Park deterioration article in Sun Sentinel


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blackride
I know that when I was 10 I was not looking at the paint on the walls.
Are we (Disney fanatics) and the media being too critical of the success of Disney, or is Disney being targeted for criticism because people have nothing better to do / write about.
Is there a theme park (or similar sized attraction) anywhere in the world that doesn't need a light bulb changng or have an attraction that needs a coat of paint ?
As for the Florida press - if it weren't for WDW there'd be no tourism in Florida to the extent that its witnessing now - Brits (for example) have a choice of European beaches to sun themselves on - we fly 10 hours to visit WDW, the beaches are an after thought.
Leave Disney alone - don't bite the hand that feeds !


Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting article... While I was on the Sun Sentinel web site, I was looking at their photo gallery, and some of the pictures they took, I noticed when I was up there a week before them. A lot of attractions need paint jobs, etc... and I think the one that needs it the most is It's a Small World, and I am very happy it is getting a rehab, for it is very much needed. :)


Well-Known Member
I can definetely agree that guests are just less caring and more "messy" than ever before...take the parades for hard is it for each person to pick up their popcorn boxes and soda bottles and ice cream bar wrappers after the parade is done and throw them in a trash can that is literally a few feet away. It could be because of the crowds or trying to keep their kids together or just a lack of care for property or whatever....but take a look after a parade and it looks like Times Square after New Year's Eve and within minutes the streets are cleaned to perfection....that has always amazed me.


Are we (Disney fanatics) and the media being too critical of the success of Disney, or is Disney being targeted for criticism because people have nothing better to do / write about.
Is there a theme park (or similar sized attraction) anywhere in the world that doesn't need a light bulb changng or have an attraction that needs a coat of paint ?

Disney has brought most of the criticism on ittself. The company continues to say they are the best at what they do - that they maintain the highest standards in cleanliness, guest service, etc. etc....(See Eisner's insistence that the parks are in the best shape ever) Yet the reality tells a different story, as evidenced by articles like the Sentinel's (and a number of recent threads on the same subject.) Take a look around your local Disney Store for another example. (The truth is out there...:animwink: )

I think that the average consumer is finally starting to realize that the WDCo. is resting on it's laurels. Paying for the Disney name gets more expensive, while the quality of the merchandise continues to drop. How long are people going to be willing to just let that go?

Yes, all theme parks need maintenance. But Six Flags doesn't pride ittself on being the "friendliest". And Universal doesn't (to my knowledge) use its cleanliness as a selling point. That's where Disney is different, and deserves the criticism.

Do I think that articles like this are a little nitpicky? Sure, but they serve their purpose - people are talking (and thinking) more about it, whether they agree or not. And it will probably be harder for most of us, even the "think posotive" ones, to go to the parks without seeing more chipping paint, etc. Now, hopefully, it's just a matter of time before things change...


New Member
i know that much of the problem is with disney and cut backs that they have put in place, but it really seems like some of the blame has to come onto the guests that walk through the park everyday. it seems as if people are less and less respectful these days about property, and are using the mentality that "someone else will pick it up". its the people who drop gum on the pavement, or even worse stick it under tables that should be to blame for a lot of the problems, not only gum either that is just an example. i watch kids and even adult pick away at flowers and leaves from many trees, i watch food get spilled that the people dont pick up, and people really treating the property with very little respect, and no matter how much the grounds crews work they will never be able to keep up with the amount of people that come through.

its our disney world, our magical place, lets take care of it !


New Member
Although I agree with some of the things listed in the article b/c I noticed some too, I think it's very unfair to blame everything on the managment. Does anyone take any account how many problems are from guests themeselves. As far the cigarettes are concerned, guest are told before they go in the park that there are certain areas of smoking and it's not disney's responsibility to make sure it's thrown away. As far as the bathrooms are concerned, do they expect people to totally clean up when there are people still going in and out constantly. I think the problems were totally exagerrated. It's a big park full of people everyday. Give them a break!


I don't think they were over exagerrated at all. There are problems that are very noticeable now, that were not there 5 years ago.

Maybe Disney shouldn't have always prided itself on being as perfect as it was.

I agree though - If I had driven from the airport and saw that sigh with the DIS out, I would have been heartbroken. To me, that can't be a difficult fix. We're talking some lightbulbs here for pete's sake.


New Member
Originally posted by disneyman23
interesting article, and i agree that there has been a decline in much of the maintanence of the park, but overall they were commenting on many things that the average person would never notice--and even with all the faults that the park has in upkeep it is still better than any other park when it comes to maintanence. im sure they are doing as much as they can to keep things as perfect as possible, but its a huge area dealing with millions of different problems and millions of people, so with that in mind i think they are still doing a great job

That is not what Walt would say. I remember the sun showers that caused puddles and how the Disney CM's would squeegee the road immediately... and I never saw bird droppings... and the ceiling tiles in It's a Small World were never missing or off color...

That in mind, I think you are used to the County fairs and other theme parks and have no idea what Disney USED TO BE....

I am sorry if I offended you.

Disney was grand and now it is just OK.



New Member
Originally posted by MartyMouse
I feel that yes the cut backs have caused some problems at WDW, but most people never point to the guests. What??? How can I blame the guests?? Let me tell you.

I’ve spent a few years studying the changes in the behaviors of society over the last 15 years and I feel that we should look at the attitudes of the guests in this decade as opposed to the 80s.
As a whole we Americans have become more “European” in our attitudes towards neatness, in that 15 years ago people were more likely to place their trash in a waste can as opposed to just tossing it on the ground.
Also next time you’re at Disney just sit and watch young parents with their children they have a tendency to let them run loose and tear apart the park with no regard for property or the comfort of others. The change in parenting styles is at the heart of the decay of American “culture” - television has replaced the family structure so when at places like Disney they have no idea how to behave.
Perhaps I’m rambling and applying my work to my love of Disney, but just think about how the quality of American life has decayed not because of any outside force but because of the lack of structure in our homes and think about the lack of respect we have in our world let loose on Disney’s World.

I don’t know it’s late and I’m sleepy but think about it.

I will agree and dissagree.... YES parenting has changed. AND don't get me started on the crappy parents of today... BUT that aside it is Disney's responsibility to keep a clean park...

THEY just raised the prices for Gorsh sake!

I thought the skyway ride was eliminated because of today's youth - I just figured that kids must have been throwing things off of it or jumping from it.... and later I discovered that some 65year old dude (A cast member) was wisked off the platform and whamo... the ride was gone.

I see the spit on the screens in the Haunted Mansion every time I go... I know the kids are idiots and they should be beaten (and I mean with a belt not a fist). But for $60 a day per person Disney can afford to clean the darn thing... and the carpet and seats in the COP should be changed and on and on and on.....


New Member

Look people... the hiring standards in Disney have suffered tremendously.... sure there are cutbacks and sure they have eliminated staff as well... but what about these idiots that work for disney that are total loosers?

Look at the Tigger character arested recently for groping a mother and child!!!! Did you see the picture of this guy? He looked scary!! And they put him in contact with kids???

Where are the smiles?? I remember when every cast member was happy and full of smiles. (80's) and how my folks and me always commented on how great it was to be in a happy land.

Today it stinks... nasty hair cuts, ghetto looking kids, lack of courtesy and helpfulness.... For Gorsh sake they look like home depot employees when they are off shift hiding their orange robe so that you don't ask them a question!!!

It is pathetic. Not my fault, either... I have gone every year since 1971 at least once, and some years 3 times. I love Disney - Walts' ideals and principals are wonderful. My children have loved Disney... but when they told me they would rather go to Universal this year because it is a NEW park and less of a dirty old run down park - I cried.

It all started with a mouse.

Where has it all gone?


Well-Known Member
I think the only way to make some of you happy is if they would just laminate the whole park. But then you still would be upset because now you are slipping all over the place

I mean yes there are some things that need fixen, but really, your mad that they paint is fading, so they paint the walls! Now you are mad there are drying paint signs up! So do you want people to not know the paint is drying so they can lean up on the wall and get paint all on them and mess up the wall so now you can be even madder!?

I just don't get you guys sometimes

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I decided to check out the Orlando Sentinel's photo parade of the Ole' Magic Kindgom falling down. What I found was nit picking at its finest. Of the 13 or so photos, roughly 10 depict the most minor of glitches. I've seen much worse photos posted by members of this board.

Orlando Sentinel, get a life!


I think the reason they were nit picking is because that's what all Disney loyalists do.

And it's the little things that have always made Disney so great. The exact, perfect attention to every little detail. And those are the things that have slipped. Thus, the point of the article.


Well-Known Member
but really...from what I have read this guy wants someone to watcht he birds, and every time some of there stuff leaves there bodies there needs to be a cast member there to catch it so that no guest can see it...

IMO only heaven is as perfect as this guy wants

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Nit picking is not generally regarded as a virtue. Not all Disney loyalists are so criticical and disparaging to the extent of being a nit-picker. In the last photo, the inspector was pointing at some cracked cement on a bridge support literally behind a bush on the back side of a bridge.

Look for yourself:

I am as "Disney Quality" as the next guy, but that back-of-the-bridge cement crack isn't going to slow me down, much less ruin my day.

The ugly crane outside Imagination at Epcot Center is noteworthy, not the rust stain on the concrete under the flower planter barrel. The flowers inside the barrel were blooming and looked good.


Well-Known Member
I am as "Disney Quality" as the next guy, but that back-of-the-bridge cement crack isn't going to slow me down, much less ruin my day.

I agree most of the photos are a joke!


I think the reason they were nit picking is because that's what all Disney loyalists do.

And it's the little things that have always made Disney so great. The exact, perfect attention to every little detail. And those are the things that have slipped. Thus, the point of the article.

I am picky as Hell when it comes to Disney (Too picky for some of the other people on this board ;) ). And I think the ~point~ of the article was a good one (I think Disney HAS let a lot of issues, like cleanliness and maintenance, slide lately.), but I also think some of the pictures were trying a little too hard.

For example, this one: Neat and Pretty?

My Disney "career" started with six months as a Custodial Hostess. I had the pleasure :rolleyes: of cleaning restrooms in Adventureland, Liberty Square, and Fantasyland. I took the job seriously, and was good at it - I was in each of my restrooms at least every half an hour, just like I was told to do. But on high capacity days, or in the high traffic restrooms on any day, sometimes half an hour (or less) is enough time for messes like that to happen. (And, quite frankly, that's hardly a mess - I've seen much, much worse.:eek: ) The only way to prevent that is to have an attendant stationed at each RR all day. And I don't think Disney has ever done that.

I have to concede that some (but certainly not all) of these issues are brought on, or agravated, by the guests.

I thought the skyway ride was eliminated because of today's youth - I just figured that kids must have been throwing things off of it or jumping from it.... and later I discovered that some 65year old dude (A cast member) was wisked off the platform and whamo... the ride was gone.
While that accident happened, it is NOT the reason the Skyway closed. It was closed due to maintenance and operational issues (if it were due to the accident, they would not have bothered to make all the changes OSHA wanted. It may have been a catalyst, but I think Skyway's number was up even before that happened.)
Originally posted by MartyMouse
Also next time you’re at Disney just sit and watch young parents with their children they have a tendency to let them run loose and tear apart the park with no regard for property or the comfort of others. The change in parenting styles is at the heart of the decay of American “culture” - television has replaced the family structure so when at places like Disney they have no idea how to behave.
Perhaps I’m rambling and applying my work to my love of Disney, but just think about how the quality of American life has decayed not because of any outside force but because of the lack of structure in our homes and think about the lack of respect we have in our world let loose on Disney’s World.

I don’t know it’s late and I’m sleepy but think about it.

I have not seen this.


Account Suspended

My wife and I stayed for a night at the Caribbean, I was impressed with how up kept it was...this hotel had been around for a long time, more of the budget kind initially when it opened (77 a night) a little higher. But I had heard it just finished a refurb.

Now, maybe I'm really spoiled here in Disneyland with a new resort area, parking structure and all...but in terms of resurfacing, I wasn't too dissapointed with the M.K. parking...Epcot was was MGM that I thought was a little dull...but that might be because I'm not used to floridian highways and paving (different soil conditions call for different style of pavement used?)

Interesting how they are resurfacing the parking lot (according to wdwmagic) just a few days after the story 'surfaced' (lol, I kill myslef:hammer: )

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