(Parents) Best way to handle 7mo old while in line?


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Original Poster
My wife and I have twins and will be at WDW in May. The twins will be 7 months old at that time. What is the best way to handle them in lines that do not allow strollers (which is nearly every line).

Some sort of sling device, baby carrier, or just hold the babies? If so what brands or styles have you found to work best. Thanks!



New Member
My younger son turned 7 months old during his first trip. I used a Moby wrap and had him face me. It was so comfortable for both of us. He slept in it quite a bit too. And, my back didn't even hurt after 2 back to back 15 hr days at the parks. I would highly recommend using a Moby! Have a great trip!


Well-Known Member
I second the votes for Baby Bjorn and the Moby wrap!

The Bjorn is pretty easy to figure out, but is more expensive than the wrap (I owned the "original"). I can confidently say that we got our moneys worth! It's held up perfectly through 2 kids and will eventually be used by my sister for her first child when he's a bit bigger! The Bjorn is good for a child 8 lbs./21 in.-25 lbs. only. However, carrying an 18 lb. baby after an hour, started to strain my back.

The Moby requires some practice, is a tad less expensive than the Bjorn and can be used from preemie to 35 lbs.. If you do invest in the Moby, give yourself plenty of ordering, receiving, and practicing time (the on-line video really helped me out). The Moby gave me more back support than the Bjorn, but is cumbersome to put on (once it was on, I left it on for the rest of the day). Also, I found the Moby wrap to be a bit too warm, which is a complaint for many in the hotter climates (anything warmer than 80 degrees), but good during the cooler months. I also gave my wrap to my sister who is enjoying it now, because her DS is only 2 months old; but I have a feeling she'll switch to the Bjorn for their trip to Hawaii in the spring.

If I had to make a choice between the two for a trip to WDW, just for something to stand in lines with, I'd choose the Bjorn. Happy travels!!:wave:


We just held our 8month old in lines, but we were able to take turns. I would look into the Ergo carriers. They are more expensive, but much more comfortable especially as babies get older/heavier. The weight is placed on your hips rather than shoulders (bjorn). The baby can be worn on your front (facing you), on your hip, or on your back.

Good luck and have a wonderful vacation!


New Member
A sling will work. Strollers sometimes don't come handy especially on a line. But most of the time we carry strollers coz a sling can be stressing especially on the back :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I can not say enough good things about the Baby Bjorn. We started taking our youngest at 10 days old and the Baby Bjorn made things so much easier. Our rug rat was happy because she was up higher and could see better and I had both hands free which made getting onto an attraction much easier and safer. When she fell asleep I just turned her around and let her snooze.


Well-Known Member
We have 6 kids and use either a wrap, ergo or sling. I am glad you avoided the Bjorn as they aren't the best for babies to spine and pelvis.
The brown wrap had our 2nd child 5 yo who had a nasty fall in EPCOT so I carried her for a little while.
My 4th is in the navy and white sling, he was 5 months old.
The last picture is our 5th in the Ergo. He has sized out and we now use a toddler carrier.


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Well-Known Member
When my daughter was 6 months old we went to Disney for 9 days in August. "Wearing" the baby was just not an option as it was TOO hot in the summer sun. I used the sling once (and always had it with me) but we just carried her. My husband would not use a carrier or sling and he would just hold her also. At the time of this trip we were a family of 5 though: DS15, DD12 and DD 6 months... So we had 4 different people that were willing to just hold her. Also, I don't remember waiting more than 20 mins (TOPS) for any ride.... If you plan your fastpasses you shouldn't be in any lines longer than 20 mins for FP rides and other rides too.

Hope this helps. :)

So after writing all of that, I just re-read your original post... I didn't realize that you have twins. With that said, depending on what time of year you're going, you shouldn't really be waiting longer than 20 minutes still... I'm sure you'll be at the parks first thing in the morning, take afternoon breaks/naps at hotel and then return at night. With that schedule you should be able to get onto most rides in the early morning hours with little to no wait.


Well-Known Member
How would you do it at home? Pretty much the same way.

I think we used baby bjorn or something equivalent sling, but my wife would use that just around the house doing chores.

The fact that you're in line at WDW doesn't change how a 7 month old reacts.

I'm not being mean. I remember having all these questions and concerns when we went with kids the first time. But in retrospect, it's irrational to believe that infants will react any differently than on a normal day.


Well-Known Member
We used Snugli carriers (a less-expensive version of the Baby Bjorn -- the baby can face toward you, with head support, or away from you, depending on their size and interest in looking outward). They were easy to get on and off, secure and comfortable to wear (as comfortable as you can be with a 12-pound, animated space heater strapped to your torso). My DH, who is conveniently built like a Sherman tank, liked to suit up with the baby in front, and a diaper backpack in back.



Active Member
Thanks everyone! I decided to bite the bullet and buy two of the ergo performance carriers...we will see how it goes.

I see this is an older post, but this is a great tip for people traveling with babies. It is so nice to have an Ergo or similar carrier handy when you have to park the stroller. My son fell asleep countless times in our Ergo while in line for or enjoying various attractions, and I didn't have to interrupt his napping when the ride/show was over. Another good tip is to pack two bags -- a larger one to leave in the stroller with non-valuables like baby food, bottles, and extra wipes, diapers and clothing and a smaller one to take with you in line with only a few things, like one or two diapers, a pacifier, camera, valuables.


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
My wife and I have twins and will be at WDW in May. The twins will be 7 months old at that time. What is the best way to handle them in lines that do not allow strollers (which is nearly every line).

Some sort of sling device, baby carrier, or just hold the babies? If so what brands or styles have you found to work best. Thanks!


I had an ergo because it gave me great back support and could go either front or back. I think the biggest thing is determining how long you will be in line. We took my 1 year old who could not walk yet so we had to hold him. I brought my Ergo in but rarely used it so stopped bringing it in to the parks. It was absolutely fine to hold him but I did get tired when waiting in the longer lines. Thankfully, we rarely had a long line so it was manageable. Good luck! What a special trip this will be!

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