Wow, I have so many examples of this it's hard not to post them all!
I definitely get the feeling of superiority from SOME parents and it is enough to make you annoyed. I try not to let it bother me though. I do like to watch kids interact with characters and things but I wish people weren't so rude about it.
I think I related the Donald story in another thread but I will post it here. I was in line at the character spot in Epcot with my cousins. We were asked by a cast member if we wanted to meet some characters so we said 'sure.' When we walked in, there were NO LINES, it was awesome. Minnie, Chip & Dale, Max, and Donald were all there. I really wasn't feeling getting my picture taken for some reason but when we got to Donald I got a little excited and got in line with my autograph book and camera. I waited patiently for my turn and when it came, a little kid behind me cut me off and ran up to Donald. I looked at my cousin and we made a face, mine was more of a smile, I thought 'it's ok, the kid's excited, I'll be next.' But I wasn't next because as soon as I was about to walk up, another kid cut in front of me. I thought, "am I not in line?" I was and said, ok, next time. Another kid goes up. Now I was a little annoyed though I tried not to show it but come on! 3 times? Are the parents really that ignorant to think that because I am 25 that their child can cut me off?

Anyway, Donald must have saw this because as soon as he was done with the child, he walked up to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him. he then proceeded to give me kisses, sign my book "Donald #1" and made me feel really special. I thanked him, told him he was awesome, and we went on our way. Look, I know people are in a rush but there is really no reason to be rude and the kids, though I don't blame them, need to be taught how to act properly during situations like that.