Park Hopper OR Not


Im going to Disney world for 8days, right now im booked without a park hopper option but i have the water parks options. i was wondering is it worth it to get the hopper option if im going to try new resturants and things and plan on returning to the parks after dinner???

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yes! We always get the park hopper. We almost always do one park during the day, go back the our room and pick another for dinner and the evening:)
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Do it, that way if one park is just to packed or a lot of attractions go down at the same time then you can easily leave and try another park.
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Well-Known Member
I ALWAYS get a park hopper. I can't imagine not having one. It gives me the freedom I desire. The Animal Kingdom (save for EMH nights) closes at 5-6pm all year, which in my opinion is too early to call it a day. So I can head over to another park. Or if you decide to take a break from one park and relax at the hotel, you can choose to visit a different park later in the day. It gives you freedom to go to Magic Kingdom during the day and have dinner at Epcot...which you can't do without hopping. I say go for it.
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Well-Known Member
We go for a week each trip so the park hopper adds only $7 per day or so for each of us. We like to have dinner at Epcot and see Illuminations 2 or 3 times but wouldn't want to spend more than 1 full day there. And we like to go to AK twice, but would rather go to a nother park to see Wishes or Illuminations after AK closes instead of going to DTD or back to the resort. For those and other reasons the hopper is worth it to us.
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Active Member
Most time I do get park hoppers since it is only $50 a ticket more, so what $6.25 a day for your 8 day ticket to have that convienence. Its a bargin there. When AK closes at 5 PM, you can head over to another park until that one closes later. Or like other posters have said, if it is too crowded, go to another park.

We are going for four days in September, so this time we are not, since we really will have only one day in each park.
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Active Member
I don't are there for 8 days which means you already are going to have a lot of time to spend in the parks. Park hopper is nice...maybe you could wait and add it if you get there and decide you really want to visit another park?
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Well-Known Member
We always get it. Simply so we can be more flexible. We only use it a couple of times each trip because we find it hard to stay at AK and DHS for entire days so we usually split those 2. We probably don't necessarily need it, but I cannot imagine being stuck to 1 day 1 park, especially with the kids
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We always park hop. It's nice to be able to go to one park during the day and then head to Epcot for dinner. Plus if it's really crowded somewhere you don't want to be stuck there.

p.s. I'm in Huntington too!
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Well-Known Member
We are take it or leave it. I have just as much fun without it. But, it dose have its advantages. I prefer to make ADRs and stay in that park longer with EMH and not lose ride time traveling, but I have done it both ways and still had a magical time none the less.
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Well-Known Member
We usually don't get the park hopper.
We choose the park that we are going to on a particular date & book our ADRs, etc. accordingly.
It would be a waste for us because the kids would be even more worn out by traveling from park to park.
It works best that way for us.
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Well-Known Member
We usually don't get the park hopper.
We choose the park that we are going to on a particular date & book our ADRs, etc. accordingly.
It would be a waste for us because the kids would be even more worn out by traveling from park to park.
It works best that way for us.
I agree with ThinkTink. We go for 10-11 days each year and get 7-8 day passes W/O park hopper. We used to get the hoppers but found that we end up spending too much time traveling between the parks. We are not WDW "commandos" as are other that try to hit 2-3 parks in a day. We just pick what park we are going to each day plan our meals around that and stay at that park all day and take our time. If we do find that we want to go back/missed something we will hit it on one of the other days. We have been doing this for the last 5 years and it has worked well for us too.

Plus the $50/ticket savings comes in handy for this family of 5($250) elsewhere during vacation.
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Well-Known Member
I ALWAYS get a park hopper. I can't imagine not having one. It gives me the freedom I desire. The Animal Kingdom (save for EMH nights) closes at 5-6pm all year, which in my opinion is too early to call it a day. So I can head over to another park. Or if you decide to take a break from one park and relax at the hotel, you can choose to visit a different park later in the day. It gives you freedom to go to Magic Kingdom during the day and have dinner at Epcot...which you can't do without hopping. I say go for it.

I agree completely especially with the early AK closing times, we usually have dinner at a resort then hit whichever park has EMH that evening. I can't imagine not getting park hoppers. We even love the monorail ride from MK to Epcot and the boat ride from Epcot to the studios
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Active Member
I have never gotten the park Hopper myself as I am used to staying in one park all day and taking my time around that park and not rushing. I am leaving to go again this friday and this time I will probably do some park hopping, but that is because I am going to buy an annual pass using the savings card I got from a member on this board.
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Well-Known Member
For us its worth the extra few dollars to have the flexabilty. I agree with a lot of posters we usually hit one park in the morning head back to the hotel for some down time and hit another park in the evening. :wave:
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