Trip Report Paris, mon cher ami! A DLP day trip...

So I didn't think I'd be returning to Disneyland Paris for a few years, but it turns out I will be going... on Friday..! :eek::)

We'd been planning to take a weekend trip to Europe for a while (we live in the UK so it's an easyish hop!) and then decided on going for my birthday weekend at the end of May. We then settled on Paris when we got a really good deal on the Eurostar (I live just outside of London so that makes the journey fairly seamless and quick!) along with the fact that I really love Paris! :inlove:

I hadn't really thought about going to Disneyland whilst we were there, as the last time we visited 4 years ago, it was quite a disappointing trip. I grew up visiting DLP, but hadn't been since 2002 when we visited in 2011- and it was a definite contrast! It was very run down and quite the departure to what I had remembered it being. So I didn't think I would want to return. However, after reading of the improvements and re-investment recently (I know it is far from completed though) and hearing back from some family's recent experience- we thought well, why not?! Along with the fact that I’ve reeeealllly been hankering for a Disney fix, as it's been a year since we were last in Orlando- that pretty much sealed the deal! And now we are going!

We'll only be visiting for the day- the rest of the time we'll be visiting (and staying in the centre of) Paris. DLP's hotels are craaaazy expensive! But more so because we're wanting to actually stay in and visit the city of Paris. It's pretty easy to get to DLP by train from Paris anyway.

So, that's the story and the plan… now onto the who and the when! It will be me, Sam, and my other half Russ. This is us in Disney World last year (exactly a year ago now- we were in MK on my Birthday last year!)


When are we going? May 29th (my Birthday! :D) until May 31st. We're leaving early on my birthday to have most of the day in Paris, we'll be visiting DLP on the 30th and then having most of the 31st back in Paris with a late train back.

I'll post a few photos from the Paris parts but I'll only post a trip report on the DLP bit, since this is a Disney site!

So... do we have any plans for the trip?

Disneyland Paris-wise, well of course we have some ideas! The parks open at 10am so we aim to get there for then. I’m thinking we should head to the Disney Studios Park first to try and get onto Ratatouille (or grab a fast pass- old school lol!) as I don’t think we’ll have much chance if we leave that till later in the day- it being the newest and most popular ride! I haven’t tried Crush’s coaster before since it kept breaking down when we were there last time, so that's on the list too. Then just enjoy exploring the rest of the park. I think I’ll give ToT a miss, as although it’s a clone, the last time I rode I remember something being missing and it wasn’t quite the same. I don’t think it has as many drops and it doesn’t have the dark ride “scenes” as the set up to the drop. ToT is one of my favourite rides so I think I’m going to leave it to the best version on a return to Orlando!

Onto Disneyland Park, I’m looking forward to walking up to the castle, but I know it’s going to be a bit disorientating at first as we’re so used to the Magic Kingdom! Even though I went to DLP more when growing up, WDW was always my favourite- and Russ and I have been to WDW 4 times in the four years since we last visited DLP. WDW has become our home from home, so getting used to going back and being in a park which is sort of MK, but isn’t… will be fun!
This happened when we went to Disneyland in Anaheim for the first time in Jan 2014- it was so strange as it was so familiar, but different- like when you dream you’re somewhere but it isn’t quite the same as the place in real life… but it sort of is…!

Unfortunately Space Mountain is down for refurb whilst we’re there, which is a shame as I really like Paris’ version. But there’s still plenty to do! I haven’t been on the fantasyland dark rides for at least 15 or more years I’d say! I didn’t go on the last trip and when I used to go with my family, they weren’t the best at waiting in long lines! I think I may have only ridden them a few times in my very early trips to DLP in the 90’s. I’ve been on Peter Pan in MK since- but I never went on Snow White in the MK (or in Disneyland on our trip to Anaheim) so I am looking forward to going on Snow White as well as Pinocchio and Peter Pan if we can get a fast pass.

I also want to ride DLP’s versions of Big Thunder Mountain and Pirates again and of course to ride the Indiana Jones rollercoaster! We plan on getting lunch in one of the parks depending which one we’re in at that time, and then taking a break for dinner in Disney Village to chill out a bit and have a look in some of the shops. We want to see the night time show and fireworks as that’s new for us, so plan to head back in for that, then maybe ride a few more rides (the park is open till 11pm the night we are there) before catching the train back into Paris. Luckily the last train is at 12.40am so we can stay till close if we want to!

Actual Paris-wise, we want to re-visit our favourite bits and do a few things one or both of us haven’t done yet. I’ve never been actually inside the Louvre, just visited the square it’s in and the outside, so I would quite like to actually go inside. I’d also like to go up the towers of Notre Dame if possible as I haven’t done that yet either, just seen it from the outside. There are a lot of steps though so it might take Russ some convincing ha ha!
We’ve both been up the Eiffel Tower before, but not together, so that’s something I’d like us to do- it’s quite a view! Then my plans mostly include food and atmosphere- walking along the Seine, eating fresh bread and pastries from a boulangerie, trying some good cheese and having a nice meal at a real French Bistro on my birthday. Oh, and trying to find and consume one of these!!


We found this from a patisserie near the Jardin des Tuileries last time we visited and it was… amazing!! It was chocolate filled pastry heaven and yes, those are gold flakes on top! This tart has actually entered our subconscious many a time and taunted us with it’s chocolately goodness the last 4 years so we are on the hunt to find it again this time! :hungry:

And those are our plans! I’m pretty excited! Especially since this a birthday trip too!

I’ll post a few updates and photos when I am there, but I’ll probably leave writing up a proper report on our day in DLP until we get back. So, until then, I bid you au revoir! :happy:
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So where were we... Ah yes we'd now eaten, and decided to head back towards Adventureland to check out Pirates and Indiana Jones, and then back to Fantasyland to see how Peter Pan was doing and whether we would que or not. Adventureland is sort of a circle and we went the opposite way around when we walked back from the restaurant, so that we would pass the Indiana Jones rollercoaster on the way. It looked so cool!! I have been on this once but at least 15 years ago so I really wanted to ride again.



Unfortunately, as was becoming quite common today, the que was at 80 mins and there were no fastpasses left... so we decided to carry on round to Pirates and come back later (once again!). On the way round we passed "Adventure Isle" which is a series of caves and rope bridges over water. They were well themed and fun to walk through... but very dark. At one point in one of the caves there was a step- but because it was so dark I didn't see it- so tripped and had to sort of jump a few steps to not fall, and landed quite hard on my feet. Luckily no damage though! I did think that an accident could easily happen there! It was a fun little area though.




After going around this we made our way to Pirates. 60 mins... Oh well, this time we decided we might as well wait for something! At least with boat rides they tend to move quicker as boats are constantly loading, and it did as the que was about 40 mins in the end.
Once again like Big Thunder I seem to of not taken any pictures of the outside... which is confusing! It's quite a larger and more detailed entrance than MK though, it's a large Castle which fits well into the Adventureland theming. I did take photos in the que... but as I've an iPhone they didn't really come out very well. The inside is much more detailed with more scenes of dungeons and things and of course then you enter the Lagoon area near the restaurant and it's like it's nighttime inside. I used to love passing the restaurant when I was little and thinking it seemed so magical and amazing to have a restaurant in the ride- that looked like nighttime! It was still quite like that. And you can't argue that this version is so much better than MK. It seems so much longer and more detailed with extra scenes. I had kind of forgotten this version! You really get that feeling that the first films brought- that this is what they came from, a proper Pirate ride experience brought to life. No photos from inside I'm afraid- boat ride phone phobia again! :rolleyes:

So after this we headed back out to Fantasyland, passing the great ship again!


And so we re-entered Fantasyland. And Peter Pan was... up to 85 mins! Dooooh... we weren't up for waiting that long so made the decision to give that a miss. Pinnochio was also still at 50 mins so we decided to head back and see if Thunder Mountain was up and running again yet and if not then keep on going through Frontierland and see what we felt like doing next.

We stopped for a drink at a refreshment stand in Frontierland and I noticed once again they had Crepes for sale- I like this French theme, Crepe and a hot drink at all refreshment stands! :happy:


Thunder Mountain was down still :(. Oh well. Onwards through Frontierland!

Again, just brilliantly themed here. Phantom Manor I think looks genuinely creepy- it wasn't on our list of things to do though (we're not huge Haunted Mansion fans... :eek: I know, I know! Just never clicked with us like it does some. Maybe we'll give it another try next time in MK or Disneyland!) The river seemed bigger here too. So annoying we didn't get to explore it more on Big Thunder Mountain!


What was strange though was that the buildings and shops in the area seemed small though and the perspective didn't quite work... The land seemed big and small at the same time! Hard to explain with pictures. I did miss going through Liberty Square first too!


I also saw this which I almost bought... probably should of bought it as I really liked it and it was "exclusive to Disneyland Paris"!



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On our way through Frontierland I spotted slushies being served in this souvenir cup- I'm a sucker for a souvenir cup! And this one was cute! Plus the sun was really starting to shine and the temperature was getting quite hot- so a slushie sounded just right! The price wasn't too bad either- 6.49E and 3.49E for a refill.

I got both flavours :happy:


We sat for awhile again, people watching whilst I drank my slushie. This was strangely one of the best bits of the day- just relaxing in the sunshine and watching the Riverboat sail by around Frontierland. We sat here for a good half an hour!

I got myself a refill for my new cup and then we then got up to walk back to the hub, where we decided to explore a few more shops on Main Street, before heading over to Tommorowland.

Heading out of Frontierland we saw some tipis hidden in the woodland!


Hello again Sleeping Beauty's Castle! The hill to the side is the cave/dungeon where they have the breathing/moving dragon- which is AWESOME! Such a clever and unique little part to the castle.


Hello Tommorowland and Space Mountain! See you soon! (Though not to ride Space Mountain this trip, boo :( )


The look down Main Street (actually I didn't really check if it's called Main Street here? I think it is?) towards the Disneyland Hotel from the hub.


We wondered down the right side of the shops this time, and stopped in the Art Store.


We actually purchased a Tangled figure here! It's not pictured but I'll take one to put up later. I also really liked this key ring... I have seen a similar design as a tattoo before, and I may have taken this photo to use as inspiration... ;)


I don't know why but I found it exciting that my slushie was now purple! :D :rolleyes:


We walked all the way down to the Hat Shop in town square where I purchased my traditional must-have-some-for-every-Disney Park-visit Ears!


Before we headed back up towards the hub through the tunnel on the right side this time.


It was at this point that my great observational skills realised MY PHONE BATTERY WAS ABOUT TO DIE! :banghead: :mad: :facepalm:
I can't believe I hadn't been paying more attention- my iPhone is coming to the end of it's life anyway with my contract ending soon and the battery runs out really quick... but I'd been so snap happy today I wasn't paying any attention! There's more to report on though- so I will continue with that- and I think Russ has a few more photos (though his phone didn't last much longer either!) which I'll try and get up here later. But apart from those there will be no more photos, sorry! :(

I'll try and get this report finished tomorrow! Because up next... Tomorrowland!


Well-Known Member
The "Swing into Sping" parade you saw was just the character train. There are two other shows as part of the promotion; one on the stage by the castle that's themed to Mary Poppins and another parade that takes place around the hub and is longer and with more characters.

And yes, it's called Main Street, U.S.A. there too. :)


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The "Swing into Sping" parade you saw was just the character train. There are two other shows as part of the promotion; one on the stage by the castle that's themed to Mary Poppins and another parade that takes place around the hub and is longer and with more characters.

And yes, it's called Main Street, U.S.A. there too. :)

Ah yes now you mention it, there was a show taking place to the right of the castle just before we walked into and through it! I remember seeing (from the back) Mary Poppins. Didn't realise it was a Swing into Spring thing though. I thought it was Main Street U.S.A, I just realised I'd never really checked and just assumed! :)


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Ok I'm going to try and wrap this up today!

After walking through the tunnels behind Main Street back towards the hub, we made our way over to Tomorrowland. Actually I keep saying Tomorrowland when it's Discoveryland! Sorry DLP!
I always find the Astro Orbitor (Orbitron here) both in DLP and in Disneyland California funny as they're just off the ground- and they look really short to me! I love how in MK it's on top of the Peoplemover. There was only a 25 min que though so we went on. It was fun but the MK's version is one of my favourite rides in all of the parks- so that's going to be quite hard to beat for me!

After this we went over to look at Space Mountain- even though I knew it was down for refurb and you couldn't hear the trademark "boom" and then screams of people as they were launched into the ride, I tried to pretend maybe somehow it would be open! :rolleyes: Alas, it wasn't, but it was still nice to look at. I wish MK would update their Space Mountain to be like Disneyland California or even DLP! Both are superior- DLP's is just a completely different style- so either one would be a plus.

We didn't fancy Star Tours this trip despite Russ being a huge Star Wars fan (not sure what was going on there- I think we associate it with Orlando too much as that's the only place we've ridden it, so wanted to keep it to Orlando- plus I believe it's still the original version without the upgrades?) but the X-Wing outside was cool. We had a look around the shops to to see if there was any exciting merchandise. Although, Russ works in a comic shop so almost all the Star Wars stuff (apart from Disney specific/design stuff) he's already seen/got/knows where to get!

We decided to then head to the Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast as I like the slightly easier to use guns here! Plus it said a 40 min que which wasn't too bad (plus we had found most ques were off by about 10 mins so were hoping it would be 30 mins). It was about 35 mins in the end- and was fun as usual! There's not too much difference here apart from the guns.

At this point, we were feeling pretty tired and a bit hungry. The day so far had been fairly busy and hot- and combined with the non-stop day yesterday and little sleep over the past 24 hours we were starting to flag. So we decided to head out of the park and back into the Studios to catch a show, so we could rest for a while, maybe grab some food and then head back into Disneyland Park later on.
Now here is where my again unobservant brain (I don't know how this happened!) came into play. I think I really had a tired brain this trip! :rolleyes: So... we walked back down Main Street and out into the area in front of the Disneyland Hotel to start walking towards Disney Studios. I had checked the time as we left the Buzz Lightyear ride, 6.35pm, and thought this was a good time to grab some food and have a rest at a show. As we were on our way to the Studios park however I had a sudden remembrance that THE STUDIOS PARK CLOSES AT 7PM!! :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I can't believe I forgot this! I felt slightly annoyed with myself, but happy at least that earlier we'd gotten on to Ratatouille which was the main thing I wanted to ride. No Crush's Coaster, but it wasn't the end of the world. I've ridden most things in the Studios Park and seen most of the shows before. We didn't feel like we'd missed out really.

So, at this point we were still pretty exhausted and starting to get hungry. Disney Village was not appealing to us (as well as the prices of the restaurants/food offerings we'd seen earlier...) and we both kind of looked at each other and knew we both were feeling the same... we kind of wanted to go back to the hotel and rest, and get some food nearby! :eek:
This is where it's a shame that it's so over-the-top expensive to stay onsite at DLP. We really missed just being able to go back to the room to refresh and then return to the park in the evening. So we talked about what we were going to do. I really wanted to see the night time show here as it's new to us, and I was interested in these "noiseless" fireworks! Along with the water projections. But that was still 3 hours away. Coupled with a 40 min train journey home, it would mean at least another 4 hours on our feet. There were a few rides we hadn't got onto due to wait times... but I felt ok about not doing these. That also kind of summed up our experience at DLP- it was better than last time, and we had a nice day... but it just didn't pull us in or leave an impression on us that made us want to return any time soon. And even though it was a shame to miss it, I felt ok about not staying till the evening. The call of some rest back in our hotel and then some authentic Parisian food in the many bars and restaurants nearby was sounding soooo good right now!

In hindsight, we should of slept in that morning, since our attempt at getting up early didn't help with getting into the parks at opening- because of the crowds and our slight delay- and so it made no difference to us getting any fastpasses or lower que times. It had just left us tired! So we should of slept in, caught up on the rest we needed from the day before and then come to DLP in the afternoon. We may have met lower crowds in the Studios then and into the evening at Disneyland Park. We could of stayed for the evening show then and had possible lower wait times right into the evening, as the park was open until 11pm. But hey, we hadn't done that so nothing we could do about that now. Nevermind!

And so... we left on a train back to Paris just after 7pm! We'd been at DLP 9 hours now, so we were ready to leave. And I must say taking our shoes off and resting for a bit back at the hotel, before grabbing some food in the square behind our hotel was an awesome end to the day and I'm glad we made that decision!

So my final thoughts on DLP. It was a nice day, and we had fun. There were definite improvements on the last visit, and I know that a lot of re-investment is to come which will hopefully address the issues we still saw. They were still very prevalent and it was a shame. To me, DLP had really lost it's magic- and I didn't really feel any nostalgia for the place I remember visiting in my early childhood to teens, as it just didn't seem like that place was there any more. It felt very washed out in places and there were maintenance, cleanliness and customer service issues all around, along with it being just as expensive/much more expensive in places than the US parks.
Now it DOES have some good things- Adventureland is beautifully themed, Fantasyland is much larger with more rides and they have a lot of superior versions of WDW's rides- Small World, Pirates, Space Mountain, Peter Pan- along with having rides that WDW doesn't and new rides in the Studios which are great additions. Ratatouille was fun and DHS could really do with some more rides/an area like this.

If you're in Paris and you have a day free- and are a Disney fan- then of course I would say go and see! It is very different though. And may not be what you are expecting. And I wouldn't recommend staying onsite- the prices are insane! It seems crazy that a hotel & tickets "package" to Disneyland Paris from the UK with 2 or 3 nights onsite can equal the same as a week and more in Florida with tickets to all 4 parks and water parks.
It's really easy to stay nearby to DLP and drive, or to get the train directly from the center of Paris (which of course is lovely, and I'd definitely recommend seeing the actual city of Paris!).
I really hope that they can pour some more magic into the place and that it will return to how it was- or even better than how it was. I can't imagine we will return for a long time, at least until all the refurbishment is completed. I would be hesitant to do so though. Perhaps a wintertime trip may add an element of festiveness to it- that's how I see us returning in the future if/when we do.

So overall, of course we had fun- and my entire weekend trip was just fantastic! I don't regret visiting DLP, I would just love it if it could be more than it currently is. It made us appreciate WDW even more (not that I see many- if any really- of the problems so many complain about on here- to us, the parks, resorts, staff and experience are just miles above DLP, a world away if you will ;). I can't really comprehend the complaints some people make- I see those problems at DLP loud and clear, so it's not like I'm a blind Disney brand addict). So we really look forward to our return to WDW. We know where our heart lies! :happy:

I still want to see all the other Disney parks around the globe, and we plan too. And we will revisit Disneyland Anaheim too. But unfortunately for now, a return to DLP is very far down the list of places to visit and return to. Which as someone who loves, really loves Disney is sad. Especially as it's so near!

Anyhow. Thank you for reading if you still are! I hope I haven't been too negative, I was trying to report honestly. I enjoyed writing this up and we really did have a lovely weekend overall. It seemed like we were away much longer than 2 nights. So, that's this trip report... finished! Merci et au revoir! :)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the time and effort in writing this report! Gave me a nice balanced glimpse into DLP which is on my list of to do simply because of the highlights you mentioned. As a big PoTC fan I would love to see what is considered the best version.


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Thanks for the time and effort in writing this report! Gave me a nice balanced glimpse into DLP which is on my list of to do simply because of the highlights you mentioned. As a big PoTC fan I would love to see what is considered the best version.

Thanks for reading & I'm glad you liked it- they really do have some superior rides there. It's always fun to see a new country anyway- and then to see Disney done in a different environment. Whether you end up liking it more or less than others it's still good to see. I'm sure it would be even more enjoyable for someone who's never been at all before too. I'd recommend not going on a Saturday though like us ha ha! Although that's probably Disney Park 101!


Well-Known Member
Guess Disney listened to us :) yesterday huge plans were communicated about major refurbishments for the next 3 years! They want to be ready for the 25th anniversery in 2017.

Space Mountain: Mission 2
• Phase 1: Closed first half 2015; re-opening 25th July 2015
• Phase 2: 2017

New vehicles and a new single rider lane!

• Closed First half 2015; re-opening 11th July 2015

Star Wars jedi Training Academy!

“it’s a small world”
• Second half 2015; closes 27th July, re-opening late December 2015

New colour palatte and re-mastered musical score!

Big Thunder Mountain
• Closed Early November 2015 to late 2016

New 'fire in the hole scene'

La Cabane des Robinson
• Closed January to September 2016

Restoring to the original decor

Peter Pan’s Flight
• Closed January to July 2016

A make-over, new colour palette and revamping lightning

Pirates of the Caribbean
• Closed First half 2017

Adding jack Sparrow and some suprises

• Closed First half 2016

Complete re-imagination

Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic
• Closed Late August 2016 to Spring 2017

3 new scenes including replacement Dinotopia by Star Wars

Star Tours
• Closed Late February 2016 to early 2017

Just like the Star Tours in the other parks


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Original Poster
Guess Disney listened to us :) yesterday huge plans were communicated about major refurbishments for the next 3 years! They want to be ready for the 25th anniversery in 2017.

Space Mountain: Mission 2
• Phase 1: Closed first half 2015; re-opening 25th July 2015
• Phase 2: 2017

New vehicles and a new single rider lane!

• Closed First half 2015; re-opening 11th July 2015

Star Wars jedi Training Academy!

“it’s a small world”
• Second half 2015; closes 27th July, re-opening late December 2015

New colour palatte and re-mastered musical score!

Big Thunder Mountain
• Closed Early November 2015 to late 2016

New 'fire in the hole scene'

La Cabane des Robinson
• Closed January to September 2016

Restoring to the original decor

Peter Pan’s Flight
• Closed January to July 2016

A make-over, new colour palette and revamping lightning

Pirates of the Caribbean
• Closed First half 2017

Adding jack Sparrow and some suprises

• Closed First half 2016

Complete re-imagination

Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic
• Closed Late August 2016 to Spring 2017

3 new scenes including replacement Dinotopia by Star Wars

Star Tours
• Closed Late February 2016 to early 2017

Just like the Star Tours in the other parks

Wow that is a lot!! Good to hear :)


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In all the times I've visited, I have NEVER seen the clock working! Nice to see the park getting some TLC!

This is one of my favorite spots in all of Paris :inlove:

View attachment 95679

We decided to share a meal to save some money- and chose the beef tacos with rice. It came with a drink and some churro rings and we ordered an extra side of onion rings. This came to 17.48E/$22 (the meal was 13.49E and the onion rings were 3.99E). Russ also had a beer (in a teeny tiny cup- we had to laugh when it was served! It even looks bigger in the photo- the coke drink next to it was an average size drink) which was 4.99E/$6.50, so in total it came to 22.47E/about $30.

Got to love the guacamole also- which came in ketchup style sachets that you squeezed!

View attachment 95677

I liked the detail on the cups and food boxes- where a turret on the castle was either a straw, fork or spoon!

View attachment 95678

The food was ok, nothing special- the churros were nice, but I don't think you can go wrong with deep fried, sugar dusted dough! They're not US size portions by any means, so we were glad to of not bought one each (plus a beer for me) which would of come to 45E/$60!
Call me a dork, but I'm intrigued by this Fuente pic (let's just say I was "friends" with this restaurant at one point in time:p)! I'm surprised to see the little baskets that the food comes in! They used to use the baskets at Fuente's sister restaurant Hakuna Matata, but they were problematic as people didn't realize you weren't supposed to throw them away...we would literally have to dig through the trash bags after emptying the trashcans. I thought they got rid of them altogether, but apparently not!

Glad to see you had fun :) This is making miss DLP a whole lot!
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In all the times I've visited, I have NEVER seen the park working! Nice to see the park getting some TLC!

This is one of my favorite spots in all of Paris :inlove:

Call me a dork, but I'm intrigued by this Fuente pic (let's just say I was "friends" with this restaurant at one point in time:p)! Onion rings are pretty new on the menu, as are the packets of guac (used to come in a little cup). I'm surprised to see the little baskets that the food comes in! They used to use the baskets at Fuente's sister restaurant Hakuna Matata, but they were problematic as people didn't realize you weren't supposed to throw them away...we would literally have to dig through the trash bags after emptying the trashcans. I thought they got rid of them altogether, but apparently not!

Glad to see you had fun :) This is making miss DLP a whole lot!

It was definitely a fun weekend- thanks! I guess I was lucky with the clock at small world- didn't know it had ever stopped! I've only been twice in the last 12 or so years though so that might be why. But it does seem they are now putting money into the place.

I loved that park by Notre Dame- it was so beautiful! Even in the rain! I have a video of when the bells started ringing and the rain was falling and it was all just really peaceful :inlove:

Thanks for reading! :)

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