do that park by noon and be over to Epcot or MK on a long weekend so I do it, just for the safari and ITTbaB.

In the past I have dedicated time to Future World in Epcot and MK with a short 1/2 day at MK skipping Studios all together and the World Showcase. Not this vacation though!!!

I have determined that I need a year in Disney and then MAYBE, just MAYBE, I will have seen everything that I want to see (and plenty more which I haven't taken the time to realize was around!!):sohappy:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
I've discovered I can't skip any of them. My last trip was just a 4 day trip and I intended to skip AK, but as hot as it was Kali was to tempting to pass up. And once I was there, I had to do Primeval Whirl.

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