Trip Report Paris, mon cher ami! A DLP day trip...

So I didn't think I'd be returning to Disneyland Paris for a few years, but it turns out I will be going... on Friday..! :eek::)

We'd been planning to take a weekend trip to Europe for a while (we live in the UK so it's an easyish hop!) and then decided on going for my birthday weekend at the end of May. We then settled on Paris when we got a really good deal on the Eurostar (I live just outside of London so that makes the journey fairly seamless and quick!) along with the fact that I really love Paris! :inlove:

I hadn't really thought about going to Disneyland whilst we were there, as the last time we visited 4 years ago, it was quite a disappointing trip. I grew up visiting DLP, but hadn't been since 2002 when we visited in 2011- and it was a definite contrast! It was very run down and quite the departure to what I had remembered it being. So I didn't think I would want to return. However, after reading of the improvements and re-investment recently (I know it is far from completed though) and hearing back from some family's recent experience- we thought well, why not?! Along with the fact that I’ve reeeealllly been hankering for a Disney fix, as it's been a year since we were last in Orlando- that pretty much sealed the deal! And now we are going!

We'll only be visiting for the day- the rest of the time we'll be visiting (and staying in the centre of) Paris. DLP's hotels are craaaazy expensive! But more so because we're wanting to actually stay in and visit the city of Paris. It's pretty easy to get to DLP by train from Paris anyway.

So, that's the story and the plan… now onto the who and the when! It will be me, Sam, and my other half Russ. This is us in Disney World last year (exactly a year ago now- we were in MK on my Birthday last year!)


When are we going? May 29th (my Birthday! :D) until May 31st. We're leaving early on my birthday to have most of the day in Paris, we'll be visiting DLP on the 30th and then having most of the 31st back in Paris with a late train back.

I'll post a few photos from the Paris parts but I'll only post a trip report on the DLP bit, since this is a Disney site!

So... do we have any plans for the trip?

Disneyland Paris-wise, well of course we have some ideas! The parks open at 10am so we aim to get there for then. I’m thinking we should head to the Disney Studios Park first to try and get onto Ratatouille (or grab a fast pass- old school lol!) as I don’t think we’ll have much chance if we leave that till later in the day- it being the newest and most popular ride! I haven’t tried Crush’s coaster before since it kept breaking down when we were there last time, so that's on the list too. Then just enjoy exploring the rest of the park. I think I’ll give ToT a miss, as although it’s a clone, the last time I rode I remember something being missing and it wasn’t quite the same. I don’t think it has as many drops and it doesn’t have the dark ride “scenes” as the set up to the drop. ToT is one of my favourite rides so I think I’m going to leave it to the best version on a return to Orlando!

Onto Disneyland Park, I’m looking forward to walking up to the castle, but I know it’s going to be a bit disorientating at first as we’re so used to the Magic Kingdom! Even though I went to DLP more when growing up, WDW was always my favourite- and Russ and I have been to WDW 4 times in the four years since we last visited DLP. WDW has become our home from home, so getting used to going back and being in a park which is sort of MK, but isn’t… will be fun!
This happened when we went to Disneyland in Anaheim for the first time in Jan 2014- it was so strange as it was so familiar, but different- like when you dream you’re somewhere but it isn’t quite the same as the place in real life… but it sort of is…!

Unfortunately Space Mountain is down for refurb whilst we’re there, which is a shame as I really like Paris’ version. But there’s still plenty to do! I haven’t been on the fantasyland dark rides for at least 15 or more years I’d say! I didn’t go on the last trip and when I used to go with my family, they weren’t the best at waiting in long lines! I think I may have only ridden them a few times in my very early trips to DLP in the 90’s. I’ve been on Peter Pan in MK since- but I never went on Snow White in the MK (or in Disneyland on our trip to Anaheim) so I am looking forward to going on Snow White as well as Pinocchio and Peter Pan if we can get a fast pass.

I also want to ride DLP’s versions of Big Thunder Mountain and Pirates again and of course to ride the Indiana Jones rollercoaster! We plan on getting lunch in one of the parks depending which one we’re in at that time, and then taking a break for dinner in Disney Village to chill out a bit and have a look in some of the shops. We want to see the night time show and fireworks as that’s new for us, so plan to head back in for that, then maybe ride a few more rides (the park is open till 11pm the night we are there) before catching the train back into Paris. Luckily the last train is at 12.40am so we can stay till close if we want to!

Actual Paris-wise, we want to re-visit our favourite bits and do a few things one or both of us haven’t done yet. I’ve never been actually inside the Louvre, just visited the square it’s in and the outside, so I would quite like to actually go inside. I’d also like to go up the towers of Notre Dame if possible as I haven’t done that yet either, just seen it from the outside. There are a lot of steps though so it might take Russ some convincing ha ha!
We’ve both been up the Eiffel Tower before, but not together, so that’s something I’d like us to do- it’s quite a view! Then my plans mostly include food and atmosphere- walking along the Seine, eating fresh bread and pastries from a boulangerie, trying some good cheese and having a nice meal at a real French Bistro on my birthday. Oh, and trying to find and consume one of these!!


We found this from a patisserie near the Jardin des Tuileries last time we visited and it was… amazing!! It was chocolate filled pastry heaven and yes, those are gold flakes on top! This tart has actually entered our subconscious many a time and taunted us with it’s chocolately goodness the last 4 years so we are on the hunt to find it again this time! :hungry:

And those are our plans! I’m pretty excited! Especially since this a birthday trip too!

I’ll post a few updates and photos when I am there, but I’ll probably leave writing up a proper report on our day in DLP until we get back. So, until then, I bid you au revoir! :happy:
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Some more pictures from wondering around Disney Village and it's shops...



I liked these more "fashiony" ears that were in the clothes shop- I ended up buying the lace ones for our little day trip!



Pretty Tinkerbell/Neverland ornament!


Now one thing I WAS impressed with, which has been built since we last visited and is kind of on the end of Disney Village, before you walk to the parks- was the new World of Disney. I actually went "wow!" when we went through the doors as they have this huge ceiling with a dome of sky/stars and a balloon full of characters. It just looked really pretty and the shop was a lot grander than the rest of the village. Outside there was a really pretty Tinkerbell on top of the globe and her wings sparkled and moved with the wind which was so cute! I also really liked all the little Parisian themed Disney trinkets inside!





Up next- we enter the parks! :happy:
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So- onto Walt Disney Studios it was!



I do like this entrance- it appears like such a big building it makes the entrance feel quite grand.


Inside are some shops and quick service restaurants- including a Brown Derby! This one is not a signature though! Just another quick service!



The view upon entering- slightly California Adventure-esque but on a much smaller scale.


So now we were in (it was about 11.45 now) we headed straight to the two things I wanted to do. Crush's Coaster and Ratatouille! :D And... an 80 min wait came into view as we approached Crush's Coaster. This did not bode well ha ha! The single rider was also 60 mins. But we thought nevermind, we'll pop back later. We were feeling pretty laid back for some reason so weren't too worried about the crowds- the nonchalance attitude must of been catching ha ha! I took some photos as we walked past Crush. Looked fun!



On to Ratatouille in the hope of some late fastpasses... This little area is very well themed- it was funny though since we were in Paris and this was a little mini version of where we had been staying! I guess it's the same as the America Pavilion being in America, in Epcot!


So, over to the Fastpass area... nope, no chance! Of course they had all already gone and the que was at 110 mins! BUT... the single rider was only 30 mins! We got straight in it! We thought why not, it's the only way we'll probably experience it and there's always a small chance we won't get separated, but didn't mind if we did.
The que went fairly quickly, it was probably about 20-25 mins in all. I think we went faster than the Fastpass return in places! Half way through we picked up the 3D glasses. I hadn't actually read too much into what the ride entailed beforehand, so hadn't realised it was 3D. I was intrigued! When we came upon the turnstiles to enter I could see the vehicles and that when they moved to enter the ride it was the new trackless style technology. Unfortunately Russ and I were sent to separate vehicles- but it was still a fun ride! The scale was quite grand and I enjoyed it! (Don't read ahead if you don't want to know about what it entails! ;)) Basically you are supposed to be the size of a rat running through the kitchens of the restaurant with Remy, with a mix of 3D screens and physical ride elements. The ride was smooth and fun, with interactive smells and things making it 4D. I did find the 3D was a little fuzzy at some points, but this may have been my glasses being smudged as Russ said he had no problems- or the speed of the vehicle in places. I was also sat in the second row which may have affected it as the man in front of me kept breaking the illusion for me with his shadow. Overall it was a fun ride though and I'd definitely ride again with a fastpass or que under 45 mins. I wasn't able to really capture any photos because it was quite dark and moved very quickly, but I got this one at the end, when you pause to join Remy and all the other rats in his restaurant! The rats are on a screen and the candle and bits in front are the physical sets :)


Looking back I guess the ride is in a similar vain to the screen rides at Universal like Spiderman and Transformers, in that you're in a vehicle and interacting with 3D and sets. I didn't think that at the time though, I thought it felt quite different! I also think something like this would be great in DHS! A people eater and a great ride to flesh out Pixar Place with more attractions than the rumoured Toy Story Playland.

Talking of Toy Story Playland... that's where we headed next!


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I meant to say that after the Ratatouille ride you exit next to the restaurant and they have windows so you can see inside- it looked a lot of fun! It was themed so you were the size of a rat again and had oversized plates and cutlery around. I didn't think until after we were outside about taking photos, doh! I also meant to say the CM's were friendly on the Ratatouille ride! Plenty of smiles.

So onto Toy Story Playland! I actually don't think this area- or the rides- look as bad as some claim. They certainly cater to younger children/families and would fit in well at DHS. It IS a little bit squashed together and with the crowds can seem a bit bottlenecked/manic... and the cars ride and "area" right next to it seemed a little squashed in and was obviously nothing like DCA. But, with the rumoured re-themes of some rides and the area where it is going in at DHS, I think the addition would fit in fine and would be a nice plus to what is there now. I don't believe this would be the only thing added to DHS in the long-term, so I see no real outcry for it's rumoured arrival!





I actually wanted to ride the RC Racer ride but the que was 50 mins so we skipped that for now. We were pretty thirsty at this point so decided to stop at one of the kiosks near the tram tour to grab a drink. Another example of some of the unorganised/nonchalant nature in the parks came again here- the first kiosk we went to Russ waited at for 15 mins in a relatively small line and people kept cutting in line and the server also kept going to different windows and serving someone who just walked up when there was a line of people who had been waiting patiently on the other side. We ended up moving to the other kiosk so we could actually get served!
I took a photo of the menu here to give an example of prices: 7.49E/$8.50 for a Cheese Panini, 9.49E/$11.50 for a Cheese Panini with a drink, 2.39E/$3 for a packet of Lays Crisps, 3.29E/$4 for a water/coke etc.


After refreshing with a drink, we continued around the park. We gave the tram ride a miss as we've ridden it before. Hello Paris' ToT!


I also liked Peter, Wendy and Tinkerbell on the sorcerer's hat above the Disney Animation building:


At this point we decided to head on over to Disneyland Park and return to the Studios Park later on- I was impatient to head over there ha ha!

On the way we saw the points stating the distance and directions of the other Disney Parks. We said hello to the two others we have been to and of course, the one we missed the most!


:inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:


And so began our walk towards Disneyland Park, the entrance which is underneath/behind the Disneyland Hotel...


I have stayed in the Disneyland Hotel once, about 14 years ago! I remember it seemed very big and quite magical as it was in the winter over New Years, so being inside was very cosy and Christmassy! Obviously I didn't pay for it back then- I don't think I would ever pay those crazy prices to stay at DLP now! One or two nights can be more than flights and tickets to WDW!! Sometimes even a hotel for a week in Orlando or WDW too... CRA.ZY.

Up next... we enter Disneyland Park!


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So... in we go!


After entering under the Disneyland Hotel we noticed there was a sign on Main Street Station decorated to advertise a "Swing into Spring" event. We didn't notice too much what this was except for a bit of merchandise from the Flower and Garden Festival (lol!), 4 flower presentations of characters in the hub and (photos to follow later), a little decoration in the Town Square and a small parade that was finishing as we arrived.


So next we went under the Train Station... and into DLP's Town Square! It was quite strange being there after so many MK visits! Similar but not quite the same... the buildings seemed slightly smaller?





This was the end of the "Swing into Spring" parade that we caught.


Hello Main Street! Hang on... how come the castle is pink?! ;)


We began to walk down Main Street and then headed into one of the shops on the left. Similar merchandise to World of Disney in the Village, so we continued to walk through... until I spotted these books! Tinkerbell is one of my favourites (below a joint first Ariel/Belle and then Rapunzel! :D ) so I made a purchase! The Tink silhouette one is actually a removable cover so can be reused which is cool. I also had to buy a new pen to go with them. Of course! :happy:


We exited the shop through the back here, to the tunnels either side of Main Street. I had forgotten about these! Memories of exiting the park when I was younger through these came back- and those of trying to walk slowly as the tunnels were so warm and outside the French winter was quite the opposite!



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As we reached the end of the tunnel to get to the hub... we spotted Casey's! Russ' face lit up for a few seconds until we glanced the menu and realised... this is a strange dream Casey's not Orlando's lol! The hot dogs offered weren't quite the same... :p



Exiting the tunnel brought us into DLP's hub! In the center were the Flower Topiaries I noted in the earlier post.




The View of the hub from the Castle:


We were up walking towards the castle and ready to go through it!



Once inside I remembered of course- you can walk in and outside Sleeping Beauty's Castle here! And I excitedly started up the stairs. There were some beautiful stained glass windows depicting some of Sleeping Beauty's characters along with some props and pictures telling the story of sleeping beauty. This was done really well and I enjoyed it!




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And of course, then you could go outside! It was definitely cool- I can see how amazing this would be if you were little, pretending this was your own castle and that you're a real princess (or prince!)... not that I did this. Much. :p:D



So this was the view of Fantasyland... the Carousel was under refurb as were a few other things, so not the prettiest view right now...



Even though Fantasyland is bigger here and has some superior versions of some classics (Small World, Peter Pan), some extra rides which are fun (Alice's Maze for example) as well as some classics now gone from WDW (Snow White, Pinocchio)... I have to say it just didn't feel the same for me... On the ground it didn't have a great flow if that makes sense and there were still plenty of the issues I had found in 2011 that left me disappointed. For example a lot of the buildings looked a little washed out/sun bleached- along with some obvious maintenance issues around like holes in the pavement, scuffed/missing wording on signs, a strange swirling green slime/foam whirlpool in one of the lakes :hungover:. The castle from the back showed some wear and tear too.

But anyway. It was onto the rides! :) Up first was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! Snow didn't actually make many appearances in this ride... it was more about the witch! It's a classic but I definitely appreciate the animatronics and scenes on the 7DMT now representing Snow White in MK even more, added in that it's a family coaster too, I think it gets too many knocks!



After Snow we went up to Pinocchio but the que was 50 mins so we decided to skip that for now. After passing the carousel we could see Dumbo over the water! We paused for a bit here to people watch and sit in the sunshine for a bit.


More soon!


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Great that you make similarities with WDW, we do the same. Since we were in WDW last October we haven't been in DLP, and normally we went there 4/5 times a year. Since we go back to WDW this October I guess it will take a while for being back in DLP!


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Great that you make similarities with WDW, we do the same. Since we were in WDW last October we haven't been in DLP, and normally we went there 4/5 times a year. Since we go back to WDW this October I guess it will take a while for being back in DLP!

Yes it is hard not to compare the parks! I don't think we will be returning to DLP for a while either- it's fun to see somewhere different but it's not quite the same- and WDW definitely tugs at our heartstrings more! I think we'd also go back to Disneyland California first too.


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Yes it is hard not to compare the parks! I don't think we will be returning to DLP for a while either- it's fun to see somewhere different but it's not quite the same- and WDW definitely tugs at our heartstrings more! I think we'd also go back to Disneyland California first too.

Being in WDW last October was a first timer for my wife and daughter, and for me 18 years ago. It was more than great but we have the feelings that we are not finished at all! Next October will be our first time onsite! And like you said you compare :) In my opinion Crush and Ratatouille would be great additions to WDW, but for the rest it is rather the same.... smaller... looks older... there are a lot of buildings and attractions that need refurbishment. Although I guess that they are doing it now for a lot of things and before the 25th anniversary in DLP things will be better. Ohw and not to forget I like it that POC and ST are in the old fashion way, so no new additions. We never been to California, so maybe someday :) And we want to do WDW during SWW so I guess in 2017 and 2018 we also be in WDW :)


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Being in WDW last October was a first timer for my wife and daughter, and for me 18 years ago. It was more than great but we have the feelings that we are not finished at all! Next October will be our first time onsite! And like you said you compare :) In my opinion Crush and Ratatouille would be great additions to WDW, but for the rest it is rather the same.... smaller... looks older... there are a lot of buildings and attractions that need refurbishment. Although I guess that they are doing it now for a lot of things and before the 25th anniversary in DLP things will be better. Ohw and not to forget I like it that POC and ST are in the old fashion way, so no new additions. We never been to California, so maybe someday :) And we want to do WDW during SWW so I guess in 2017 and 2018 we also be in WDW :)

Yes they are putting money back into DLP now and refurbing, but it's not really there yet as you say. Maybe it will return to it's best at some point! We may return in a few years, maybe longer, I'm not sure. I don't think we will ever stay in a hotel there though because the price is so high for what is there- and what you could get instead at other Disney Parks.
Ratatouille would definitely be a great addition to WDW! I hope they add that or something similar to Pixar Place in DHS one day.
Disneyland in California is great- it's small like DLP but there's an extra bit of magic there plus California Adventure is far superior to Walt Disney Studios Park. And you are in sunny California where there's lots of other things to see! :)


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Yes they are putting money back into DLP now and refurbing, but it's not really there yet as you say. Maybe it will return to it's best at some point! We may return in a few years, maybe longer, I'm not sure. I don't think we will ever stay in a hotel there though because the price is so high for what is there- and what you could get instead at other Disney Parks.
Ratatouille would definitely be a great addition to WDW! I hope they add that or something similar to Pixar Place in DHS one day.
Disneyland in California is great- it's small like DLP but there's an extra bit of magic there plus California Adventure is far superior to Walt Disney Studios Park. And you are in sunny California where there's lots of other things to see! :)

I guess you are right. It will absolutely take some time for DLP for refurbing. Back in 1992 a lot of people thought DLP was the most beautifull Disney park in the world. But that was back in the days. Maybe in the next couple of years they manage to bring back that glory!
I competely agree that the prices for the hotels are outragious!! We always have a hotel on the next freeway exit, and sometimes on of the sisterhotels which also have bus transport to DLP.
On one hand Ratatouille is a good addition, although the ride is a bit similar to Universal rides as you mentioned in your TR! But the theme is marvelous as well as the 4D part!
Myabe someday we will be in California... for now we have enough to explore in WDW :)


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I guess you are right. It will absolutely take some time for DLP for refurbing. Back in 1992 a lot of people thought DLP was the most beautifull Disney park in the world. But that was back in the days. Maybe in the next couple of years they manage to bring back that glory!
I competely agree that the prices for the hotels are outragious!! We always have a hotel on the next freeway exit, and sometimes on of the sisterhotels which also have bus transport to DLP.
On one hand Ratatouille is a good addition, although the ride is a bit similar to Universal rides as you mentioned in your TR! But the theme is marvelous as well as the 4D part!
Myabe someday we will be in California... for now we have enough to explore in WDW :)

Oh yes I remember it appearing beautiful and more together... as well as exciting when I was younger. We will have to wait and see what changes they make as you say!
And of course, there's always so much to explore in WDW and Orlando- especially if you've only been once!! Continue to enjoy it all there :)


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After pausing and people watching for a good 15 mins or so we began making our way around the rest of Fantasyland.

There's a familiar face! :D


This Rapunzel was actually British- it was quite interesting to hear a face character with our own accent! I stopped for a minute and she seemed to be a good Rapunzel. Looking back we actually didn't see many characters around at all- the only ones we saw were Rapunzel here, the small Swing into Spring parade of characters when we entered the park and a glimpse of Mickey Mouse in Town Square earlier in the day.

Walking to the far side of Fantasyland we came across a classic- Small World! Much to Russ' dismay ha ha! The facade here is much better than MK- it's huge! The sound of the clock was a sense memory for me- and the small world fountain outside!


There was only a 20 min que but I'm pretty sure it only took 10. I didn't take any photos on the ride- I was sat on the edge of the boat and I'm always paranoid about dropping my phone into the water on the boat/wet rides! :rolleyes: The ride is similar but more detailed- and it seems like the ceiling is a lot higher and well hidden. The ceiling in MK always seems really obvious to me! Maybe it's the lighting?

After Small World we continued back around Fantasyland, passing the Storybook boat and train ride (looked cute and I remember enjoying it when younger, but it had a long que and it didn't seem worth it for me and Russ to ride ha ha!). We also passed Alice's Maze which looked a lot smaller than I remembered! I used to love this maze. It looked fun still and we kept hearing the Queen of Hearts shouting "Off avec votre tête!" (Off with your head!) as we passed by. I wanted to go in, but again the line was a bit crazy. We hoped things might drop off in the evening (spoiler, it didn't! :rolleyes: ) so we continued on towards Peter Pan.

Ahh, the Peter Pan ride of my childhood! I remember standing in these roped lines! I'd forgotten they used to do that, felt very old school!


But you also know what roped lines mean... long wait times! The wait was currently at 65 mins and there were no fastpasses left- not too bad but it was starting to get quite hot and we were hungry, so we decided after looking at the map to head towards Adventureland then through to Fronteirland as we fancied some Tex-Mex food. Then we would make our way back through Adventureland and towards Fantasyland to re-check on wait times.

There were some pretty willow trees in Fantasyland! That was a nice aspect against the fairytale buildings.



I just remembered- before we entered Adventureland we passed a 4 or 5 year old boy in full Olaf get up- face painted and a full Olaf furry costume including a head but with a hole in it for his face to poke through. It was cute and funny since most little children were princesses or pirates- I don't think we saw any other Olafs or have before! He must of been so hot in that as it was starting to get quite warm! Dedicated fan!

And hello Adventureland!!


This part of the park is themed SO well and is the best style and theme of any of the Adventureland's I believe. Just look at this Pirate Ship and skull cave!! Brilliant.


So we headed on towards Fronteirland to find "Fuente Del Oro Restaurante" to fill our hungry bellies. This was just opposite Big Thunder Mountain (which is very impressive here! It looked huge!) but looking at my photos now I didn't take one picture! I have no idea why?! Grr. Oh well. Maybe it was because I was hungry so distracted ha ha! Big Thunder was also was currently down and the CM's were telling people it would probably be down for 2 hours, so maybe that's why too. There were no worries though as our current mission was lunch! :D


We decided to share a meal to save some money- and chose the beef tacos with rice. It came with a drink and some churro rings and we ordered an extra side of onion rings. This came to 17.48E/$22 (the meal was 13.49E and the onion rings were 3.99E). Russ also had a beer (in a teeny tiny cup- we had to laugh when it was served! It even looks bigger in the photo- the coke drink next to it was an average size drink) which was 4.99E/$6.50, so in total it came to 22.47E/about $30.

Got to love the guacamole also- which came in ketchup style sachets that you squeezed!


I liked the detail on the cups and food boxes- where a turret on the castle was either a straw, fork or spoon!


The food was ok, nothing special- the churros were nice, but I don't think you can go wrong with deep fried, sugar dusted dough! They're not US size portions by any means, so we were glad to of not bought one each (plus a beer for me) which would of come to 45E/$60!

Bellies filled, we began to head back to Adventureland to ride Indiana Jones and Pirates- and then go back and see how Peter Pan and Pinocchio were doing wait time wise.
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Loving this report! Brings back fond memories of our trip there in 2006. It was an ugly rainy day in March, but it wasn't nearly as crowded. I think the Big Thunder and Pirates are the best at any Disney park, and the Phantom Manor is close. It's too bad that Space Mountain was closed, as that packs quite a punch!

Can't wait for the rest of your report!


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Loving this report! Brings back fond memories of our trip there in 2006. It was an ugly rainy day in March, but it wasn't nearly as crowded. I think the Big Thunder and Pirates are the best at any Disney park, and the Phantom Manor is close. It's too bad that Space Mountain was closed, as that packs quite a punch!

Can't wait for the rest of your report!

Thanks for reading! It was a shame about Space Mountain yes- DLP's is so different and much better than WDW. My fondest memories of DLP have been at New Years and Christmastime, so I'm used to the colder weather there. It was nice to be there in some sunshine though!

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