Parents with Infants...


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Do you have any special tips? We will be travelling with a 2-14 month olds'.. not both mine...

I know that we need to go on their pace, but I just wanted to know if there's smtg that's a MUST see --- for their age...


Active Member
My kids were both young on their first trips. We used the Baby Centers in each park lots of times. It was a great place to just get away from it all without going back to the resort.


Well-Known Member
My Daughter loved seeing the characters..also she loved Small World and Winnie the Pooh and most of the FantasyLand rides and Philharmagic..:)

We went at he pace and went back to the hotel so she could run around or nap when she started to get fussy and wanted out of the stroller..

Sometimes we would just get on the monorail and visit the hotels or take the boat to Fort Wlderness and let her walk around and visited the petting zoo.

She could do most of everything except for The Mountains and some of the shows that were loud..

We had a great time..:)

Go at their pace and just enjoy..:)


Well-Known Member
Take it slow, take lots of breaks, and use the baby care centers. We took our son when he was six weeks old and then again at 3 months, 9 months, 13 an 15 months and the key was always moving at his pace. We took him on all the rides that allowed him including HM and POTC and he loves them all. I may get flamed for saying this, but it is ok for you and your spouse to have night to yourselves too by using the in room baby sititing service. We did this whenour son was 9 months. Have a great time and take lots of pictures!


Are you taking a 2 mo old and a 14 mo old? Or is it 2 children that are both 14 mos old?

Anyway, as long as you are flexible, you'll have a blast. Remember to give them plenty of water. They will probably love the little playgrounds (like the Pooh one in MK).

Be aware that many 1 year olds are frightened by the dark (indoor) rides, whether they are scary or not, so ease them into it. All babies and toddlers love It's a Small World.

I always like to let the baby/babies nap in the stroller in the afternoon while I shop (in the A/C!) and the others can go on the "bigger" rides.

Have fun!


New Member
We went in June with our twin sons age 12 months minus 2 days. We did take it slow and went to the hotel each afternoon to swim and rest a bit best thing we did. They were quite fightened with the mermaid show and one other but cannot remember which. They loved its a small world and the safari ride. We also did a character meal each day which allowed them more variety to eat (Most of the kids meals the same in every restaurant) and second time to unwind a bit they loved the characters.
The worst part was having to hold them in the heat it was 96 when we were there because no strollers in line.
The baby centers did not work well with the two of them as the stroller was not permitted and it was just me and my husband and usually I tried heading there while he used the rest room. With two babies at baby care center need two people at all times. Another thing I did due to flight bag restrictions I shipped via fed ex all my food, diapers, formula to the hotel ahead of time., We stayed at the polynesian and I asked for two cribs and a high chair in the room there was plenty opf room and this way I could feed them in morning and before bed easier. Hope this helps


New Member
We went with our 7 month old in April and again in July when he was almost 11 months old in CA.

Hit the pool for a mid-day break, our son loved the pools at all the resorts on our CA trip. Don't try and squeeze everything you normally would into 1 day, going with kids is a lot different than just going as adults. They also don't enjoy everything that adults do, so just be patient with them and you will have a great time.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone has said, go slow, take breaks and use baby care centers. I also add, bring your own stroller and all you baby needs from home, they are very expensive on property.


New Member
We have a 4 mo old and a 4 yr old. Our 4 month old went this spring at only 4 weeks old and our 4 yr old has been 9 times with his 1st trip at 6mo. Our main goal was to keep their schedules the same as they are at home. Even though you are at WDW you can still eat at normal times and do naps as usual. (We even kept our oldest out late and slept in)

As far as lines - if the line is outside, we put one parent in the line and the other waits outside the line with the kids in the stroller. Then before Dad gets to the front we join him. This is not a problem because most rides with lines outside seat 4 anyway. We are not really taking up additional passenger space by joining Dad in line. (Dad is not going to sit with some strangers if he were to ride alone). Most people are thankful that we do this as if we don't they have to stand behind us and listed to our kids cry and whine.

Have fun.



Well-Known Member
Pace yourself!
Last I heard, there are stations at some of the parks where you can feed & change your baby.
Are these still open? :veryconfu
I have never been to WDW w/ a baby, but we took our 2nd DS to Six Flags when he was under a year old in the summer.
He was so good!
We took a sippie cup (he was old enough to drink from one) & kept filling it w/ water so that he would not get dehydrated.
Just take your time & have fun!
:D :wave:


Well-Known Member
Like everyone said, you can pace yourself and set yourself to the little ones schedule.

I just wanted to note that sometimes children at that age are the best behaved children around as long as they are rested. They are so filled with wonder about everything around them, that it is such a joy to watch. We took our youngest at 11 months old and she had a ball! She loved the characters and the rides like dumbo etc. It's funny how the next two years she was never afraid of the characters like my older kids were. She seemed to know that they were her friends- well all except any male face characters like aladdin, she is afraid of them.

I think you'll have a great time!


Active Member
When my kids were babies they always loved the train, we would get on in toon town and off at the park entrance or just stay on for a few "laps" around the park.


Well-Known Member
I have a 2 and 3 year old and both were about 6 months at first visit. Some things I would bring: A take and toss spoon for feedings, thoose park spoons are big. Two sippy cups for the day, one for juice and one for milk. A small cooler lunch bag for sippy cups and other baby snacks to stay cool in (we got ours at Target for about 2.00 and it was the size of a lunch bag and fit into our diaper bag.) Extra juice, we used the small 16oz size and water bottles to dilute. Bibsters, disposable bibs, who wants a baby food caked bib in thier bag? A towel, to cover the stroller from sun or to dry it off. A stoller rain cover, I was offered 20.00 for ours in Epoct on very rainy day. The Disney rain ponchos do cover but not well and drip. Two more diapers than you think you might need and LOTS OF WIPES!! Suncreen, snacks etc.
I know it is a lot but all of this fit into our diaper bag and under the stoller. A change of cloths might be an ideal too, we didn't need them but who knows.
Have fun and be ready to go on Small World about 10 times. My fav WDW memory is my little girl at 13 months saying "Hi Babies" to all of the SW dolls.


New Member
Ditto to what everyone else said!! We took our daughter when she was 15 mns and let me say that was the best trip ever. Her reaction was the best.

One thing that I haven't seen mention DON'T forget medicines like ibuprophin, etc just in case they get sick plus important numbers for drs. My daughter also got a double ear infection while we were there and that was not fun.


RunDisney Addict
We took my daughter for her first birthday, and she'll be going again shortly before her 2nd birthday.

We have also gone with my nephew when he was 2 and 3 years old. So I've seen a wide range of behaviors.

The big thing is to let them dictate the pace, and put them on rides they will enjoy. My daughter is a big Peter Pan fan, and I know she'll go crazy when we go on Peter Pan's flight, even though it's not a ride I would stand in line for if just my wife and myself were going. We also rode Dumbo for the first time in many years last year, and really enjoyed it.

We always left in the morning after eating breakfast and returned back to the hotel in the early afternoon, where we had lunch. Both kids seemed to do much eating when they were out of their strollers. We would either eat in the PC food court, or by the swimming pool. We often get fruit, so they have something to much on between jumps into the pool.

If kids are hungry, they will eat, and if they are not - they will not. They will, however drink like crazy because of the constant warm temperatures. Make sure you give them plenty of cold drinks of water, juice, etc as the day goes on.

Also - the baby changing stations are a huge bonus, not just for changes, but for short breaks. I know the one in the MK has a TV to watch cartoons for a little bit and unwind out of the stroller. It also is air conditioned and usually quiet (I was often the only person in there).

That's what this forum is for folks! Let's get together as parents and share tips!


New Member
we just took our son who was 14 months old at the time (and our almost 3 year old too), he really enjoyed most of the rides that we took him on, like It's a Small World, Nemo ride at Epcot, Grand Fiesta tour, etc. He did really well sitting on my lap during the rides, as long as he had lots of breaks and a good nap in the afternoon he was good to go! He wasn't too sure about the characters though, so try to ease in to that with the babies.
Just make sure to pace yourselves, and don't stray from their schedules to much, or they will not be happy kiddos! Good luck, and have fun!


Hello--I'm digging this up instead of creating a new thread! :D

Any more tips anyone can think of? This is a great resource thread! I had 2 questions.

1. Can you request a high chair at any resort? We're staying at POR and we're bringing our own Pack n' Play but having a high chair would be nice.

2. What exactly are the Baby Centers and where are they located in the parks? Is there only one per park?

If you can't tell---this is my first trip as a Mommy!


New Member
Disney question

I have never stayed at POR. I would call the resort and ask if they have high chairs available for the room or check with them on checkin.
The baby care centers are located in each park. It is a place where you can change baby sit and rock baby they also carry many baby items that may of been forgotten.


Active Member
Highchairs are available at most restaurants. Any place we ever went, we got one. Usually they are the wooden ones.

As for the baby centers, they will become your best friend. First off, when you need to cool off, you can take the baby into a "building" vs. a bathroom to be changed. There are rocking chairs. You can buy almost any day-to-day baby item you might need - from diapers to food to cough syrup (maybe not anymore since they pulled them off the shelves for infants) but it's all there. You can heat up food and milk. It's great.

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